Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Planning Process For My Thanksgiving Table

November has finally arrived!! With November comes Thanksgiving!! I must admit I already have my table somewhat planned.

It all started with a tablecloth I purchased last Spring. It was a nice quality piece with what felt like the perfect Thanksgiving color scheme for my dining room.

Since my dining room is wallpapered in a lime green and white stripe the combination of a dark lime and umber seemed like the perfect starting point……..

Thanksgiving Table 007 (800x600)
This is the border that goes around the rectangle tablecloth.

Thanksgiving Table 009 (800x600)
The entire center is the wonderful dark lime. With this color scheme in mind I started thinking of elements that would be a nice compliment to the table cloth.
My first thought went to Mother Nature, and all her wonderful offerings……..

I love the way wood tones look with the dark lime, don’t you?

I definitely knew I needed some wood elements on my table. Now, how am I going to do that?


When I saw this nice long box I knew this would be what I would be using to hold my arrangement. I have a table that will make into a 9ft table so I will have my sweet Hubby construct a box 6ft long!!

In the past I have had arrangements this long on my table so I know this size will be perfect. Here is a picture of one of my arrangements for Thanksgiving…….

2009 Thanksgiving table.

This arrangement had more sparkle, and glimmer than what I plan for this years table, and it was about 5ft. long. I am thinking of using more rustic, rough textures for this years arrangement.

2010 Thanksgiving table.

I went looking for more examples of arrangements in wooden boxes to get an idea of how others chose to use wooden boxes. Here are a few examples of what I found………

This was interesting! I like the different sizes and types of woods used in the different boxes. As much as I like this idea, I think one very long box will give more Wow factor!!

 This is a great idea!! I really like having some writing on the box. Obviously I would write something about giving,”Thanks!” after all it is Thanksgiving!! I also would want the writing to look a bit softer…….

I really like the writing to be off-set like it is on this box.
So it is settled my arrangement will be in a 6ft long rustic box with writing about giving thanks, and in a softer color and flowing font!! Perfect!!
I now have my color scheme and the feel will be natural and a bit rustic.
Next step is to figure out what elements I will be using in my arrangement.
I start out my looking for the right greens and browns. Here is what I have decided might be good possibilities…….

Nuts would give me some different shades of browns to work with, and it would also add to the textural look I am going for.

Artichokes will be the perfect color of green, and they will also offer a nice sculptural look to the arrangement.

Artichokes look really good with this rustic wood box. I can see my plan unfolding, can you?

This is an interesting combination! I am not sure I will add lemons, but I am going to keep this in the back of my mind. Once I start putting it together I will try some lemons to see if the pop of yellow will be a nice addition to the composition.

I like a touch of white with the browns and green so I will be adding white to my arrangement also.

Shall we look at some rooms that have a brown, green and white color combination to see how it all works together?….

I don't know about you all, but I think this green,brown and white combination is going to work perfectly for my Thanksgiving Table for this year!!! I am getting excited!! Next I need to pick out something with a little shine to make it interesting...... to be continued.........

“Enjoy the Process!” Of:

Planning your Thanksgiving Table!



  1. I am really looking forward to seeing it all come together. I love the idea of the long box to hold your arrangement. How will you add the wording on the box? (I remember my brothers having a wood burning tool that they used to use on scraps of wood that my dad gave them.)

  2. Love all the inspiration Kathysue!! The browns and greens are all amazing....love the direction you are going in, cannot wait to see it all come together:) Happy planning!!

  3. You have me excited, Kathysue! This thoughtful, timely and inspiring post was exactly what I needed to get my Thanksgiving ideas revved up!

  4. Great ideas...I love the color combinations you have selected; it is going to look very, very elegant!

  5. I think the planning is half the fun of setting a table. Love the white, green and brown combination - I think I'm going to need a palette cleanser myself of orange soon! :)

    Can't wait to see your box when it's all done!!!

    Thankful for you!!!!
    xo Elizabeth

  6. yes,love this color combo. Refreshing and cozy. Artichokes--great way to add architecture, thank you for that idea!

