Dreaming is something we all do , we have to have our dreams, we all need things to look forward to.
As we get a little older and wiser we realize that sometimes those dreams won't come to fruition and that is okay.
I have two types of dream list one is just that, a DREAM list.
DREAM LIST criteria is: If money, time and space were no object, what would I do?!
The other list is my SOMEDAY list, this is a list that I know someday it will come to fruition.
Sometimes I combine the two list by taking my Dream list and making it a Someday by tweaking the money, time and space!!
Let me show you my process on a couple of my DREAMS, and maybe, just maybe it might change your way of thinking.
Just look at this beautiful linen closet, now this would be a dream come true wouldn't it?
Well I know full well this is not ever going to be a reality in my life, but that does not stop me from thinking about the possibility of something similar.
This is where you have to put on your thinking cap!!
We have a new home with the tiniest linen closet I have ever seen. Don't get me wrong I am thankful to have one at all!! So how in the world can I make this little fella look like the Grande Dame in the dream picture???........
It is conveniently placed right next to our guest bathroom, but my oh my is she small. It is 21in. X 8ft tall. Tall and narrow and barely deep enough for a folded towel.
So what can I do to get the look and feel of the dream linen closet?
The first thing I have to do is to figure out what is it that I love about the large linen closet, other than it's size.
I love the glass doors, and the lights with all white linens.
So I already have all white linens ✔ so I am good on that point.
I have a white cabinet with a top door and a bottom door. ✔✔
So basically all I need is a glass front door and lights to get the look and feel of the dream linen closet.
I know I can purchase a new door and have glass put in it and we can get our electrician to install a light or maybe my hubby can do it like he did in my kitchen.
See that wasn't hard at all.
Here is another dream that I don't have the time, space, or money for but I can do something else and we actually have a temporary solution already in place until our SOMEDAY arrives.
It is not my ultimate dream closet, but for now it works perfectly well....
It is handy and holds all our essentials!
Lets take a look at something else....
This is one my all time favorite pictures of an entry to a house. I love the large double doors with windows and the sidelights. Of course the large table is gorgeous with the flowers and the huge basket as well.
In our previous home we had a full French door to let in lots of light and it was one of my favorite features in our home.....
Again! This is a much wider entry door than what we have now.
In our new home we have a single door with a small window that, trust me, I am extremely grateful for that small window.
I might not have the space for the larger doors with windows, but I surely can have a single door that has a window in it, and it is on my someday list to add to our new home.
I am not sure if and when I will get the french door, or even if the HOA will approve it, but the point I am making here is to have dreams and make them a reality.
This next picture has been in my idea files for quite awhile and I just love it......
I absolutely love this bathroom! Will it ever happen in my life? Not likely! Again, timing, space and money!
Besides all of the beautiful marble used in this bathroom, the floor is what really caught my eye.
Obviously I am not going to tear out my brand new master bathroom flooring!! However, what I CAN do is purchase some monogrammed bath mats to put in front of our sinks........
I just showed you three of my wishes on my DREAM LIST that I adjusted to put on my SOMEDAY LIST!!
I hope this helps you all rethink your Dreams so they can be come a SOMEDAY!
BTW: If you are interested in seeing some of my all time favorite rooms and decor go HERE!