Notice the diamond floating in the stem of these lovely goblets? I think it would make me feel very fancy to drink out one of these to the tune of $101,777!
For the very special golfer in your life, how about a ball marker by Trimarker for $10,500?!
Need to make a call? Use one of these jewel and diamond encrusted phones by Boucheron and, you too can have one for $350,000.
Everyone needs a glass, diamond and gold saxaphone. You could sport ten 2 carat diamonds if you carried this around.
Now let's get a little more practical and do some fancy cooking with this pot that has solid gold handles and 200 diamonds. That would make one special meal.
You can not leave out the dog in the family. He can feel like a very Furry Fancy Fellow with this 52 carat diamond collar worth $1.8 million. If that feels a little bit too fancy there are others ranging form $280,000-$480,000 like this sweet little collar below.
We can not forget the ipod user's. This is white and pink gold and encrusted with diamonds. It is the only one like it. This was made for a charity auction and is worth $39,526.
A little too Fancy for my budget but a lot of fun to look at.
" Enjoy the Process" Of: Thinking Fancy thoughts.