  7. With more than a foot of snow on the ground, it's hard to believe it's not December around here! Love your fall inspiration as I'm a sucker for acorns. Can't wait to see what you do!

  8. Wonderful ideas for Thanksgiving and I remember the one from 2009. It's an OMG!I love it centerpiece. Can't wait to see what you do this year. Love your color choices.

  9. What a wonderful post!!!! I can't wait to see the table you put together this year...the last two years are beautiful! xo Diana

  10. Your past tables are beautiful but I think I love this year's idea best. The long box is going to look so rustic and pretty. I can't wait to see the finished product! Can't say I've spend one second thinking about Thanksgiving myself yet :0

  11. It is always fun hearing how your ideas come together and seeing how your mind works. Your tables are always beautiful. Can't wait to see what you do this year, my friend.
    xo Jeanette

  12. Loved the pictures you posted today...just my style. Elegant and rustic at the same time! I've been thinking about Thanksgiving, too, but not as far in my planning. I bet your table will be gorgeous and I can't wait to see the finished result. Thanks for the inspiration!

  13. Hi Kathysue,
    I love your pretty dining room. Also the idea of using the long wooden box is a wonderful one. I know you will have it looking so pretty using all those elements.


  14. oh my goodness KathySue!! These are some beautiful pics. And love your past tables- especially the apple green one! Thanks for all these great ideas. Im pinning them for sure!

  15. Table planning? I can't even see the table their is so much stuff on it.

  16. I am planning my tables, too. Purchased some new plates yesterday after they hopped in my cart. I want to use natural elements, too and am trying to figure out what I want to use for napkin rings. Love your past tables.

  17. Kathysue,
    I love the green and brown combination. Very pretty images, great post. The box will be wonderful.

  18. Kathysue-
    Such beautiful tables and ideas. Can't wait to see the 2011 table!

  19. Love your inspiration pics! That bright green will be so fun to work with. Can't wait to see your plans unfold.

    My MIL will be hosting Thanksgiving this year, so my table will be a bit more simple than usual because we won't actually be eating here.

  20. *** What a fabulous posting today, Kathysue!!! I so enjjoyed your writing & pics (as usual!)...

    Had a thought for you to maybe consider, if I don't seem like a "budinsky"!!! Instead of painting that pretty, softly colored font ON that FAB box, why not put it on some of the 4-5" width BURLAP "RIBBON" available at Michaels & places like that??? (Or SOMETHING along those lines~~~ I was just thinking that way you wouldn't be limited in further use of it for OTHER special occassions!!!

    LOVVVVE that box!!!!!! (Loved the pics w/ the greens, too!)... seeing that always makes me miss having a big, long table. I went round for this house... it seats 8 & looks wonderful, & I usually LOVE it, but there ARE some "limitations" w/ it when designing centerpieces!!!

    It's gonna be a happy Thanksgiving for y'all, I know! E*N*J*O*Y!!!


    Linda in AZ *

  21. Thanks for these inspirational pictures, Kathy Sue. Whatever you do will be beautiful for sure...Christine

  22. Wow - your tables are simply stunning. What inspiration. I'll have to get my thinking cap on for Christmas. Can't wait to see what you create for Thanksgiving - and Christmas for that matter!

  23. Your post is a feast for the eyes. Thanks

  24. I love the color combination, Kathysue. I think the artichokes and nuts and perhaps some lemons would make a wonderful harvest arrangement. Have fun with it. I know it will be fabulous and will go so well with your tablecloth. How about mercury glass for shine?

  25. Lucky for you to have husband that can make that long box. Absolutely love it. You can fill it with so many beautiful natural elements. Your table is going to be fabulous. XO, Mona

  26. I can't wait to see what you come up with! I'm loving the green, brown and white - so pretty!

  27. There were so many wonderful images on this post!!! I love to see your thought process on your tables. It is like we are thinking right along with you. Oh the anticipation!!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue