Friday, April 11, 2014

What Could Be Greener Than This?


We have all heard that saying about the grass being greener on the other side. 

I don't think it can get much greener than it is right now with the new Spring grass on our hills.

Our home sits in an area right at the edge of some of our foothills.

I have been told by visitors from out of state that our hills are unusual. They described them by saying they looked as if someone had carved them out of a big mound of ground.

Another friend said that they reminded her of the hills and scenery in Spain.

Yesterday my hubby and I took a little drive in an area where the hills are free from any new building, and the cows roam freely.

Antioch Green Hills Springtime 017 (800x617)
Happy California Cows

I feel very blessed to have this literally, almost  in my backyard.

Antioch Green Hills Springtime 007 (800x600)
The hills seem to just roll on and on.

Antioch Green Hills Springtime 011 (800x650)
Windmills fascinate me. Look at the old  water tower.

This next picture was the last picture of the day…….

Antioch Green Hills Springtime 023 (800x600)
We did not notice this when we were taking the picture. 
Once I got them uploaded onto the computer this emerged. 

Pretty amazing!! Looks as if we had an angel watching over us that day.

Sometimes I think we all forget to look around us at all the beauty we have in our very own backyard.

If you have a chance, take the time to  drive around your home area, and see it through new eyes.

I hope you enjoyed a little peek at the scenery I get to see every day in my little piece of California suburbia.


  1. OMG....THEY ARE GORGEOUS. Nothing can beat them!

  2. Gorgeous countryside- it looks like Scotland! The green hills are gorgeous!

  3. oh my! i see pegasus! i do i do!

    what a gorgeous planet created for us to enjoy.



  4. Kathy, on our recent drive from San Fran to Sonoma, we passed through many of these beautiful hills. Although they were not this green at the time we were there, I was so taken with their round, undulating shape. They are very different looking from those in Texas or anywhere else I've traveled. Just beautiful! And I love your travel companion!

  5. Looks like the "Green, Green Grass of Home!!" franki

  6. Absolutely gorgeous!!!...I would take drives every day to see that magnificent countryside!!

  7. i can drive and drive and never see such beauty, this being the flat midwest. so incredibly lovely kathy sue!!!

    i saw the angel before i read your words, wow


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue