In my last post I wrote about our plans on making some changes to our very small entry hall. It needed some personality and we wanted to add our own personal touches.
We have contractors coming to give us some estimates on the cost. That was exciting!! Of course we don't have the bids yet. Once we get that it might not be quite as exciting to my sweet husband.
Since the work will be starting as soon as we decide on the contractor I knew I needed to have the lighting ordered and on its way since that will be one of the first parts of the installation.
I had a line up of contenders.....
I did mock ups of each of these fixtures and I had my favorite chosen.
Once the contractor did some measuring I realized that my favorite which was the second one pictured would not fit the overall design.
Of course that led me to more looking and looking at every little detail and measurement. I decided on the size I needed and went from there.
I always kept in mind the overhead lighting fixture.....
I knew I could go two directions. One would be an antique brass because of the canopy and the bottom cap on the fixture. The other could be a dark bronze more of a blackish metal because of the trim.
Remember it is important to look beyond just the one element your are choosing. You must always look at it from the point of view of the whole context. You will want a nice seamless flow.
Next I had to think beyond the entry hall into the great room which can be seen from the entry hall.
This is a picture taken of our home before we moved in, you can see the front door from the Great room. It is almost like a shotgun house.
With that in mind I needed to take into consideration the sconces, and lighting that are in my kitchen dinette and Great room since you will see them all as you enter our home.
We actually brought this from our previous home. This chandelier was purchased on clearance for $39.99. We reconfigured it a bit, but what we purchased as a temporary lighting fixture for our previous home has turned out to be pretty permanent. I do want to change it down the road, but it is not a priority right now.
Next was the great room lighting.....
These sconces are an aged bronze designed by Thomas O'Brien, the Bryant sconce is carried by Visual comfort. HERE!
I also have an aged bronze tri-pod floor lamp in our great room......
I found this tripod floor lamp HERE!
By now I imagine you can see the direction I am going!
I truly thought I wanted to use an aged brass in the entry hall but I had a little uneasy feeling about using the brass even though the overhead light had brass in it's design. I have a little saying that has been tried and true for me.
"When in doubt, DON'T!"
So I waited, did a great deal of thinking, and debating in my brain. I finally pulled the trigger and the order has been placed for two of these sconces.........
I ordered mine through Bellacor since they were offering free shipping and a 15% discount.
The reasons that I chose this particular sconce are the obvious one, it goes with the other lighting finishes in my home.
I don't think they have to necessarily match, however with the way my home is set up, it feels the best solution to me. However, I hope you realize you can mix metals beautifully with careful thought and execution.
I liked the warmth of the aging of the bronze. I like it's clean yet curved silhouette.
It also lends itself to a traditional feel, which my home evokes. Notice the little key on the side, I love that feature and with this particular fixture it is actually functional.
The stem of the light can go up or down according the the height your room requires. Last but not least I love the little shade and the little ball finial on top.
I did a mock up using another entry hall just to see the elements together. This is very similar to the look I am going for. You will have to envision a slab mirror in the center panel that will be behind the mirror we are using.
I am very comfortable with the over all look and so is my sweet hubby. So my dear readers the lighting is ordered and we are waiting on the bids!! To say I am excited is an understatement!!

You picked adorable sconces! But I knew you would. Will the slab mirror be antiqued? I like the idea of layering your mirrors.
Great fun! This is going to look superb
Great decision as always!....Your well thought out plans always yield beautiful results!
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