Monday, December 31, 2012


 I wrote this post last year, but I think it applies to ANY YEAR!!  I hope you are able to take the TIME to read this.......

It is almost here, 2012!! We all have been given the gift of another year.

I know some of you will read the words I have written here, others will just skim over the images. I hope you who have  taken the time too come by my blog today will take the, “TIME!” to read what I have written………

.....I look at my upcoming year a bit differently than I use to when I was younger. It is not so much about how much I will get done this year, or how much stuff I will get, but I look at the time I have been given as a gift.

I choose to use my time as a precious gift, and when I get the opportunity to spend time with my loved ones or friends, I am going to use my time wisely.

 I know it feels as if time goes by faster,but trust me we have same 24 hours as our ancestors had. What is different is how we choose to spend our time.

Life has taught me a couple of really good, and meaningful lessons about how I use my time, some were hard lessons and some were wonderfully pleasant lessons, but I did learn from them……..

One lesson, and the hardest lesson in my life, was taught to me at the age of twenty four when my Dad at the age of 47 died of a heart attack.

My world crumbled at that very moment. You see I was a Daddy’s girl, through, and through. I basically thought this man could walk on water.

Through losing him I realized at a very young age, that it was the sweet moments, the time I could never get back. 

I might have pictures, or gifts he had given me, but I never could get back the time, that precious gift of time to spend with him.

I remember thinking if I could just have 30 more seconds to tell him once again how much I loved him, and  how much I appreciated him, I would give up everything for those precious seconds of time.

I am not glad that my Dad died, but I can truly say I am glad that I learned how important it is to spend my time wisely when it comes to the people I love and care about. 

Source: via Kathy Sue on Pinterest

My other lesson was a happier lesson, and it came in the form of a little 6 year old boy. 

We had our boys, and their families here for some occasion, and all of the girls were in the living room talking about, design, hair, make-up and the latest fashions. 


I was in the middle of a story when my 6 year old grandson came up to me and asked me if I would play volley ball with him. I told him sure, just give me a few minutes to finish my story.

Source: via Kathy Sue on Pinterest

A few minutes to a little guy is an eternity, so of course he came back in a very short period of time. I stopped my story, and looked into those blue eyes and said, “Sure, Grammy will play with you!”

We went down the hall, got the beach ball and started tossing it back and forth down my almost thirty foot hall.

All of the sudden, that little guy came running down the hall, hugged me around the waist, and ran back to his end of the hall, and we continued our play. 

Not a word was spoken, but I knew! He was telling me how much he loved me, as only a small child could with such a heartfelt demonstration of love.

It was not hours, truly it was maybe 10-15minutes, but the point had been made. I put him, and spending time with him above everything else, and he knew without a doubt how much his Grammy loved him.

You see it is not the amount of time, it is the quality of time, and how you choose to spend your time that matters.

So with that my dear readers, I leave you with this……..

.....Time is a gift, we all get to choose how we will spend it, and who we will spend it with. 

I pray that this year you all spend your time wisely and lovingly with the special people in your lives……….

Happy New Year, and May God bless each and everyone of you with precious, precious “TIME!”!



  1. Thank you for posting this again. It's a reminder we all need. Happy New Year Kathysue!

  2. I remember this post from last year, Kathysue. I do believe the gift of time is one of the most important ones we will ever receive. Blessings to you on this New Year's Eve. My post today, too, was about time and the passage of it-xo Diana

  3. Such a beautiful post Kathysue. Happy New Year! Jane

  4. Such a lovely post Kathysue.Happy New Year!Jane

  5. waouh! so true...what a wonderful post! I will remember.
    Best wishes for 2013!

  6. A beautiful post Kathysue & something that is on my mind right now. I have a hectic year ahead of me work wise & Im needing to work out how to tackle it whilst still being a good mum & wife.
    Happy new year my wise bloggy friend!!

  7. Beautiful, Kathsue. Thanks for sharing this again.
    Happy New Year........Sarah

  8. so true. so important. so bittersweet.

    i wish you peace and fulfillment in the new year, lovely blogger.


  9. Wonderful thoughts Kathysue. Time has quality and quantity and our mistake is that we loose time by lamenting how less time we have. We have to take care to perceive time consciously and live life in present ...because is not less time we have, but it is too much we don't use.

  10. Amen friend!
    Beautifully said!
    Happy New Year!

  11. Great post to kick off the New Year Kathysue. Time is the one thing that cost us nothing to give but the older I get I observe how selfish we can sometimes be with this precious gift. I am going to save your post to keep as a reminder to read again in the months ahead.


  12. I thought of you this morning as I was watching Good Morning America's story about trends for 2013. Clothes trend for and'll be set for this year!! Happy New Year!

  13. I actually remember this post from last year because it really hit home how true it is that little kids think a few minutes is forever, and it means so much to them when we drop everything for them!

  14. A beautiful post Kathysue and so heartfelt. Happy New Year to you.

  15. So love this are so right...the greatest gift is the gift of time....My hubby and I always try and take the time to spend with our precious granddaughter...for you won't be long until she would rather spend the day at the mall with her friends!!! :)...
    Happy New Year!...

  16. We're so glad you reposted this wonderful piece. As they say, the days are long but the years are short and we should take time to savor every minute. We're vowing to live more in the moment this year and we guess time will tell! Wishing you and your family all the best in 2013!
    C + C

  17. Beautiful lesson of love. You are so wise, and I am trying so hard to live in the moment and never ever take for granted the gift of Time.

  18. Beautiful Kathysue! Time is a gift and there is nothing like New Year's for us to be so aware of the passing of time. It certainly isn't to be taken for granted. Happy 2013 to you and your family! ~Delores

  19. You hit it out of the park!! Thanks for sharing!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue