I know better than to mess with a family’s stuffing recipe, mashed potatoes, or how they like their turkey.
We all have our tried and true family favorites so we have to have those sitting on the table for sure.
However, when it comes to side dishes I think it is fun to have at least one surprise up our sleeves for our guest.
It is time to get serious about what we will be serving this Thanksgiving the clock is ticking!
I promised you some FOOD on my next post so here we go. Shall we start with some fun ways with sweet potatoes?
are the famous sweet potatoes from Ruth Chris restaurant. I just might
try these this year. Click on the source at the bottom of the image and
it will give you the recipe.
Here is a festive idea for presentation of the sweet potato recipe, without the marshmallows of course because of the delicious nut/crumb topping…..
I think the orange would add just a nice little essence to the sweet potatoes, don't you?
Roasted brussel sprouts with Cranberry-Pistachio pesto. Now doesn’t that sound YUMMY?
Asparagus sesame bundles. I have made this, in fact I have made this a
couple of times. It is absolutely a winner and so yummy.
presentation with the bacon wrapped around the asparagus bundle is so
pretty. I did pre-cook my bacon a little bit so it was still pliable,
but then when it went in the oven with the asparagus it became crispy.
That is how I like my bacon.
chopped salad, how can you go wrong with cranberries, apples and pecans
with a poppy seed dressing. I think I could eat my weight in this
Mandarin orange salad is one of my favorites, and it is always a welcomed sight on the dinner table.
salad with raspberry cream dressing. How bad can that be? Unless you
don’t like pears or raspberries, then I guess it would be a bad thing.
This next salad is not going to be for everyone because it involves beets, which I happen to love, but I know not everyone does.
I just had to share it…..
Source: ironrichfood.org via Kathy Sue on Pinterest
Orange-beet salad with pecans! This gal says, “YUM!”
will notice that I did not post one single itty-bitty dessert!! Why?
you might ask! Because dessert is my favorite!! I need an entire post
just for dessert.
shared with my hubby that I was writing a post on food for Thanksgiving
dinner and he said,(remember he is a man of few words), “Turkey and
Now why didn’t I think of that?

Those all sound delicious, Kathysue. I am in the midst of preparing an early Thanksgiving Dinner for tomorrow evening. All the kids will be in town and won't be available on the actual Holiday- It works for me- xo Diana
All of these sound great, especially the brussel sprouts and asparagus. Yum!
YUM. BACON on asparagus? win win. I hate beets...but my family would love that recipe.
I've never tasted marshmallows on sweet potatoes and I can't imagine it, but thankfully you want to do nuts which sound delish. I also thought your brussel sprouts recipe sounded great.
All these food looks yummy! I'll check out the salads to be different. Thanks for sharing.
Ah I can't wait for Thanksgiving now. We do the sweet potatoes in orange cups with marshmallows. When I was little I would eat about 10 of them. The orange cups are a pain to dig out but they make the sweet potatoes and you can always use the oranges inside the turkey so nothing goes to waste.
Thanksgiving is my favorite dinner to prepare. I have my regular dishes that I dare not change, but my sweet potato recipe may get tweaked a bit this year! Yum!!!
I have done green bean bundles wrapped in bacon, but I may have to try the asparagus.
Thank you for these posts!!!!!
Kathysue, I am trying to cook at home more often (in fact I just posted some keepers from my cooking last week) and the asparagus with bacon and the chopped salad with cranberries are officially on the menu for next week. Thanks for sharing!
Oh these all look good. May have to try the sweet potatoes. Hugs, Marty
OMG Everything looks so darn good! Yum!! I am now craving a full on Thanksgiving dinner...my absolute favorite dinner of the year, no holds barred! I can always count on you for the best food and decorating ideas!
Delicious...I have to have a look at that sweet potato recipe!
I had to laugh when you wrote, no turkey or dressing recipes. You are SO right, don't mess with anyone's tried and true!
Thanks, Kathysue!
These all look delicious, but the sweet potatoes and the brussel sprouts are a definate must!
i am bringing a salad for thanksgiving and the chopped salad looks perfect!
thanks kathysue
One word- YUMMY! These were really unique dishes, I especially like the orange and sweet potato! Thanks for sharing and making us hungry!!
Kathy Sue,
These look great, might have to try one. Btw, I wasn't blogging for a month, but remembered you were going to Paris so I went back to read your posts-looks like you had a fabulous time and you two are such a darling couple!
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