Saturday's always seem to be a good day to do a little thinking and maybe a little experimenting around the house.
We can experiment by moving things in and out of our rooms, try a new recipe, or a new home remedy for a problem we might have in our home.
I have a Great Idea board over on Pinterest where I keep things I would like to try because they just seem like a great idea to me.
One particular idea that I did recently was make my own Febreze. I used my first bottle, and just made my second bottle. Love it!!
Each morning I get up, pull the sheets back, open the windows, (when the weather allows), and spray my bedding. A quick spritz in the closet , then I make my way through the rest of the house!!
I have a 32 oz. spray bottle that I use, so I add 1/8 cup of fabric softener, then I dissolve 1/8 cup baking soda in hot water. Pour in the bottle after it dissolves, add softener, and fill up with water. Voila!! Your own personal fragrance of Febreze for pennies on the dollar. I like that!!
I always am looking for ways to be more green, and use what I have. I thought this was a great idea for my kiddos snack foods. I know they would love to go to the pantry, and shake out a handful to snack on! No cost remedy! These would be good to take in the car for trips also!
I love, love this idea. Take a black and white picture of each home you live in, and number them, add the address, and you have framed a memory. Brilliant idea, and what a fun keepsake as the years pass, it will be fun to remember when….!
Use your lint brush to remove dust from your lampshades. I have been doing this for years, but just in case you don’t, it truly does work!! Try it you will like it!
I came late to the computer game so you all might already know this quick way to clean between the keys on your keyboard. It is so logical this is an idea where I said, “ Why didn’t I think of that?!”
Here is another idea that I have done before that really does work…..
Drop a denture cleaner tablet in a vase to clean out residue!
I have also used dishwasher rinse agent to get rid of scale inside of vases, that works really well also.
I don’t wear rubber gloves very often. I know I should, and for all you younger ladies, take care of your hands, and wear gloves!
I regret not doing this when I had young, pretty hands. Sorry I just had to share a little wisdom from someone who has learned it the hard way with old looking hands!
However I do wear garden gloves so this is the perfect idea!
Place a cotton ball at the end of each finger tip, and you won’t make a hole from your sharp fingernails. I told you! Brillant!!
Spring is right around the corner, and we will all be planting pretty flowers in our pots so wear the glove with cotton balls, and add these to your pots…….
This will allow drainage, but the soil will stay in the post and not drain out the hole!! Another, why didn’t I think of that idea!!
I hope you all are having a wonderful Saturday doing whatever you feel like doing!!!
Enjoy the Process,” Of:
Trying a few new tricks around the house!

As always, great ideas, Kathysue. I am getting some coffee filters when I go out!
Happy Saturday.
Nana Diana commented on Things To Ponder On A Saturday! -
Great ideas here, Kathysue. I am going to drop you a line a little bit later when I have a few extra minutes. As an add-on to the cotton balls in the gloves-I always dig my fingernails into a bar of soap before I go out into the garden (even with gloves) and then if anything does get under your nails it scrubs out easily. Have a great Saturday- xo don' t like this comment form either~
classic casual home commented on Things To Ponder On A Saturday! -
I love your good idea posts...they are so much fun. Your home must smell so fresh!
*** You sure shared some wonderful,easy, fun and "I shoulda thought o' that!" ideas here, Ks!!! I'll DEFINITELY use some/most of them, & share w/ my nieces to boot!!!
May I help with an "ADD-ON"??? When recently totally/FINALLY reorganizing/organizing our huge closet (oooh! I soooo love it cuz it's sooo BIG!... uh-huh! every girl's dream!), I discovered I have more PURSES than Newport Beach has BOATS!! (Ha ha ha!)...
They (my purses) are NOW able to stand up in NEAT ROWS (the big ANNNND/ORRR little ones!), thanks to LARGE WADS of BUBBLE WRAP!!!~~~ I had purchased A LOT of "big things" recently, that were packed w/ LOTS of BUBBLE WRAP (we're talking LOTS n'LOTS of bubble wrap!). Soooo,
*** P.S. There are 3 COMMENTS above me right now, on your COMMENTS page... WASSUP with the second & third comments... the way they're presented is confusing me!!! (Then again, THAT doesn't take much!!!)... Hugs, Linda ***
Linda, I had a new comment format on my blog that was not what I had expected it to look like so it was up for the first three comments. I had my blog designer remove it. You had to log in and all that, too confusing and time consuming. I want to encourage comments not discourage them. Love the idea of bubble wrap. Great idea!! happy Saturday,
omg i love using my tape roller/lint brush on everything. great great tips!
Love the house idea...also the coffee filter in the pot..a great tip...Have a wonderful weekend..
Great tips and many I hadn't thought of. Love the idea of home made Febreze, I will do that for sure. Thanks for the recipe! XO, Pinky
KathySue: I just always love reading your blog - and today is no exception!!
love these kathysue! the febreeze worked so well, and not only saved money but is green. here in chicago purchasing a febreeze meant buying a whole bottle every time; refill jugs, if made were never available.
cannot wait to try all these
Hi Katysue,
I love all of your good ideas. I made the feebreeze recipe and I like it. I also like the idea of putting the coffee filters in the bottom of the planters.
Wonderful, practical ideas, Kathysue, most of which I never thought of but will definitely try. I especially like the coffee filter idea. Thanks.
Oh how fun. I have to make some Febreze. I use it a lot all around the house, so this would be a big money saver. Hugs, Marty
Hi Kathysue
What wonderful ideas you present to us.
I need reminding about wearing gloves and I love the coffee filter idea. Brilliant
Great ideas, Kathy. I'll use these. Thanks.
Great ideas, Kathy. I'll use these. Thanks.
I love the coffee filter tip! Brilliant, and I persistently have that problem with my potted plants. Thank you for sharing.
Brilliant ideas!!!! LOVE the numbered house idea, so much fun and what a conversation piece, ditto the cleaning of the keyboard and the coffee filter. Such great ideas!!
What great ideas. They are all new to me. Cant wait to try them.
Some great ideas, Kathysue! Love the coffee filter...will remember that one this spring!...♥...Debbie
So many awesome tips. Homemade Febreeze? I will give it a try! Thanks for telling me how to finally get my vases squeaky clean!! xo
Kathysue, I love these great ideas especially using the lint brush to clean the lamp shades and using the coffee filter to put inside the planters.
Good post!
Hi Kathysue,
Love your blog. You stopped by The Treasured Home to comment on Mary Anne's 'interview' and i wanted to return the favor. I have already used the lint cleaner on all of my lamp shades. Brilliant! I don't know if the rubber gloves would have done much for my age spots, but I think its just part of the wonderful aging process!
Dang that last idea is a winner for me!!!! Who thinks up these things? Thanks for sharing!
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