Saturday, December 7, 2013



Christmas 2013 013 (800x600)

Our Christmas tree is full of memories, in fact I call it our, “Memory Tree,” I like to change certain elements each year, but the memory tree always remains the same.

(To see last years tree and read about why ornaments are so precious to our family go HERE!)

I will add  different colored balls and ribbons,but each little ornament holds a memory for our family.

Christmas 2013 014
(Before ornaments are placed on the tree)

Ribbet Edit 2013 Christmas Inspirationa

We made some changes to our family room this past year so I coordinated by decorations and gift wrapping with the room.

Ribbet collage Christmas Wrappings 2013

You will see black and white, blue and white and an addition  of pops of  different shades of green.

I have not used blue on my tree for years. Our very first Christmas tree had blue and silver balls on it over 44 years ago. 

Funny how what goes around comes around again.

Christmas 2013 003 (800x600)ribbit
There are still some things I need to do to finish decorating in the family room, but our tree is done so I thought I would share it with you today. 

Christmas 2013 004 (600x800)ribbit
You can see our tree is packed with memories. 

First pair of shoes, soccer and baseball buttons, first pair of glasses. Ornaments made by 3 little boy’s hands.

There are pictures of my Boys, their beautiful wives and my 3 gorgeous Grandchildren. We even have ornaments that look like our family pet Mitsy who now has angel wings.

Christmas 2013 005 (600x800)ribbit
Christmas 2013 006 (800x600)ribbit


Christmas 2013 012 (800x600)RIBBIT



  1. Hi Kathy Sue! Oh, my, your tree and mantle are so lovely. Love the pretty colors you've used. From afar you would never imagine your tree is filled with those little memory items. Pretty presents too. Have a great weekend.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  2. Love these colors, so festive. I think I've been inspired. Jo @ Let's Face the Music

  3. Dear Kathysue,
    Your tree and room looks gorgeous! Love the way the blue works with everything.

  4. Absolutely LOVE it!!! Just beautiful! I love the blue-green-silver combination! Your home is just spectacular.

  5. Your tree looks lovely Kathysue and you have incorporated your color scheme perfectly. I'm sure you love to sit in there and enjoy and remember. We, too have a couple of memory trees. The one in our bedroom has ornaments we have picked up on our travels, not too full, but each one special. Then I have the ones like you, baby shoes, silver cups, photos etc. They are all so special and fun to get out each year.
    Can't wait to see what else you've done.

  6. Kathysue, you are soooooo organized! Years ago I would do the gift wrap in a color theme, but we really don't give many gifts anymore. It's just the two of us, so we keep things simple. I'll wrap gifts for friends, but here at home we simply put our gifts in our stockings. Makes it easy!
    Love the look of your tree and all those pretty packages.

  7. Your fireplace changes, rug, etc., this year have made your Christmas decorations really pop. Your blue is a very nice blue. Nice, Kathy. Merry Christmas.

  8. I love it all but those last two shots are STUNNING! I've never used blue, but I posted about a blue and white Christmas tablescape I tried, and I really liked working with the blue! It feels so pretty and fresh, as does everything you've done. I ended up keeping the winter arrangement I made in the blue and white container. It's so different for me, and I love the change. Thanks for giving me some more ideas. Your sconces are to die for, by the way!

  9. So beautiful and thoughtful! love it...

  10. Love that styling tree with memories too. I love the colors and how they look in the room. Really, really, festive!
    Happy Holidays!!!

  11. Your house looks positively magical!

  12. Stunning Kathysue!

    The Arts by Karena

  13. Kathysue-
    You tree is amazing!! I am with you on the memories. Your entire room is picture perfect.
    I bought blue ornaments to ad this year too, and they add such a richness.
    Thank you for sharing your home.

  14. So beautiful! Merry Christmas to you and yours!


  15. Your "memory tree" is absolutely beautiful! franki

  16. royally blue and fabulous, mama! bravo.


  17. It looks beautiful, Kathy Sue and love how you changed it up this and festive!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue