Thursday, October 2, 2014

A Touch Of Black and Chippendale Added To My Porch



October is the perfect month to do some Fall planting and updating in the yard. I usually start my seasonal changes out on my front porch and the flower beds leading up to my home.

Since I live in California we have a longer planting season than a lot of areas in the country. For Fall I like to use cyclamen , that will last through the winter and some pansies, just because they make me smile.

This year I am doing a purple and white color scheme. I usually choose my plantings that are annuals in a certain color scheme. 

Purple and white will work nicely with the colors I like for Fall since I am not a true autumnal color gal.

Ribbet collage 2014 Fall plantings

My home is a soft creamy yellow with white shutters and black trim the little dark centers in the pansies really work well.

porch 001 (800x600)

I have white chairs on the porch with black cushions trimmed in white…..

Summer front porch 2012 013

Two of the best things I ever did after many years of waiting was to order custom cushions in sunbrella fabric and to get a black and white side drapery panel for my porch. I should have done that years ago.

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This is under the living room bay window, I think when they fill in the carpet of white and purple is going to look so pretty. It makes me smile!!

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We have a row of small violas, backed by the purple and green Kale then the rest of the flower bed is all purple pansies and white cyclamen.

Before you ask the big octopus plant is a Meyer fern. It is huge, much larger than it is suppose to get, evidently it loves it there.

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This planter is at the very front of our walkway. Hopefully all the little flowers will be happy there and fill in the space.

Now for the update on the porch!!
Two of these babies are coming home to Mama……

black home depot planter

There will be one on each side of the door.
Ribbet Edit two planters chippendale

This picture was taken at Christmas, and I photo shopped the planters in place to see if one, or two would be best. 

Definitely two and they are actually black not charcoal like they look in the picture.

We purchased two teenie genie brush cherries that we will be pruning into a rounded dome to place in the new Chippendale black box planters…

brush cherry
These are a nice alternative to a boxwood. They have a smaller dark green leaf, and are easy to grow and manage if you keep them pruned.

I have three in my yard, two on each side of my garage door that are a double ball topiary, and one that I let grow into its natural form which is a large rounded dome shape. 

So there you have it, the latest going-on’s at my home!!!

Are you sprucing up your home for Fall?



  1. i need to spruce it up, that's for sure! i'm already thinkin holidays. i am just too lazy/busy for the autumn phase. your new containers are classic and are going to look perfect!

  2. I love those planters Kathysue!
    Great addition to your lovely porch.
    How's your sweet hubby doing?

  3. How pretty this is. The planters are very elegant and pansies are so lovely. Wonderful choices.

    Hope that your husband is doing well and feeling much stronger every day.

  4. Your yard looks so pretty...everything I plant the bunnies frustrating!

  5. Yikes...I need to "get going!!" Looks divine!! franki

  6. I just love your use of gorgeous color!!! Very pretty... as ALWASY... KathySue!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue