Thursday, November 3, 2011


 In my last post I talked about my plans for my Thanksgiving table. It will have a dark lime and dark brown/umber color scheme.

The feeling is going to be a bit more rustic than my past centerpieces. I decided to have the elements of wood along with some natural elements such as artichokes, limes,nuts and twigs in a wooden box.

Now that I have the main core of the centerpiece figured out, I need to add some shine.
With all of these elements the one metal that came to my mind was pewter……..

As seen in the above image, I think the warm glimmer is such a perfect accent with wood and white ceramics.
Since I will be using my white dishes I think this will be a perfect choice for this years table.

I really like the way the silver ware is placed in the following images!

I could add some sprigs of rosemary in the arrangement to tie in this look for my table.

I think that any of the above ideas will work nicely with my over all design plan!!

I am well on my way! I am going to go  “THRIFTING,”  for some pewter pieces with a good friend of mine tomorrow. Wish me luck!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Pulling together your
Thanksgiving table!



  1. Kathysue, love this post and love your inspirations...the green and brown is so earthy and rich. Cannot wait to see what you come up with. A friend of mine collects pewter everything and finds amazing deals on ebay, she is always scouring the site for deals, and has been able to create quite a collection of gorgeous pewter objects. Wishing you luck and know that whatever you come up with is going to be GORGEOUS!

  2. Love the soft sheen of metals like pewter and zinc. Can't wait to see your table come together.

  3. Thanksgiving sounds so much fun, I am looking forward to seeing your finished table as I know it will be beautiful xx

  4. Love this idea, Kathysue! I was doing a titter chat yesterday where we were talking about decorating for the holidays. I am totally on board with more of a natural and rustic tablescape! That is exactly what I am doing!

    BTW, did I hear my favorite word? Thrifting??!! I think I'll go today too:)

  5. Can't wait to see what you find, Kathysue. Your choices here will be gorgeous. Love the menu idea.

  6. Yes...I agree...the tarnished look of pewter or old silver is just the bling you need :)

  7. Using pewter in your tablescape will look wonderful, especially combined with your the other ideas. The rosemary sprigs with the silverware will smell divine!
    Have a lovely day, Kathysue!
    ~ Wendi ~ xo

  8. I love pewter and the older the better. Nothing like the patina and how it glows in candlelight... Love the inspiration, Kathysue!

  9. Hope you find some fabulous pewter on your excursion. Pewter would be the perfect accent to the other elements you're planning for your Thanksgiving table.

  10. Kathysue,
    I'm working on my Thanksgiving table setting plans and this provided me with added inspiration. Thank you,

  11. Your concept for the Thanksgiving table is really coming together beautifully. Good luck thrifting. I know whatever you decide upon will be warm and inviting like the rest of your home.

  12. *** What PRETTY table ideas you have, Kathysue~~~ (then again, ANYthing you do ALWAYS turns out "PERFECTAMUNDO"!)...

    *** NOTE: I am going to TRY to REMEMBER the name of the BLOG I looked at/read yesterday~ You'd love it (!!!), as she had LOTS of great photos to inspire you, with THE YUMMY COLOR COMBO you want to do!!! WHEN (OK, "IF"!!!) I can remember the NAME, will write you back!!! ("Oh, memory, please work now"!)...

    Happy day, Kathysue!

    Linda in AZ *

  13. Kathy Sue, your Thanksgiving table is going to look beautiful. So festive. All these ideas. Cant wait to see the real deal!

  14. Hi Kathysue

    I love pewter and wish you happy hunting and a joyful day
    I look forward to seeing your completed Thanksgiving table

    Helen xxx

  15. I ALWAYS love your holiday inspirations!! And I wish I could go thrifting with you tommorow :( I hope you find amazing pieces!
    Nancy xo

  16. Love that pewter look...and that finish on light fixtures. I just ordered reading sconces in pewter for a client.

    Your family will be so appreciated and lucky to be sitting at your Thanksgiving table.

  17. You always prepare your posts w/ so much care, so much love. It's so evident.

    We already had our Thanksgiving here in Canada. It was great, but this post is inspiring me for next year. I love learning w/ you!

    Have a blessed weekend!!!


    Luciane at

  18. cozy, all these elements kathysue. cannot wait to see your finished table

  19. Love the silverwear images...simply gorgeous! I need to learn to set a beautiful table! Janell

  20. Beautiful photos of the candle sticks and other pewter pieces.I love pewter! Can't wait to see your final Thanksgiving decor.

  21. I hope you had better luck thrifting than I did...went to a flea market on Sunday...they said rain or shine, but everyone was packing up. Can't really blame them. I absolutely love the little piece of gold velvet ribbon tying up the silver. So easy, but so perfect too!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue