Let's Make Choosing Paint Colors Easy!

Choosing colors is always going to be subjective. Rules will change from time to time, but one rule will always stay true………..
“You Have To Love The Color!”

have worked in this industry for many years, and I can not tell you how
often a client had convinced their self that they loved the newest
trend color.
They would want to paint their home, or a particular room in that color, whether they had loved the color in the past, or not.
As long as it was the newest trend color they were ready to commit.

I actually had one client start our conversation with….
….“What is the newest trend color people are using?”
It did not matter to her that it did not go with her existing pieces, she just wanted the....
.....“New Kid On The Block!”
Remember these new kids on the block?
Case in point
Harvest Gold
Avocado Green
Country Blue and Mauve
Red dining room walls
The list could go on and on, but I think you get my point.
There will always be many choices of colors to choose from for your homes, in fact it is almost a bottomless pit of choices.
There will only be a few colors that you will truly LOVE!
Point to remember
………Choose a color that you absolutely love. It is so important to your well being that the walls in your home wrap around you, and make you feel comfortable.
working with my clients I would choose colors that I was pretty sure
they would love, and would work with their existing pieces, or the
pieces we were going to change.
“You have to love it!”
Remember, just because it looks good with everything does not mean it is right for you.
have chosen colors that look amazing with a particular room, but the
homeowner did not like the color itself, so out it went.It was a NO-GO!!!
If you did not love the color before, you will probably not love it now, or be able to live with it for long term.
Stick with what you truly love. It is so easy to be swayed when standing in front of all the different paint chips.
I think we all know what we really love when it comes to color. Just look in your closet. I would venture to say, you probably wear your favorite colors most of the time.
What is your favorite color? Do you have it in your home?
If you don’t you should!!!
“Enjoy the Process! Of:
Choosing and living with colors that you love!