Thursday, September 25, 2014

What Gave Me Some Fall Inspiration This Week


When you love design, and are observant of your surroundings you can find inspiration everywhere!

This week while perusing cyber space I saw two things that inspired me. 

Sometimes it is a direct inspiration that makes you want to do just what the designer portrayed, and other times is it something that spurs you onto thinking creatively in your own manner.

First I saw this pillow that my friend Debbie from Confessions of a Plate Addict made…..

debs halloween pillow
(Be sure to go to the above link on how to make this pillow, Deb gives a great tutorial)

I absolutely LOVE this pillow, and to think you can make one yourself by following Deb's easy tutorial.

She also has more pillows that can work for your Fall decor, so be sure and visit her blog!! Tell her Kathysue sent you!!

As cute as this pillow is, those of you who know me, know I won’t be doing any orange, so I bet you are wondering why this inspired me. This is the case of me taking my own take on the pillow, and being inspired.

Here is a picture of the outside of my California suburban ranch home……

porch 001 (800x600)
Notice any combination of colors that are similar to the pillow? 


The black crow on Deb’s pillow reminded me of Halloween, and what I need to get for my front porch.

A black crow, or two will be a perfect addition to my front porch. I don’t decorate for Halloween, but for that one special night I think a crow, or two will be a fun addition to my Fall plantings and pumpkins!

Speaking of pumpkins and a bit more orange, this next image made me smile and almost want some orange pumpkins…….

Designer and friend Pam Kelley has a beautiful historical home in Texas, and she is always adding elegant, and festive touches to her home….

pam kelly pumpkins
Just look at those pumpkins. 

It is not just a stack of pumpkins. Pam has artfully stacked them by scale and colors. 

Using the HUGE orange pumpkin on it’s side as a base, and then surrounding it with varied sizes, and colors of pumpkins takes this arrangement up a notch.

Now you all are probably wondering how this inspired me.....

.....It’s simple, it made me really excited to go to a pumpkin patch, or farmers market and find the perfect blue/green French pumpkins, and White pumpkins for my porch. 

I always have pumpkins on my porch……

Ribbet collage Fall plantings
You can see in the above collage the colors I use for my pumpkins, and for my plantings. 

This year I am using all purples, and white for my fall planters……

Ribbet collage 2014 Fall plantings

When It comes to seasonal decorating I like to use natural elements, and I keep it relatively simple.

I think the purple, and white will be a nice addition to my soft yellow, white with black trimmed house.

I think Mr. Crow is going to be glad he landed on my porch too!!

Now go out there, and get inspired to do something fun for yourself, and your family!!!

A pot of mums and a pumpkin just might do the trick!!

Happy Fall

Fall Happiness FRAMED


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for giving my crow pillow a shout out, Kathysue! I love me some crows! I am sure any crow would be honored to reside at your house! Have a great day!...hugs...Debbie


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue