Sunday, March 25, 2012

What Is Behind Door Number???


Numbers, I love numbers!! I thought I would share a little something I did in my home using numbers as a design element that is quick and easy for anyone to do.

Have you ever been a guest in someone’s home, and you ask where the bathroom is, or where is the room that they would like you to stay in? They will say something like, “ It is the 3rd door on the right.”

You go down the hallway open the 3rd door on the right, and you wind up in the heater closet.

 Then you realize she meant the other right!! It will totally depend on if you are coming up, or down the hallway, which doors will be on your right.

I had the privilege of having two blogging friends spend the week with me this past Fall.

You know how it is when you have company you do all those little projects that you have been meaning to do? 

My little project involved numbers and doors.

Numbers on doors 006 (600x800)

You might recognize what is beyond door #1. My master bedroom……

Hubby and I had a bit of a debate on where to start with number one, at the beginning of the hall or at the end where our master bedroom is. You can see who won!

Numbers on doors 009 (600x800)

Behind door #2 is our den. We have the computer, recumbent bike, and a comfy chair to watch TV. This room is also transformed into an extra guest room by bringing in a blow-up mattress when needed.

Numbers on doors 005 (600x800)
Door #3 is shut for privacy issues!

Numbers on doors 001 (800x584)
Behind door #4 is the most fun room in the house. The playroom. This room is used to play in and for sleep overs. 

You might remember it……

The sofa makes out into a double bed for sleeping.

There is also another sleeping and reading nook in the room.

So there are the newest additions to the numbers I use in my home as a design element. If you ever stay here, you will be able to find your room easily.

Now I am on the hunt for words for the laundry room and guest bathroom!

Do you have any numbers in your home?

If you would like to start using some numbers come back, my next post will be on ideas for using numbers in your home. I will also show a few more numbers in my house.

“Enjoy the Process!” Of:

Numbering things in your home!



  1. Very cleaver idea...and also very cute.

  2. How cute. I always knew tnat great minds think alike. I LOVE your numbered doors. When my daughter was getting ready to sell her home there was a finished rec room in the basement. At one end was three doors in a row that were used to hide a water heater, a furnace and a storage closet. I purchased #1 -2- 3 and we put them on the doors. Everyone got the biggest kick out of it. We dolled the whole house up and it sold almost immediately even in a down market. I told her it was the NUMBERS on the basement door!;>) xo Diana

  3. Ohhhhh lucky me! I was the guest who had the privilege of staying in Bedroom #4. I remember your numbers well and thought they were soooo charming. Oh, this makes me miss you so much right now. :(

    I love numbers too and I ned to add some more to my home. I can't wait to see your next post. Love you, Barb

  4. What a great idea, Kathysue! Love it! You are one busy lady.
    Have a happy week.

  5. How creative! Such a neat idea, Kathy Sue!

  6. ha...Cute! I had numbers on the kids bedrooms and bathroom...they were from an old hotel in Ohio...eventually they came off.

    I do have quite a few other numbers/letters/words around the casa that I think of it!

  7. What a fun idea, Kathysue! Sounds like Barb was behind door number 4! lol Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  8. Such sweet memories. I am the other lucky lady who got to spend a wonderful week in your home with Barb. I thought the numbers on the bedroom doors had been there forever. They just seemed so perfect for your home. I am missing you and California right about now. Maybe its about time to put my traveling shoes on again.
    Love you,

  9. Kathysue , I don't have any numbers in my home - but I NEED to!
    They add fun !
    Have a PRETTY day!

  10. love it kathysue, looks like you are ready for another sleepover?!

    crazy for your nook by the way
    have a splendid week!

  11. This is such a cute and clever idea!

  12. What a clever idea! Impending guest visits tend to spur me into action, too, but more along the lines of hiding the kid detritus that I put up with on a daily basis. Love your numbers! Thanks for sharing.

  13. Our bedroom doors are all numbered too, makes me feel like I'm at a bed and breakfast! Cute, Kathysue, I like it!

  14. So cute! I have often thought of naming my rooms....but since I can't finish them....the names could hange :). I love the number idea. That would be so much easier.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue