Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mother Nature Does Blue and White


Is there anything prettier than the natural color of an egg? I love the image above showing the variations in blues and greens. I think Mother Nature is  a wonderful place to gather inspiration.

The soft hues in this glass bowl full of eggs is beyond beautiful to me.

I marvel at the beautiful colors that Mother Nature has to offer.

After taking the cue from Mother Nature I decided to go with a very soft blue and white color scheme for my Easter table. Simple and easy to find! NOT!

The hunt began for the perfect soft shade of blue. None were to be found.

In my last ditch effort I did what anyone in my position would do, I gave it one more try, and Googled, Pale Blue Table Cloth, and this time I was lucky, and just in time, I might add.

I found it! A table cloth, and napkins still in its original condition, never been used…….

blue table cloth 004 (800x600)

This is the 20in. napkin, there are eight of them. You can see it has a tone on tone pattern. I could not be happier, it is perfect for my Easter table.

blue table cloth 002 (800x517)
I am still not quite sure what I will be doing, but now I feel like I can go forward with my plans now that I have a tablecloth to work with.

So this years table will be in the soft blue and whites of eggs.

Here is some more blue and white inspiration……….

Source: via Kathy Sue on Pinterest

What colors will you be using on your Easter table this year? It is going to be here before you know it?

“Enjoy The Process!” Of:

Making Plans for Easter!



  1. Beautiful inspiration images. My builder kept calling the color I chose for our dining room "duck egg." I love the color. Am doing my guest room in blue and white....did a little peak of it today. Hope you are well!

  2. I've never seen a pale blue egg in person; they look so pretty.

    You always set a lovely table and I look forward to the photos when your staging is complete.

  3. i am so with you on the beauty of the natural quiet blues of eggs! i can't throw the shells away and instead incorporate them into paintings.

    your table is going to be magic.

    not sure what our table will be since we'll be out of town. need to get going on my easter basket prep!!!

    best to you.


  4. How beautiful, Kathysue. I remember seeing a piece or two of that soft blue linen somewhere along life's line. Love it and it is perfect for Easter. Don't you just love that dining room image? (next to last) Hope you are having a good week- xo Diana

  5. Oh Kathysue I haven't even had a chance to THINK about my table, but these images are beyond gorgeous! I LOVE the egg bowl with the flowers interspersed!

  6. That soft blue with a tint of green is the color I'm using for my guest room/sacred space. It is certainly one of the most soothing colors in the palette, but it's hard to find! I'm letting the paint color work it for me...not so easy on a tablescape! Glad you found such a pretty cloth and great napkins! I always look forward to what you do on Easter since I don't do one!

  7. What a find those linens are. They are beautiful as are all your inspiration pics. The one of the hydrangeas took my breath away. And I got an idea for my table from the nests down the center in the one pic. I bought the 6 nests from WUSLU so I'm all set. Thanks for such for a lovely post!

  8. I love the gorgeous napkins and a blue & white palette will forever be beautiful! No Easter goodies at our house this year - I'm headed to my folks house in Atlanta. Mom usually does pastels that coordinate around whatever is blooming in her garden at the time! Thanks for stopping by for a visit today!

  9. Beautiful things..had to pin that last image...wonderful!

  10. Love this post Kathysue-
    nothing prettier than setting the table in soft pastels and it seems like your table will be a show stopper! Please post photos when you have them--lovely inspiration. best, Barbara

  11. That pale pale blue in your napkin is such a beautiful color..makes my heart sing, just like blue and white. You weren't kidding, my table would have been right at home here!! Beautiful post loaded with stunning Easter inspiration!

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Lovely.... bow following you.gave a great weekend.

  13. Havent given it much thought yet, but I'm pinning all these images - they are absolutely stunning. I just adore soft pastel hues of the eggs, can't compete with Mother Nature.

  14. I love the idea. The blue and white table setting by Eddie Ross is beautiful. I think I am going to be a copy cat.I am going to pull out all the blue and white china.

  15. These inspiration pictures are beautiful. I love the pale blue and green. Can't wait to see your finished table!

  16. Those hydrangeas in the white vases are gorgeous! You know we all can't wait to see what you do!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue