Can you all relate to loving something, then finding it, and then it not working like you thought it would in your room?
That is just what happened to me this summer when I went on the hunt for a sailboat for my family room.
had been pinning images of rooms where a sail boat model had been used
for quite awhile. I just knew it was going to work in my room.
I found one, ordered it after careful consideration, and measuring.
I was so excited the day it arrived.
We put in place, and then the disappointment sat in, it did not work!
After about 4 days of trying to talk myself into keeping it, I sadly boxed it back, up and sent it back. (You can read about it here, if you like.)
am not a girl that gives up easily, so I kept the sailboat on my radar,
and this week my radar zeroed in on the perfect candidate.
I am just sure there were angels singing when my eyes spotted it, there had to be an aura around it glowing beautifully.
Kathysue is one happy lady, and now the proud owner of not one, but two sailboats for her family room.
That’s right! TWO!!
An original oil painting of two beautiful sailboats sailing on ocean waves, with seagulls, blue skies, and white puffy clouds!
It fits in beautifully for my Fall/Winter look for my family room.
The soft gold frame with some silver leafing is the perfect combination with the touches of brass in the room
I love how it looks with the antique brass wall sconces by Mary Mc Donald.
It sits proudly above my childhood desk.
This is blogging central for me. I have a perfect view of the outdoors in my backyard, and now I can look up and dream of being at the ocean!
It really does pay off to be patient when it comes to decorating!