I am a great procrasinator. I know, shameful. I have read that we perfectionists are also very good at procrastination because we don't want to start anything until we have everything else perfect, or at least have all the perfect tools to do the job. Sound familiar?
I started thinking of the little household tasks that I put off everyday. I thought to myself, and the fact that these task really don't take very long to do, or do they? I set out to time myself on a few of the mundane, but necessary tasks.
Here are a few of the task that I am going to time:

(This picture is not of me, only in my dreams!)

(This picture is not of me, only in my dreams!)
(No, I do not dress like this for cleaning!)
(fell asleep while watching tv last night)
I like seeing things in black and white and this little list will help me keep a small part of my life that can sometimes overwhelm me in perspective. What would be on your list and how long does it actually take you to do those task? Let me know, I am curious and I am sure my other readers would like to know also. I will give you the results of my list in the next couple of days, I wonder if we will be surprised???
Try to , "Enjoy the Process" Of the Mundane task of the day.
BTW: Remember it is easier to "Keep-Up", than to "Catch-Up."
Sometimes Okay is good enough!
Many years ago I did just this and was very surprised at how little time each task took individually but how long it took if you timed them all from beginning to end. I never did work out what else I was doing to add the extra hour!!!!
Kathysue, you crack me up. I started laughing so hard when you said you don't dress up like that to clean. Oh, come on sure you do!! I bet you are the sexy cleaning diva!!
Now, I am like you a bit of a perfectionist. I love a clean house, but boy I am sure not organized. I do vacuum almost daily. With these dark floors and a cat and a dog I really have to. I love to vacuum actually. My husband calls me the vacuum queeen. It doesn't take but maybe ten minutes to do the bottom floor. The upstairs only gets done maybe once every three or four weeks since no one uses the upstairs. I clean our bathroom counters with window cleaner every day. It is dark granite and everything shows up on it so I just wipe them down. Clean toilets weekly or more often if needed. Dust probably twice a week. Usually with a swiffer which does not take long. Once a month with polish. Steam clean my floors about once every two weeks. Just wipe up spots between times. That is about it....Kim
Oh Lord! I don't know how I'd time it-it seems I'm never done! LOL Great post!
xoxo Pattie
Reminds me of one of my very favourite tv shows, How Clean is your House on BBC. You must check it out, if there is any incentive at all to keeping your house up little by little, one look into this program will whip anyone into shape! ha! When my house is totally messy, and dirty as well, i can think of the examples on that show and feel like it's super clean in comparison.
I think I'd get my husband to help me if I wore those spike heels!
I'm a neat freak. I always make the bed...and actually do all those things above every day (well, I don't clean the shower walls daily). I can't seem to allow myself to do anything "fun" until those few things are done. I doubt it takes me 20 minutes total.
Kathysue...are you a Virgo? Your "quirk" post and this one makes me think you must be a "quirky," list-making, perfectionistic Virgo...like ME! :)
Hi Shari, no I am a peace making balanced Libra!!
Hi Shari... that would be me!
Kathysue, did you do this post after our little talk yesterday? If so, thank you!!
It helps and I love you for it XOX
Terri, I actually had this one done over a week ago but it was scheduled for today, Funny how that works isn't it? You are right it did fit with our conversation, xo kathysue
Oh oh! I am a complete perfectionist. I am not a procrastinator. My house is perfect 24/7. I spend about 3 hours a day cleaning my house. Okay is never good enough for me. I think spending lots of time on interior design for the home is a waste unless it's clean and organized. I actually love cleaning. I love my home and enjoy taking care of all my beautiful things.
Kathysue, I agree, it is much easier to keep up than catch up. Working 40-50 hrs a week, blogging and starting a business don't leave much time, so I have to adopt the sometimes ok is ok attitude. Otherwise I'd lose what is left of my mind! Hugs, Kat
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