Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lampshade Love!!

I thought I would share a quick little makeover on a lampshade that I did for my porch. I purchased this lamp shade at Tarjay on clearance for only $13.88. It is a reverse print so during the day it looks white and at night it looks so elegant and kind of mysterious and glowing. Love it!! I also bought the black chain trim on clearance for $1.49 a yd. I used approximately 2 yards. With a little fabric glue and about 15 minutes- Voila!  I now have my own custom lamp shade. Averill at Odi et Amo recently did a great post on some quick make over's that she did. It goes to show you with a little ingenuity you can make quick easy changes. Be sure and visit her blog to see some of her transformations,here.
lampshade 001 (601x800)
lampshade 002 (800x736)
See the reverse print, isn’t it fun!! I am really pleased with the way it turned out.
This has been requested by one of my wonderful and loyal reader's, Julienne. Here is a night time picture so you can see how it looks with the glowing reverse print. This one is for you Julienne...........

“Enjoy the Process” Of: Making an ordinary lampshade look a little more special!

BTW: The porch is done!! I am waiting for the rain to stop so I can take pictures to share with you. I love, love it!!


  1. Thanks AGAIN for the incredibly generous shout-out -- I'm so flattered! And I love your lampshade: the trim is PERFECT (looks like it should've come that way in the first place!).

  2. And you told me you weren't crafty!! This is so fun with the reverse print. I think your porch is looking pretty cute about now. When are you sharing pictures? I'll bet you're waiting on those cushions, aren't you?? SNEAK PEAK!

  3. Hi Kathysue,
    Love that lampshade! You are teasing now! I want to see the porch! The shade is going to look fabulous on it, I know. Hurry--tomorrow is supposed to be sunny!

  4. Well! I think the very least you could have done is take a shot at night with the lamp on!!!! My imagination is in stagnation mode at present so I need to see! Look forward to the porch and may I suggest (pretty please) one night image. xo

  5. I LOVE yhis project. One of my favorite lamps in our home is in my bedroom and has a similar effect- I adore it!!
    xoxo Pattie

  6. I just saw that shade at target the other day. They only had one left-I should have grabbed it! How does it look lit up? Does the design show nicely?

  7. That is too cute!! I love it and I've not see that either. Beautiful!!

  8. a glowing reverse print? that is so cool, I have never seen anything like that as well! So glad you posted the picture showing it aglow.

  9. I love the reverse print! I've seen these with photographs also.

  10. Kathysue, that shade looks fabulous. I love the trim you added. Makes it look rich! I have added trim to shades before, too. Such an easy way to make them look a little better. Just came in from working in the yard and trying to catch up on my daily reads.

  11. Kathysue that is beautiful aren't you just the sweetest thing to do that for me. That's a really pretty look thank you.xoxo

  12. I love the shade...and I really love how it glows with the pattern. Very cool!

  13. that looks so great lit!!! wow! can't wait to see the porch ;)

  14. Kellie, It is still raining here but I am going to try and get some decent picts taken tomorrow, wish me luck. I love it and I wish I was a professional photographer to capture it but I am just a point and click girl. Kathysue

  15. Kathysue, this is such a pretty shade. I love it. Your porch is absolutely stunning. I love it. Still working on mine. I need a few more plants, in face a lot. Hugs, Marty

  16. So pretty! Love how it changes at night and the trim is gorgeous!

  17. Great job! I think this is completely awesome. The black and white has such a graphic punch - love with the stripes there too.

  18. Very pretty, KathySue! Love that reverse print. Thank you so much for the birthday greetings and your kind words....Christine

  19. Hi Kathysue...

    Love that lamp...what a nice job you did !!!

    All the best,
    Kathy :)


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue