Monday, April 26, 2010

Greek Key Footstool and Spray Paint!

I walked in to the store the other day and what did my eye’s see? A footstool!  Not just any footstool but a metal Greek Key footstool. I love the Greek Key pattern. I did a blog post on it here.  I had to use my imagination because the footstool was in a bronze metal with a brown micro-suede fabric. You all know that I am not a brown or a micro-suede girl. I looked at it , I lifted it. Aaaah! Yes! it was nice and heavy, definitely worth purchasing……….
front porch Spring makeover 001
front porch Spring makeover 002 (758x800)
Now what do you think I did with this footstool?
I have finally joined all of you out in blog land and I bought a can of flat black spray paint and primer.
I have to give my Hubby the credit for the spray painting. I have been known to make quite a mess of things when I have paint in my hands so he volunteered to paint it for me. While the paint was drying I proceeded to cover the brown micro-suede with a fabric that makes me smile every time I see it……
001 (721x800)
002 (639x800)
I am so pleased with the way it has turned out. Now, one more question. Where do you think this new foot stool will be going? If you guessed the front porch you are absolutely right.
Oh! I forgot to tell you the best part. This nice heavy metal footstool was purchased at none other than Big Lot’s. Can you believe it? I purchased it for $45.
If you would like to see another footstool makeover be sure and visit my friend Averill’s blog, Odi et Amo here.  I love what she did in her master bathroom it is wonderful!
“Enjoy the Process” Of: Changing a piece of furniture with spray paint and fabric.


  1. Hi Kathysue,
    Ahh, the joys of spray paint! The transformation of this little stool is amazing....from so so to fantastic!
    Love that striped fabric.


  2. Kathysue, that's just GORGEOUS!! Great buy! I always have to remind myself about Big Lots- it's a bit of a ride and I tend to forget. Great job
    xoxo Pattie

  3. Kathysue, the little stool is just wonderful. I love the design and the black and white fabric is just perfect. Can't wait to see the porch totally finished. Hugs, Marty

  4. Love it Kathysue and it's perfect for your porch~ the porch that we are all waiting patiently to see. :)
    Happy Monday my friend.

  5. Kathysue, lovin the new find! Spray paint is magic in a can! Just did a post featuring a spray paint makeover today! Thanks for sharing this fun project!

  6. Stunning DIY!!!
    It's going to be uber fab on your front porch!!!
    I'm dying to see those curtains of yours... please hurry :)

  7. Kathysue. that looks great. Love the black with the striped fabric. Perfect for your porch. Wow, at Big Lots of all places!!

  8. No way! I'm doing a post about Big Lots this week. I'd love to show your stool. The fabric you choose is perfect.

  9. omgoooodness. i love it kathysue...its perfect!!!! :) how was the rest of the weekend porch-ing?????

  10. Love that spray paint! I had lots of fun with it this weekend too. Great find!

  11. What a find Kathysue! It's perfect for your porch. Our Big Lots is really hit or miss, rarely do we have anything this nice. Love what you did with it! Hugs, Kat

  12. Hey, Kathysue, thanks for stopping by! You can join the party anytime you have a pretty good thrifty find. I'm not too strict on what qualifies, so something like this would be fine.

    Love your stool!! Big Lots has some surprisingly good thing. I bought a really cute X stool in there last year & covered it with zebra for my guestroom.

  13. Hi Kathysue, I just got your message and I'll be posting about Big Lots tomorrow and will be including your great find. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Love spaypaint, isn't it the best!! Wonderful transformation! Enjoy your day friend!

  15. Great makeover! I need to start thinking outside the box. You all put me to shame!

  16. I"m late getting to you today, Kathysue, but I want to congratulate you on moving over to the dark side with the rest of us spray paint fanatics! There's just not anything that can't be improved with paint. The next step is to channel your inner "I am woman, hear me roar" independence and learn to use the trigger yourself! The stool is so cute, and I can't wait to see it in that fabulous porch you're making!

  17. Ohhh, girl, that turned out great! Can't wait to see it on your porch with all your other "pretties"!


  18. great makeover! I LOVE the stripe + stripe vibe you have going there - great find. I'm such a fan of greek key. Enjoy!
    -Sanity Fair

  19. Great transformation and excellent photography skills, as well!

  20. That does it...I'm going to Big Lots this week!!!

    The greek key is fabulous Kathysue and it looks great in a modern black and with the black and white stripe. Brava!

    {And thanks so much for the shout-out. I'm so flattered.}

  21. absolutely stunning. great job, i love it!

  22. I'm definitely a black & white girl! Have to have my red too though. The stool is beautiful ~ you did a great job. Thanks so much for sharing!

  23. Love it! The striped fabric really makes a difference as well as making me happy! And Big Lots? I am impressed!!

  24. I LOVE your footstool, Kathysue! The Greek key design and black and white stripe are so you! Perfect!...hugs...Debbie

  25. Kathysue...they need YOU designing their stools...this is sooo much better! Love the redo!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue