Saturday, April 5, 2014

How Would You Wear Lemons?


I have told you all before about my very talented DIL who has a very keen eye for styling clothes. 

She and I both love fashion and design.  We have great fun discussing both subjects.

kate spade tennies
(Don’t these just make you smile?)

Recently she pinned a darling pair of Kate Spade tennies that we both agreed were adorable. So I asked her how she would style them. 

You see we are never too old to learn, and she teaches me all the time when it comes to the younger way of looking at things.

She told me what she would wear with these darling tennies, and then I told her what I would wear with them.

There is never any hesitation when she is  styling something. She almost always knows exactly what she would put with something.

I see pictures of rooms in my head, and I know she see pictures of outfits in her head.


Ribbet Edit Amy's Collage Kate spade tennies

Here is what she would wear. Boyfriend jeans rolled up, a simple V-neck white t-shirt, classic jewelry and a simple navy blue bag. I love this look. 

Notice it is not JUST jeans, it is boyfriend jeans rolled up. It is not just a white t-shirt, but a very specific V-neck white t-shirt.

Do you see what I am talking about?  It is all of those small nuances that make her outfit look effortless, and on trend. That is just how her brain works.


Ribbet Edit 2 Kathys Collage Kate spade tennies

We both agreed on the same accessories, but I added a pop of yellow with the bamboo bangle. I also added a touch of navy with a gingham shirt. I love the gingham with the lemons on the tennies. 

Mine looks more like an, “OUTFIT!”  and that is not a necessarily a good thing. I grew up in the 60's and we wore OUTFITS, matching purses, shoes and dresses. 

Note to self:
Those days are gone and I need to keep that in mind when pulling my clothes together.

I like the way her ensemble is effortless, and yet it is very fashionable. 

That is how the French dress, not in outfits, but in classic pieces that all just happen to go together well.

She said she would wear my outfit, but with one change..
link and white bracelet
She would add a gold and white link bracelet.

When I was putting my pieces together I looked at a plain all gold link bracelet, but it felt too heavy to me.

I knew it was not right but did NOT think of adding the white linked bracelet. She just knows instinctively.

Look how cute it looks together…

Ribbet Edit Amys rendition
I like this better than my rendition!!

Ribbet collage two collages Kate Spade shoes
I would wear either outfit. How about you?

I should have titled this post….



  1. I would definitely wear her version and I like the gingham shirt, too. Those are very cute shoes.

  2. How fun that the two of you have outfit design face-offs! I like both looks! lol Hugs...Debbie

  3. Both are definitely cute! Love the classic style:)

  4. I like both outfits too and would wear either one (although I don't love boyfriend jeans and would substitute skinny jeans instead). I could see the first outfit with a navy and white scarf as well. Cute shoes.

  5. Both are very cute but since I am into more casual dressing and love the comfort of boy friend jeans and tee shirts I would probably wear her version.

  6. I like both, but prefer the boy friend jeans. Could you wear the gingham shirt over the white T? I like a "jacket" even in the summer when you go into chilly buildings with air conditioning!

  7. I would be more likely to wear your "outfit", Kathysue. It looks more polished. Maybe that is my age talking...who knows! ;)

  8. Chuckling...I still call my ensemble's "outfits." Chalk it up to age!! franki

  9. I would wear her version. Like the boyfriend jeans over the white shorts which would look horrible on me! I like the gingham shirt though with long white jeans and those tennies. Have a great week KS!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue