Sunday, January 6, 2013

My Color Pick For 2013

It is that time of year again!! For the last two years I chose my own personal color of the year for my own home.

I base this choice on a color that I think will add a little life to my home in usually small doses.

Last year I chose Kelly/Emerald green and I did add it to my home in a small dose and loved it.

This year the color I am going to choose is in the yellow family.

Pantone has a color called Mimosa that is very close to what I am trying to describe.

It is a cross between yellow and gold no green based yellows for me just a nice rich warm yellow on the gold side……

If you follow me on Pinterest you already know that I have been pinning away for awhile onto my Yellow board.

Yellow is one of the hardest colors for most people to live with. In my experience either you ARE a yellow person, or you ARE NOT!!

I happen to love yellow and have had it in my home every since I got married 42 years ago.

(Benjamin Moore’s Dorset Cream is the perfect yellow for walls.)

In fact the outside of my home is yellow and our main living area has yellow/maize walls.

Just a touch of sunflower in a room can warm the space up….

Yellow and white is such a fresh and crisp look for a room.

Yellow can mixed nicely with neutrals and grays……

Just a touch of yellow in the forsythia makes this neutral room come alive. You don’t have to commit to a yellow color scheme for your whole room, just a touch in natural elements will bring some sunshine into your home……..

Could you use a little sunshine in your life?

Do you see yourself adding  a touch of yellow in your home or wardrobe this year?

To see my YELLOW pinterest board just click HERE!!
I have lots of pretty yellow images there. 

 I have written more post on the color yellow,
just click to go to the post......


  1. Wonderful choice!! Yellow brightens up any space. It is cheerful, vivid and full of energy!
    Good 2013 for you!

  2. Love yellow and I love your home too. Great post and super pins and inspiration. Hugs, marty

  3. Great post! I am a yellow lover also....through and through! Every time I try to take it out of my home to chase a more"in" color I always go back to it. Beautiful inspiration pics...especially the plaid drapes and quilt. Jane

  4. Don't you have good foresight - predicting kelly green last year and all. I wonder if yellow will be the Pantone colour next year. I like yellow a lot and have it on the walls in our living room (BM Honey Harbour) and accents in the kitchen. You have found some great inspiration photos.

  5. Beautiful images of yellows! I understand the love for the color!

  6. I love yellow too, Kathy, and I think it's going to be a good color this spring. Of course, you know I have alot of orange going on (which is NOT you!) but I throw in a little yellow as well. My studio is turquoise and yellow, and I love it! Good choice!

  7. I think it's fair to say I have been a "yellow" person all my life! I've always wondered if, in the beginning, it was a reaction to my Mother's total love of blue... and to this day I am not a blue person! Anyway, yes, yellow goes with my personality of bright and upbeat: does that make sense?
    And, don't you just love those Pantone Christmas ornaments? Have to get me some next year, for sure!!!

  8. Red is my color. I have a large kitchen-dining room with red orientals and other small touches.
    In other rooms, red pillows, candles, throws- just enough to carry the theme. It is really cheering up my winter

  9. love, love how you are picking your own color, kathysue. how we let trends rule! best to be ourselves, isn't it? donna

  10. Count me in! I'm a life long fan of yellow. We have it in our home, and as I look across to my husband I see him in a yellow shirt. Yellow is a happy color.....especially in yellow tulips, yellow roses, and sunflowers. Good choice!

  11. I don't have any yellow but love GOLD on walls. Yellow is a little too bright for me:) But I ALWAYS love a yellow and blue combo! XO, pinky

  12. no yellow here now, but i have used it in the past because it works so well with cottage and swedish style!

    gorgeous inspiration here.


  13. Well, Kathysue, you are ahead of the game on the green. Yellow is one of my favorite colors and is such a happy way to bring in light. I had all of my walls painted yellow at one time.
    These images are gorgeous.
    Can't wait to see what you have in store for us in 2013.
    Happy New Year!

  14. You need to go to work for Pantone Kathysue. Two years ago I think their color of the year was Mimosa and this year are ahead of the game. I so agree with you on yellow and decided to use it in my new living room remodel/redecorate combined with gray, black and cream as well as in my master combined with forest green and cream. It is hard to find just the right yellow but your photos give me lots of inspiration. the outside of your home

  15. I AM a yellow person! the intense daffodil yellow color, nothing pale for me! Have a great start to the new year KathySue!
    xo Nancy


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue