Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Number Six!!

I have been tagged by Marija at Holding Court blog. I love her blog and her insight on fashion and design and sometimes just on life itself. She is so articulate and a very talented lady. I have been tagged before and  I did not play the game, but felt a little badly about it. There are just so many wonderfully talented, nice bloggers that I did not feel I could tag just a few for certain awards that had been bestowed on me. I always made sure that I went to their blogs and thanked them hopefully, in a gracious manner. Marija has tagged me with the sixth photo challenge and that is something I think I can participate in. I started blogging in January and oh what fun I have had. As I am writing this right now I do not know what my 6th photo will reveal. I will be right back and we will find out together, give me just a minute………..
Oh how fun!!! It is from my Black and White post. I loved this upstairs sitting area with its ebony floors and black table. The black and white settee was a favorite of mine.  You know how this girl loves her black and white. I really liked doing this. I wonder what the first photo is, in my sixth post ????
This was from my PPL post. I used this picture as an example of what plants can do for a room. I can not even imagine this room without this plant in the corner, can you?
Since we are doing 6’s why don’t we see what is the first picture in my 66th post?
Oh! This is the bedding for the playroom bed for when a sweet little girl spends the night. I have two sets of bedding- one for girls and another set of bedding for boys. You can see it on this post.
Now for my last 6! Let’s see what  the first picture is in my 106th post……..
phoebe howard
Gorgeous room by Phoebe Howard
In this post I tell you about how to disguise your bed pillow storage.
That was fun for me. I hope it was for you.
“Enjoy the Process” Of: Going down memory lane in increments of “6”


  1. Kathysue, I must have missed it the first time, but I really love that upstairs sitting room- that went right into my files!
    xoxo Pattie

  2. Kathysue, that was fun and oh, how I love that first picture with the sitting area and that buffalo checked settee. Yum!

  3. isn't it amazing how that was only a few months back? and now we are all new friends? :)

  4. Kathysue, congrats on turning out a beautiful and growing blog! p.s. I have a little girl that would love to stay in that guest bedroom!

  5. Gorgeous, gorgeous! I just love all the white, and I am a BIG fan of plants!!! Love to see the big plant in the corner! Your blog is just beautiful!

  6. I've read and enjoyed all of these posts Kathysue. It's fun to go back into the archives and relive our thoughts and direction at the time.

  7. Great fun, Kathysue. Absolutely adore that Phoebe Howard room (and that you included a Fancy Nancy book in your guestroom -- those books are so frickin' cute!).

  8. LOVE that first space... cozy spot for reading!

  9. Am in love with the first photo. I love the atmosphere and the wooden floors;-)

  10. The floors in the first photo are amazing! And we love Fancy Nancy (and Marija for that matter) over here too!

  11. I love black and white too...black and white check is my fav! The sette in your first pic is adorable...I want it;)! Hasn't this been a fun game?!

    I love your stool makeover...absolutely beautiful!

    Thanks for stopping by earlier...I love hearing from you!


  12. Your first is your best one and I must have missed it.....love the ebony floors. XO

  13. Wish I could be original, but I love the ebony floors too. What a fun game to play...I think Marija is pretty fab too!

  14. Oh I love that sitting room, how did I miss it? Have a wonderful day!

  15. Kathysue, you always have the best pictures. I love them all. I don't know where you find all of them, but they always inspire. Hugs, Marty

  16. All of your pictures are fun to see (and see again)!

  17. I am so glad you played along! And how sweet are you to say those nice things about me? You know I think you're awesome...

    Those floors?! The extra wide planks do it for me...


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue