Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Seven things About ME!

I played the game what is the sixth photo in your picture file. Marija also tagged me on another game- Seven things you do not know about me. I had been tagged before and did not play however, I could resist no more.  Now I am going to play!
 What are seven things that you don’t know about me? This is a hard one for me to play. I tend to be a pretty private gal about my personal life and family in a public forum. It is hard to talk about ME without talking about the most important thing in my life and that is…….
  1. Marriage: The love of my life- my Hubby. It is funny, but I get tears in my eyes every time I think of him and how much I love him. I have known this man since I  was 13 years old. My first date was when I was 16. I married him two years out of high school at 19.  And, 40 years later, I still adore him.  He is still my sweetheart and can make my heart pound a little harder when I see him. (Yes, if you did the math I am 59, but I am a really cool 59!.)
  2. Family: I have three gorgeous grown sons for whom I would do anything. My youngest son has gone back to school to get his degree. The two older boys are married to the most incredible women who are amazing Mothers to my three  perfect and gorgeous grandchildren.  They are my heart , they are my JOY!!
  3. Friends:  Oh what can I say about my friends?!  I am so fortunate to have a wonderful circle of lady friends that feel like family to me. I take pride in being a loyal friend. I do not take friendships lightly. They are precious to me
  4. Togetherness: Nothing gives me greater joy than to have all my kids and kiddo’s here and a good meal on the table. It really is the simple things in life that give me the most pleasure and it always involves people I love.
  5. Home: My home has to have open windows, lots of light, fresh flowers, music, lovely fragrance, candles. It is more important to me that my home “FEEL” a certain way than "LOOK" perfect. I like it to feel, relaxing, welcoming and peaceful
  6.  Work: I have been a decorating consultant for over 30 yrs and I just recently retired. Well, at least physically I have retired- no more house calls. Let’s face it, we creative types never quit. The mind keeps turning and turning. I am enjoying helping family and friends with their decorating projects.
  7.  Love of color:  I am fascinated with color and love to choose colors for people’s homes.  It is the one thing that I feel very confident in doing.
The one thing that oversees all of the above and is at the core of my being is my relationship with God. I could not live without Him in my life. As that song says, "Without him I am Nothing." I am very blessed in my life and I do not take it for granted. Though not perfect, I have learned that OKAY is  good enough for me. I have learned to “Enjoy the Process.”


  1. Kathysue, I loved this! Thanks for sharing a bit of YOU. And I really love your mantra- I actually quoted you the other day and told a client/friend who was stressing over a kitchen reno to "Enjoy the process"
    xoxo Pattie

  2. these are all the things I've loved about you since I knew you ...

    and some
    of them, I didn't really know until now but .... somehow I just knew!!

    does this make sense?

  3. a beautiful look into your life....a gift to us...thank you, Kathysue!

  4. So fun to learn more about you...and yes, you are a very cool and young at heart 59! That much is obvious!

  5. Kathysue can we be cool together?!!!!

  6. Love learning more about my bloggy friend. I didn't know you retired. Of course you are a cool 59. I got married at 19, too and been married 35 years. I guess young love worked in our case.

  7. oh, i loved reading this. you have a blessed life and the right priorities, and it shows in your happiness and attitude. :)

  8. Judging by these seven things about you, you're living a very happy and satisfying life filled with love and good people :-)


  9. I feel like I know you better! Thanks for such revealing post (and I'm not far behind ya!)

  10. I love you Kathysue! Thanks for sharing what I know and love about you with all your new friends in Blogland!!!
    XO Forever

  11. Love this list!! very heartwarming. And even though I thought it wasn't possible to love you anymore than I already did... I do. (does that make sense?) xoxo Erica

  12. Oh Kathysue, I love all of this about you and so much more. Most of all I love being one of your friends. You are definitely family to me. Love you. Hugs, Marty

  13. You sound lovely! So glad we are blogger "friends".


  14. Once again, you have shown me why I love blogging and all my new friends! thank you Kathysue.

  15. I love your list Kathysue! I know it is hard to talk about yourself but there are so many of us here in the blog-o-sphere who think the world of you so it's nice to get to know you a bit better.

  16. I knew I liked you! Our value systems are pretty spot on, and I love that the things that are important to you make you the lovely woman that you are. You are very bless, and I"m glad to call you friend. Thanks for your lovely comments on DD today. I'm beaming! Thanks for trusting by sharing. Later gater...

  17. This is a great list Kathysue! It's perfect for Wednesday Gratitude, you can think about joining in anytime! It's always up to you what to post about.
    I love what you say about your home feeling a certain way. There's just a vibe some places have that makes you feel good, and I bet your home is like that!
    Thanks for dropping by, glad Delores sent you! I'd love it if you'd stop by again, anytime!
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  18. Hi Kathysue,
    I feel like I know you better now! What a fabulous list, and I can say that everything on that list is definitely on mine too. What more is there except the love for our husbands, children, grandchildren, friends, dogs, home, and God. You are a very cool 59 my dear! I'm really looking forward to meeting you someday soon too! Let's put a date on that calender! Glad you met Heidi too! xoxo Delores

  19. Kathysue, we're doing our first giveaway- from Anthro! Thought you might be interested
    xoxo Pattie

  20. Kathysue I simply couldn't agree with you your house FEELS is what makes it a home. How it looks is a very, very, very distant second.

    Your answers are terrific. You are a fabulous lady!!

    xo Marija


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue