Do you all have the need to please others when it comes to decorating a room?
I think most of us in some shape, or form want approval of others, or at least the people we are close too, or the people we admire and respect.
If we care about people we care about what they think. It is only natural.
In decorating my family room I have made a choice on one of the elements that a few people have questioned. Some have actually told me they don’t really like it at all.
most people would be somewhat offended, or hurt by these opinions,
however, I on the other hand don’t mind their honesty and candor at
In fact it is quite the opposite for me, I love to hear their opinions.
have worked in this field long enough to know that design will always
be subjective. You have to be somewhat thick skinned, and you can’t take
it personally in this business.
If you are wondering what element in the room I am referring to, it is my black and white striped rug…….
I use blues, greens and yellows. Sometimes I even add a touch of pink in the Springtime.
Soothing colors in of their own right and then POW!! I threw in a black and white striped rug.
My son doesn’t like it at all, my husband says it is too harsh with the soothing colors, but he is happy that I love it.
I have a couple of friends that I admire, and respect their design opinions, and they say it does not work in their minds.
softened their opinion by telling me they are willing to see if it will
grow on them. (I love my friends and love their honesty.)
I have to tell you all that as soon as this rug went down I began to smile, it is so “ME!”
From the moment you walk up to my front door and enter…….
……You will see black and white in my cushions and even a striped curtain hanging to the side of the porch.
My entry and guest bath flooring are black and white marble.
you will see touches of black and white in my predominately green and
white kitchen which is right off of the family room…….
Right outside the back door of the family room you will see my backyard patio/pool area………..
The back of my home is a soft green with cobalt blue and black and white striped accents.
You see dear readers I had to have a black and white striped rug in my home. It is so ME, I am staying true to Kathysue!
Am I justifying it to all of those that have doubt about this rug?
Yes, just a little bit, but only because I love them, and want them to be as happy and comfortable here as I am.
Why am I writing about this? Because I can not impress on you all enough how important it is that you stay true to who you are.
Make the choices for your home on what makes you smile!! If
you are not smiling in your home, then you need to look around and
figure out why, and make the changes that you can afford to do now!!
Am I saying not to listen to other's opinions? Absolutely NOT! We are all on a learning curve in the design world. Listen and learn from others. BUT, don't ever let it change who YOU are!
Am I saying not to listen to other's opinions? Absolutely NOT! We are all on a learning curve in the design world. Listen and learn from others. BUT, don't ever let it change who YOU are!
you stay true to who you are, you will find that decorating your home
becomes such a pleasure and being in your home will always make all who
enter feel the same joy and peace you feel there.

loved reading your thoughts on being true to your design-self, KS. Today, as I was visiting blogs here and there, it struck me that the ones I like most are written by authors who are being themselves, not afraid to do what they feel is right.
of course, as a black and white fan, I love the rug!
great post...donna
Well said, I love your rug & have one just like it on my wish list for when the dream home is finally built!!!!
Great post, Kathysue! I think that we should all just create homes that reflect what we love, and not what the latest trends dictate. It should be a reflection of who we are and what we love. In the end, if it makes us happy, that's all that matters.
So I love the rug. But then I adore black and white. Youare SO RIGHT. Do what you love because life is too short to live with what makes others happy!
I SOOOO agree to be true to yourself. YOU are the person who has to lve in your home and see your choices everyday and if they make you smile, they are RIGHT! I have always had my OWN style, that I am happy with. I don't go for fads or trends. Thanks for reaffirming my thoughts. XO, Pinky
Love the rug!
You are so right. It does not matter whats in or what the trends are, its whats you love and feel comfortable with. I have always believed in that. Your home looks beautiful and I love the common color scheme throughout.
I'm happy to hear you're willing to stick to your decision about the rug because you love it so much. Your family and friends will learn to love it because they love you. I know the space will look great when you're done, and all of your design choices will make sense, and be 100% Kathysue!
Wendi xo
Kathysue I go with all the above in your words and in the comments!
You know I LOVE black and white! Your home is YOUR HOME! In my world there is no RIGHT OR WRONG in the Design world. It's all in the eyes of the live in what makes YOU happy and SMILE! That's all that matters!
btw...The rug looks great!
Hi Kathysue! I say black and white makes everything right!! It gives a pop and wow effect soooo many rooms need (in my opinion). As far as staying true to your/our style I couldn't agree more and have been very guilty of trying to fit in and please others with decor. Not anymore; going back to my true love of color with black and white. Plan on changing my blog too to reflect the real me.
Great post!
I actually liked the black and white rug when I saw adds some punch to all the softness and "weighs" down the pastels. but great post on staying true to yourself...I always tell clients that they live there, I don't and if it works for them then it works. Looking forward to seeing the completed room.
Couldn't agree with you more. In this day of white kitchens, Belgium furniture and greys I have a red, green and gold theme throughout and I love it. I like the pictures of white but it's just not my cup of tea. But I really enjoy looking at everyone's style.
Love your home and especially the back yard. I could spend a few pleasant hours back there. Black anchors and adds stability to a room. Stay true to yourself, KathySue and be an example to the rest of us.
spot on! as you know dearest, i adore the rug and love your philosophy, may have to use it.
i want to upholster 2 chairs in my kitchen with a fabric i love, my husband CANNOT LIVE WITH THAT. i am thinking what, when did you develop a care in decorating?! and why now?!
Here, here, Kathysue. For those of us who love design and consider it such an important part of who we are, we have to be true to what makes us happy. I think all the choices you have made in your family room work so well with the rest of your home. I thank you for letting us in on your journey. Follow your bliss, my friend.
I like that graphic rug...its fun! I always listen to my inner voice, too. Great advice.
absolutely! and it works the other way too. sometimes a friend will come over and say 'where did the ___ go? i loved that!' and i explain that i get bored often and part of the joy of creative expression for me is change.
black is an interesting color for some of us to live with. i have a hard time appreciating it even though my mom says every room needs a little. that advice doesn't work for me but i love wearing the shade!
You are spot on Kathysue. It must be true to you or it will never work for you. I also think you are so right in using black to anchor not only a room, but a whole house. It gives it such unity.
Perhaps though, it is not the colours of the rug but the optical illusion that people are not liking in this rug.
As you can never please all the people all of the time, you might as well make sure that you please yourself ;)
Well, not that it matters, but you know I love the rug since I have the same one :) And this is the best advice EVER. It took me a while to get there, and I still struggle with it sometimes, but it is SO true that you have to do what YOU like and not listen to others! GREAT post Kathysue1
So true. Stick with what speaks to you in the end but it ever does any arm hearing other people's opinions if you trust them.
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