My brain is busy today, but I am not, so that is a formula for getting into trouble!!
seems to be a day of many thoughts going on in my brain. Of course it
all has to do with decorating, well, at least mostly.
How to ask Hubby to paint my little childhood desk cream without him saying NO!!…
( when I was a little girl this desk was painted almost the same depression era green as my cabinets)
Let’s go outside for awhile!
I am trying to figure out how to light the pergola above the fence.
(I think using some strip lighting hidden on the cross board on the
top might just do the trick. I would love a little hanging lantern, but not enough head room.)
Since I am thinking about lighting, how about the
lighting for my two vintage outdoor neon letter P’s.
(Live-in handy-man trying out different spots on the back wall to hang my newest letter P)
(Getting a little less happy with each time I ask him to move it, go figure!)
Now I am jumping into thoughts of my bedroom! Let's go back into the house and down the hall to my bedroom......
Wanting my capiz hanging pendants hung above my nightstands. I have had these for almost a year, they are still in the box!
Won't they be pretty!?
How about a little catalog shopping!?
Still hunting for round mirrors for side of bed, (wisteria has the perfect one’s, waiting for them to go on sale!)
I am thinking of two mirrors in different sizes stacked one on top of the other similar to the above picture. I would use the smallest size and the one on the bottom in this image.
Here are the two sizes and styles.......
This one is only 10.5 inches.
I have recently sent away for three more pillow fabric swatches for a summer look, more on that later. I am now onto plan C!!
Do your thought processes jump around like mine do?

Noooooo!!! It's sacrilegious to paint wood although I'll admit to the very occasional sin of doing it myself. I know what you mean about the restless mind syndrome but that's what keeps me going. Just wish I could relax some times!
Oh John would not like me...
Seriously, Mr Handy-Man looks so unhappy....almost to a point of creating a smile of my face!!!
Mirrors, and your lighting ideas sound good to me....
The mirrors are all very pretty, looks like you plenty of projects to keep you busy over the summer. Enjoy!
My mind jumps around all the time. If would just stay in one place long enough for me to accomplish something life would be so much easier! Seems I'm always working on 5 or 6 different things and not doing any of them particularly well. Love your bedding. Just dreamy.
Oh no, a painted furniture dissenter. (It is a cute desk!) Yes Kathysue every room I go into I am moving something around packing something up, thinking of what I MUST find on Sale to brighten my decor!
2013 Artists Series
Your hubby has the same look mine gets...haven't found an appropriate name for it yet. My mind is always making improvements....things just seem to take longer these days. But I love new just keep them coming! ;)
Your husband looks less than thrilled to be holding up that letter P. What if you started to paint the desk, and he thinks you are doing it wrong so he steps in and does it for you?
Kathysue- my mind does work like yours.. its almost paralyzing sometimes so much to do and unable to getting anything accomplished but its lots of fun!! would love to see those capiz pendants hung!
I had to brain works the same way...always thinking of random decor thoughts!
Oh, the possibilities.... Are our husbands related?!?!? :) franki
Oh are preaching to the choir! That is so my brain...going from area to area and when I can't make up my mind....I move on! Let's hear it for ADD!!!
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