Monday, March 26, 2012

What Does the New Button On my Sidebar Mean?


I hope you will take the time to read this post, it is near, and dear to my heart.


I have added a button on my side bar. It is a button that says I am a Master designer.

It does not mean I AM a master designer, but I am a designer that was made by the MASTER.

I recently found a blog via one of my reader’s recommendations. It is Fieldstone Hill Designs written by the lovely Darlene.

Darlene has started a series called:

(click on above image to go to the series.)

You all know I don’t recommend something that I don’t truly love myself. This series is no different than me recommending a pretty element for a room, except for one big huge difference…….. 

.....What Darlene writes about is near, and dear to my heart. She has written two blog post in the series so far, and I highly recommend that you follow along.

Now, back to the button that says  I am a Master designer. 

Darlene wrote out a mission statement that articulated exactly how I feel about being able to have a life in design, and the place that design has in my life.

 Design has been a wonderful part of my life, and that is why I named my blog, “Good Life Of Design.”

I look at the life I have been allowed to live, and enjoy, as a true gift from God.

As I read the mission statement I actually wept, because it resonated with me deep in my core.

This is the Mission statement :

Master Designer

“I am a Master Designer.

I love Beauty;
I see potential and I want to fill it with beauty.
I aim to create something beautiful that is worthy of joy.
Design is a high calling, one that can improve the lives of others, be a means to foster relationships, and add much joy to my family.

I appreciate fine and lovely things, but they are not my treasures.
I know what is truly important, and
I do not aim to “store up my treasures here on earth.”*

I live to bring glory to God, the Ultimate Master Designer.

He created Beauty.
He created all beautiful things.

And, He created my passion for design, and set that joy in my heart.

Everything that I create,
and have created,
is because I myself was created by a Master.

I am a Master Designer.”

*{verse reference, Matthew 6:19}

This wonderful mission statement has come to me at such a perfect time in my life, and I am so grateful that once again, God used my blog,  “The  Good Life Of Design,” to take me on  another wonderful journey. I hope that you all stick around to see where it takes me.

Life is a journey, and along the way we will meet many people that we will influence, and they will influence us. 

It is important to keep your heart and eyes focused on God, and his purpose for your life. In doing this, you will have an incredible journey, not always perfect, or without heartache, but one that will take you to the place you were always meant to be.

After all, we are all in this together!


  1. Very nice, Kathy, and well said.

  2. This post personifies who I knew you where just by reading your blog. You design not just for beauty but for the life you want others to live, a fulfilled life with the added bonus of good design!


  3. Such a beautiful and inspiring post, my friend. Just like you. I am so blessed to have you in my life.
    I love and follow FSD. Wonderful site. Hugs, Barb

  4. I love this Kathysue! You truly have been blessed with talent, and I love that you have chosen to share it with others. You are so generous with your ideas, advice and time. Love you my friend. Hugs, Kat

  5. This is so true to you, it's like you started the series! Beautiful post!

  6. Kathy, This is amazing... just like you. I love your philosophy, your outlook and your gratitude to our Creator. God bless you and your life's work.

  7. Kathysue! What a wonderful post. Your words are beautiful, and it is clear that none of your readers are surprised by this Beauty in your heart. Thank you SO much for sharing this manifesto. My prayers is that it blesses others as it has blessed you! Thank you, sweet friend!
    - {darlene}

  8. What a beautiful post!! There is such truth in the mission statement; and you have expressed it wonderfully in this post! Thanks so much for sharing!

  9. *** Dearest Kathysue~ This is sooooo ethereally beautiful... it's soooo Y*O*U that it's like YOU wrote it originally!

    I have missed being able to stop by lately, but "am back" now, FINALLY, and this was a beauuuuuutiful way to be able to join you again, my dear friend!

    Hugs and thanks for the inspiration!

    Linda in AZ *

  10. Oh Kathysue, this is so true to your heart and who you are as a person. I am so thrilled to know you and have the opportunity to witness you living this beautiful truth. Love you tons. Hugs, Marty

  11. Thank you for sharing this Kathysue. I love Mission Statement; It resonates strongly with me as well. I will check out Darlene's blog now.

  12. Kathysue, that previous comment (from MrsS) was actually from me - I had not signed my daughter out of her account before commenting. I just read Darlene's blog - wow! I am a master designer too now. xo Sherri

  13. Kathysue,
    the two lines that resonate for me--"I do not aim to 'store up my treasures here on earth'" and " "Design is a high calling, one that can improve the lives of others . . . and add much joy to my family."

    Knowing my boundaries, specifically, how desire christened with love, can serve a greater good, is so important for me to be mindful of, as I strive to learn what I love in decorating and how to bring that love to others. And, yes, a home can be a place of beauty, one that reflects the beauty that God created.

  14. Beautifully written, Kathysue. How fortunate that our paths crossed, and in such an improbable way. My life journey is infiinately richer because of our friendship. Love, Jeanette

  15. Thank you so much for posting this. This is something I struggle with as well mainly with family and friends. I know what's important, HIM!, but I don't want others to think I hold material things above Him. I have already visited Darlene's site and signed up for the series. Once again, thanks for sharing. Blessings,Tammy

  16. Hi Kathysue- What a great idea. I went over to her blog to try to contact her. The email addy buried in her post is not a valid email address. It would not go through. I signed up to read as a subscriber so maybe that will give me an address. Love the idea! xo Diana

  17. beautiful and full of truth, kathysue!

    such an affirming claim. such a perfect, masterful designer at the helm!

    smiles to you.


  18. Beautiful...will definitely go over and pay her a visit!
    Thank you!

  19. Oh my goodness, Kathysue this post is for ME! I identify with every word you say. God is THE designer! And He takes pleasure in us enjoying His creation. I love this and I am going to save it to my computer and read it often. Thank you for your comment today, I am so sorry that I cannot visit & comment on blogs as I usually do
    :( I have exactly 2 weeks till my PhD defense and I am a ball of nerves, studying till my eyeballs fall out! Please pray for me to have calmness and clarity as I read. BIG hugs!!!

    Nancy xo

  20. I love this! It is also something I base my life on. I couldn't of said it better.

  21. Beautiful! I love that you shared this and that you share your heart so freely with us. The more I find out about you the more reasons I love you! xo

  22. So beautiful Kathysue and so you!!!
    I too love and treasure this mission statement, thanks for sharing it with us. It clearly resonates!
    XO Always

  23. Kathysue - This is so wonderful.I love how you see things my friend!
    Have a PRETTY day!

  24. Two of my favorite blogging ladies with beautiful God-filled hearts and homes. :-)

  25. You are truly a special person.....never change....


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue