Friday, December 6, 2013

Making The Task Of Gift Wrapping Fun!


Do you feel over whelmed when it comes to gift wrapping?

I am going to share with you my approach and how it helps me stay organized and happily wrapping….

First, I have to admit that I  am like a kid in a candy store when it comes to wrapping paper and ribbons.

When you think about it, choosing your paper and ribbons is like choosing fabrics for your room.

Make it fun and coordinate them and organize them in a way that they look pretty and are easily accessible.

Let me show you what I mean……

Packages waiting for their embellishments……

2013 Christmas gifts 003 (800x600)

Tools needed for wrapping……..

2013 Christmas gifts 006 (800x600)ribbit
You will notice the little basket on the right has my tools, scissors, tape, glue stick, markers all together.

Baskets to hold everything are so helpful……..

2013 Christmas gifts 008 (800x600)ribbit
All my ribbons are lined up in a basket ready to make a pretty bow. 

I have fun paper ribbon with stickers that have our family name on them. 

Jingle bells are a theme for this years Christmas so I have a bowl full to add to the packages.

2013 Christmas gifts 011 (600x800)ribbit
I don’t have a designated room to do my gift wrapping in, but I do have a large kitchen bar that works well.

Ribbet collage Gift wrapping central

You can still make your wrapping station look attractive while working by putting all the necessary elements in baskets for easy access. It also helps keep me organized.

By getting pretty papers and ribbons it really helps in making your packages stand out. I just tie simple uncomplicated bows on my packages.

Now for the fun part!! Arranging them under the tree…..

Christmas 2013 003 (800x600)ribbit

A Christmas Helper:
I place the gifts under the tree without their bows first to figure out the arrangement. 

It is kind of like putting pillows on your sofa. Once I see where the gifts will go, it helps me decide on which color of bow to use.

I hope this will help make gift wrapping a little easier and more enjoyable for you. Below you will find the sources I use for my gift wrapping supplies.

Kathysue is Falalaing at her home!!!


Paper sources: The Container Store
                                                Nashville Wraps

Ribbons: Paper Mart
              Container Store

Paper ribbon and round stickers: Paper Jacks on Etsy



  1. Pretty! I pulled all of my stuff out the other night and got busy. It feels good to have some things wrapped and pretty. :)

  2. I'm so inspired to get some pretty wrapping!

  3. Your gifts are so beautifully wrapped! I used to wrap my packages like that but with eight children, I get overwhelmed with the number of boxes to wrap and have gotten lazy, only to save time. You have inspired me to go back to my old ways and make my wrapping special again!

  4. You are so wonderfully organized, I am very impressed. The finished gifts look fabulous.

  5. It's a mind over matter for me...franki

  6. Wow you have been busy...I am impressed, you have gifts already under the tree? I am quite a few steps behind but working hard to catch up this weekend.

  7. Hi Kathysue, I love your color scheme. You really make all this look easy. My supplies are a mess. I think that is my problem.

  8. Would you please come to my house and wrap all my gifts?! Yours are so classy and beautiful! I love the colors. I have 7 grandchildren which translates into a whole lot of gifts. I would love for them to look organized and beautiful like your! You have an amazing, God-given talent for making life special. Thanks for sharing with us!

  9. You are amazing! That's all I can say about the matter. Since we travel a long distance, all-be-it by car, to spend Christmas with our son and family, and mail gifts to my daughter and family, I don't spend time doing much wrapping. However, if I should ever need to, I will try to do it just like you do. So wonderfully organized!

  10. Beautiful! I love your color combo and all the fun touches you add to your packages Merry Christmas.

  11. Now if only we could all be as organised as this Christmas prep would be a breeze!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue