Sunday, September 28, 2014

Getting MORE For LESS!!


Designers are often considered lucky people because they have resources at their finger tips that the consumer, or home owner does not have access too.

This is true BUT it is their keen eye to detail that sets them apart. 

I loved the saying above because it does not  always take a lot of money to design, or decorate a room.

However, it does take a keen eye to see the special detail, or quality in pieces that might be passed by because of the store, or the preconception that it could not possibly be worth buying because of the pricing.

This is where a good designer can really save you money on your project. 

When it comes to quality in furniture that you want to  keep long term, it is wise to invest in good solid pieces, especially in a sofa, but if you find that you like to change things up a bit more often, or maybe your budget won’t allow for the best quality piece at the moment, at least go for something that has good lines, and proportions.

A friend of mine taught me a saying a long time ago that I like to use when I find something at a great price that looks like a much more expensive piece……

Ribbet Edit Looks Like More
LLM can be a challenge at times, but if you keep your eyes, and mind open you will be surprised at what you can find. 

Sometimes it might even be in your home already.

By placing a piece in a different room, or displaying it differently it can become a piece that you admire and enjoy having in your home.

If you are not familiar with the blog Copy Cat Chic you need to start putting it on your daily blog list.

Reichel Broussard has a keen eye for style, and design, and she is decorating her own home with her keen sense of design and style on a tight budget.

On her blog she will show you a piece that cost more and then a piece that looks very much like the more expensive piece for less.

Here is an example that caught my eye this week……

Urban Outfitters Ava Velvet Tufted Sleeper Sofa

Walmart 9 by Novogratz Vintage Tufted Sofa Sleeper

Neither piece is terribly expensive, but if money is tight you can get the same look for $349 instead of paying $749. 

Do the math!! That is a $400 savings.


The lesson in this post is to not limit your creativity by where you will shop. Stay open to all possibilities.

I hear people say all the time, “ Oh I can’t afford anything in that store so I never shop there!”


The only way to educate yourself is to study good design at higher price points so when you see something that possibly cost less you will know it has good proportions, design, and it is worth purchasing.

This will be like an adventure! I call it treasure hunting!!


……I want you to find a piece that you absolutely love! You probably already have one in mind. Maybe it is a piece that you can not afford at the moment.

Now I want you to look at the silhouette, the overall design and proportions. 

Next I want you to go perusing on line to find a piece similar at a less costly price. Don’t limit yourself by not looking at all different online shops. Remember the goal is to find something that LLM!

You will not only have fun, but it will be so rewarding if you find something you love that you can actually afford now.


So many people only think from the perspective of, “I will never be able to have anything that nice!” 

That is such a sad way to look at your life, and it actually closes you off to all the possibilities that are out there for you to enjoy now.

One last thing for you to do…….

Look at the room you want to change up a bit, and think of new ways to arrange the pieces. De-clutter, and maybe add something from another room to give it new life. 





  1. I love this post...another way to find great things that are less expensive are Estate sales...

  2. I would disagree when it comes to upholstered pieces. Buy the VERY best you can afford. Ask me how I know:)

  3. Dawn I did state in this blog post that it is wise to invest in better pieces when it comes to sofa's. Not everyone can afford the best so this post is to encourage them to continue looking at life and design a bit differently. To have an I can do it attitude rather than I will never be able to do it attitude. Thank you for your comment and I think we both agree on upholstered pieces as I stated in my post.

  4. Here is what I stated,"When it comes to quality in furniture that you want to keep long term, it is wise to invest in good solid pieces, especially in a sofa, but if you find that you like to change things up a bit more often, or maybe your budget won’t allow for the best quality piece at the moment, at least go for something that has good lines, and proportions.

  5. Great advice!
    I am constantly reinventing a room or piece of furniture.
    Before I purchase a piece I go through the entire house looking to see if I have something that can be re purposed.

  6. Thanks for the love Kathysue! :) Great advice too!

  7. This is such great advice. My problem is I love so much and can go back and forth on style on a whim!

  8. Gaaaa...I'm with "Stacy" on much to love, so little room....franki


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue