After writing my last post on change I received enough comments, and emails to let me know that you all seem interested in the thinking process I go through in planning an event or doing a project in my home.
I almost always sign off my post with....
“Enjoy the Process!" because I am a firm believer in trying to stay in the moment during the process of whatever I am doing. 3X5 cards are one of the tools that help me, "Enjoy the process!"
I just read a post today that actually inspired me to write about the process of using 3X5 cards for my Holiday planning.
If you don’t already read her blog I highly recommend Rebecca’s blog, “Acanthus and Acorn!” Rebecca and I seem to have a lot in common with how we think and organize. Be sure and read her post on how she starts her planning on her Holiday meals,HERE!

When I begin the planning stages of an occasion in my home that involves, company, parties, holidays, family dinners,etc. I get out my 3X5 cards.
"The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one." ~Mark Twain
I have learned to break down my task onto my handy-dandy 3X5 little friends. Another reason I use these handy-dandy cards is they are easy to put away, and very easy to transport in my purse, wallet or a zip-loc bag.
Since we are beginning the Holiday season with Thanksgiving I like to use 3X5 cards to write down what needs to be done. I will have a card with my name on the top of it and a card with sweet Hubby’s name on it.
As I think of things that need to be done I will write it down on my card, or his card. I have found that he works well when he knows what he needs to do,and so do I.
I think he approaches it as he does his task at his job.(prioritize and check off.) It also makes for no mis-communication.(if you know what I mean? I don’t have to hear, “You never told me that!”)
I will also have a card with my menu for the Thanksgiving meal, and a card for the ingredients that I need to purchase at the grocery store.
As I am humming(Yes, I am a hummer) along getting things done, my cards sit on the end of my kitchen breakfast bar for easy access just in case I need to write down a note.
During this time of year I am also overlapping my thought process with visions of Christmas planning.
This is a bit more involved, and usually starts out with making a gift list.
I have a 3X5 card with the name of each person I plan on getting a gift. On the front of the card I have their name, on the back I have gift ideas. As I purchase the gifts I write them on the front of the card, and then I know I am done with that person.
This really helps me when I am out shopping for the perfect gift. I do Christmas gifts, and socks for all my grown children, and three grandchildren. I am a stickler about trying to keep things equitable so having the cards with gifts, and stocking stuffers listed is very helpful.
I don’t actually ,remember when I started using the 3X5 cards, or why. It just made sense to me to do it this way. So much easier, and organized than lots of little list on lots of different types of paper.
This poor woman has to be saying,”Now where did I put that list?!!”
I on the other hand know exactly where my 3X5 cards are at all times.
Today I am going Christmas shopping and you can be guaranteed that I will be carrying my 3X5 cards along with me in my purse.
I hope this little tip will help you:
“Enjoy the Process!” Of:
Planning for the Holidays!!