Wednesday, April 9, 2014



When I left you last we had a delay in the kitchen project due to streaking and hazing in the honing.

We had a professional marble finisher come out and look at our slabs and he said he can re-hone it for us and eliminate the problem. Whew!!

To say I was relieved is an understatement. This was my biggest concern ever since they were installed. Luckily it is all fixable, but not without yet another delay.

They will be re-honed and sealed on the 25th. We are still unable to use our kitchen since there is no sealer on the marble, but I am enjoying looking at it!! I know that sounds funny, but I really do love looking at it.

Since this project has taken three times longer than we anticipated I am going to show you pictures of what we have so far.

Yesterday I put my everyday dishes back in the upper cabinets……

Kitchen update 016 (592x800)
I am keeping it simple in order to not detract from the new counters and back splash.

Kitchen update 001 (800x711)
I am pretty amazed at how much larger the kitchen looks to me.

Kitchen update 003 (800x600)
I am enjoying how fresh and clean it all looks.

Kitchen update 010 (800x652)
The kitchen actually sparkles with the new finishes.

Kitchen update 009 (800x592)
I am really looking forward to standing at my kitchen sink and doing dishes again. There is something just wrong on so many levels about doing dishes in the bathroom!

Kitchen update 006 (800x600)
I think I am going to find it difficult to address this corner.

I am enjoying the clean look of nothing on my counters. Putting anything on them is going to be difficult  for me.

I do have something in mind to put in the corner. It will be interesting to see how it all turns out.

Hopefully the next time you get a kitchen update you will be reading about me cooking and doing dishes in my new kitchen!!

Contractor To Do List:

Cleaning and sealing of marble

Doors under sink remade, painted, and finish work to be done.

Repair to cabinets for touch up painting

Wall board repair at end of bar.

Honey-Do List:

Under mount lighting

Lighting inside glass door cabinets

Drawer pull outs installed in bottom cabinets.

Touch up painting.

My List:

Try to be patient

Put all dishes back in cupboards




  1. Absolutely gorgeous! I love the color you chose for your cabinets, and the marble is stunning!

  2. It does look bigger and so bright. I don't know how you can wait so patiently.

  3. Hi Kathy Sue! Oh, how beautiful it all is! The countertops are gorgeous! I know you're so thrilled!
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  4. Awwww I wish it wasn't so far away. That seems an eternity when a) you have been patient so long and b) you are washing dishes in the bathroom sink and c) you just wanna decorate! :) I am soooo in love with it and I know whatever you add, or don't add, it will be a dream come true. And I can't wait to see it IN PERSON hopefully soon. xxoo

  5. Kathysue, it's beautiful! I love the green cabinets with the soft white counter tops and backsplash! I don't like much on the counters either but I'm picturing a pretty platter on a stand. :)

  6. Hi Kathy Sue I love your new kitchen and cant wait to see the lighting in, the corner:) and am so impressed at your visions...

  7. Oh and Kathy I love, love love your view out your kitchen window...its all so perfect:) I love the soft green cabinets too.

  8. Wow! That's a lot of progress since I last visited. We have been out of town and just came home from Maine. We also had problems when our marble counters were sealed - lots of streaking. Is that common, Kathysue? It happened to me, a client and now you. I think it is, but just not as noticeable on granite due to the busy patterns. Your kitchen looks gorgeous!! Very soon....

  9. OMG, it is GORGEOUS!!!! It does look so much bigger and brighter. I know you will LOVE it!!!

  10. It is a beauty Kathysue! Your patience will pay off in the exact kitchen you wanted. I am not always very patient and settle and I am usually very sorry:-)
    Good for you!

  11. Your kitchen looks fabulous and honestly you have the patience of Jobe to wait until the 25th to use it! "Good things come to those who wait" is what my hubby always tells me and I would say that applies here!

  12. Oh Kathysue, it is so beautiful. I love, love, love everything. Gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  13. It's hard being so close and so far! I understand completely!
    I like the uncluttered look also. Have a total of three items out.
    Love the progress....It looks fantastic!

  14. wow -- what a difference that countertop makes. just beautiful!

  15. LOVE the color its so fresh and fun and looks great with the marble!!

  16. It looks absolutely stunning!!!
    I can only imagine how happy you are :)
    Congrats on your beautiful new kitchen.

  17. Looks so crisp and clean and fresh and it!

    Good luck!

  18. It looks lovely, so fresh and clean and I know you are going to enjoy the marble.

  19. You've come a long ways baby!! I'm really feeling those handles with the chandie!! Somehow, your "pain" makes me's NOT "just my luck.." :) franki

  20. It just looks beautiful, Kathysue and I LOVE the marble countertops. We did marble in Beaufort after much deliberation, and like you, I still just go and look at it I love it so much! The color of green you picked for the cabinets is so fun and fresh!! Can't wait to see more…

  21. Your countertops are absolutely beautiful but I have to say I am missing your striped walls. That is what I loved about your kitchen....:) Can't wait to see how you warm it all up when it's finished.

  22. Looks great Kathysue. Our kitchen renovation has turned into such a nightmare. Marble arrives tomorrow. We'll see. We're only 3 weeks behind. Hope mine comes out as well as yours....

  23. I LOVE it!...the color is one I am so drawn to...have that color in my sunroom...what a beautiful view from your kitchen sink!..and a pretty sink at that!...The kitchen is progressing so beautifully!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue