I had the best time reading all of your comments on my last post, “What Is An Organized Hoarder?”
After reading my post there were several of you that admitted to the same problems I seem to be having with my purging of, “Stuff!”
There were those that are great at purging, and they seem to be Virgos!
I had one reader that wanted to see my before picture of my closet. I will be showing you my shameful closet at the end of this post.
There was one particular comment that really hit a cord with me. Michelle from Hello Lovely blog wrote:

i'm right there with you, kathysue. it always feel soooooo good to let it go. my problem is i often use that as an excuse to buy new stuff. it's just stuff. it's ridiculous.
but it's that time of year when we can get intentional about new habits and fresh starts. so i'm in!
let's purge.
but it's that time of year when we can get intentional about new habits and fresh starts. so i'm in!
let's purge.
(If you have a chance visit her lovely blog, it is a daily read of mine. Michelle is a wonderful fellow blogger and I am enjoying getting to know her) Just click on the image below to go to her blog.)
The part where she said, “That time of year when we can get intentional about new habits and fresh starts.” That is the part that really struck a cord with me.
To do something with purpose, too be focused, and in the moment, too “Enjoy the Process!”
This is my own personal definition! The reason it resonated with me is because I am always ending my post with, “Enjoy the Process,” and I truly try to do that.
I think it is important for me not too just set a goal, but to have a reason for my goal. It is one thing to clean my closet out just to make it look better, but it has to go deeper than that in order for it to stay orderly long term.
My Intentional purpose for cleaning my closet is……..
1. To make it look pretty and orderly, which will be pleasing to my eye.
2. To have less in my closet in order to make getting ready in the morning easier.
3. To give what I don’t use to someone that can use and enjoy new clothing items.
4. To take pride in what I have been allowed to own.
5. To put less emphasis on a LOT of stuff and have more useable and quality pieces in my wardrobe.
6. To have a coordinated wardrobe of items that I truly love and will wear.
By doing this list it gives me inspiration, and the “Want-To!” too approach my job with enthusiasm, and an intentional purpose!
Thank you Michelle for inspiring me!! I love that about blog land. When we connect, and leave comments, or send an email to someone, we never know how much those words might mean, or how it might change someone's outlook on their day or even their life.
Now down to brass tacks…….. The BEFORE of my closet!!!!
This one is for YOU, Melissa!!
Walk-in closet measures 4ft wide by 10ft long.
This is right when you walk in, and you will see my Hubby’s section. He likes the white plastic hangers.( I prefer matching wood, or velvet hangers.)
No! that is not an orange robe or sweater, it is actually a bright pink robe, and a red sweater. For some reason on my screen they look orange and you all know Kathysue does not do orange!!Notice how I felt I needed to clarify that?!
The little cabinet with the mirror holds my perfumes, lotions, and potions. Below the mirror are hooks for Hubby’s belts, and night gown etc.
In the middle section you will see shoe boxes, and apparently some sweaters that do not belong there! The little stacked drawers hold nail polish, and hair bands/clips etc.
We did paint the closet a pretty blue, and I have some nice storage baskets, but I need to utilize the baskets better. I do think it is important that you closet be a color that you enjoy being surrounded by if it is a walk-in closet.
As you can see in this image, I still have some Spring clothing in my closet. In California we have had warmer weather for this time of year. It is only since Christmas that we really have had what I would call winter weather. That is just one of the reasons why I am needing to purge. I also need to switch out my clothing for my winter wardrobe.
See the two boxes on the upper left? Those two boxes hold purses. I am not even sure what purses are in there!
The other big box holds fabric samples, and fabrics I have used to cover stools, pillows etc. I no longer need any of them, so why do I hold onto a large box that takes up so much space?!!
This next image is on the opposite side of my clothes. I have a mirror with hooks for my hats, long necklaces, and chains.
Notice how a couple of scarves were placed there,they don’t belong there.I have a scarf hanger, so why are they there? Good question!
I use the little cabinet to hold my everyday, and costume jewelry. It takes up space but I really like to have my daily face cream, lotions, and potions on top. I usually get dressed in the closet so it is nice to have these in here.
You will notice my shoe rack is full, plus I have boxes of shoes. Yes the boxes have labels, and look organized, but there are way too many that I no longer wear.
It is now becoming more and more apparent to me how important it is too approach this task with, “Intention and purpose!”
My Intention is becoming more and more clear to me!!
Thank you for allowing me write about bits and pieces of my life and home. This has truly become a wonderful exercise for me personally.
I can only hope that maybe just maybe, bits and pieces of what I am writing will also be helpful to YOU!!!
“Enjoy the Process!” Of:
Approaching our Goals with intentional purpose!