Sunday, December 30, 2012

It's Not Just For Christmas, Leave it Out All Year!

Do you ever wish you could keep up some  of your Christmas decorations all year long?

I have a couple of things that I used this year that I wish I could keep up. They don't shout, "Christmas Decoration!"

I had to think outside the box a little so it  made me look into ways that I could make that possible.

The first element is my round lanterns that I hang on the mirrors that are on  each side of the window in my dining room….

Blog Christmas 2010 035 (800x600)_thumb[8]

Table and Porch 001

I love the contrast of the black lantern next to the crispness of the wallpaper, and white framed mirror.

Because I have loved this look for more than two years I started thinking, “Why can’t I keep my lanterns out?”

Obviously I won’t be hanging them with Christmas ribbon! That would look odd, but I am going to find out how I can hang them on the mirror.

I put out a request on my Facebook page asking if anyone has hung something on top of a mirror with Command strips.

Bloggers are such generous people. I connected with Kristi from Addicted 2 decorating. She informed me that I could use Command picture hanging strips to hang my lanterns on my mirrors.

The best part is she wrote a blog post, "A Little Mirror on Mirror Magic," on just how to do it. This is perfect so I can show my hubby!

That old saying where there is a will there is a way held true.

So, this year I will be leaving my black round lanterns hanging on my mirrors.

Sometimes we have to think outside of the box to get a look that we are happy with. I am so glad I found a way to do what I want with my lanterns.

Do you have a decoration you love so much at Christmas that you would love to leave it out? 

Think about it, I bet you can figure out a way to use it all year long.



  1. Hi Kathysue!

    Loved your Christmas decor and I needs a life of it's own into the new year.

    Thanks for sharing your info!

    Hope you have a good New Year's Eve!

  2. Agreed, thinking outside the box is in sync with listening to your instincts. Do what you love and what feels right. I think you have the right idea! I have decided my decorations are not moving until mid January. I love seeing them, it keeps the magic of the holidays around a little longer and there are no rules, right? Cheers to a happy and healthy 2013!!

  3. Yes, I have seen things that make me think...that should be out all the time. Then, I go into my "nothing on the counter" mode. I'm crazy, and I ok with it. Happy New Year.

  4. I have some feather trees that I adore and wish I could leave out year round, Kathy Sue. Thanks for all of your inspiration this year and wishing you all the best in 2013!!

  5. LOVE THOSE LANTERNS! yes kathysue, too pretty to put away. i am keeping out flameless pillar candles, the new ones with the lifelike dancing flame

    with love, sending you wishes for an amazing 2013

  6. Hi, Kathysue -
    I love your lanterns layered over the mirrors. The light reflected is beautiful. The ribbons do not scream Christmas to me. Think I'll keep my mercury glass collection out until late winter. Wishing you a wonderful and healthy 2013. Happy New Year, my friend!!

  7. Happy New Year.
    Yes, leave the mirror up all year. It looks great!

  8. Your lanterns are fabulous and perfect for all year round. Happy New Year and love you tons. Hugs, Marty

  9. I'm with "Enchanted!" If YOU like it, DO IT!! (p.s. I like your lanterns, too.) franki

  10. I like those lanterns on your mirrors. I've never used command strips before so was hesitant to say. You could change the ribbon with the seasons!
    Wishing you and your family a healthy happy 2013 Kathysue! ~Delores

  11. It is amazing how generous other bloggers are. I feel so lucky to be a part of the blogging community. Happy new year Karhysue!

  12. thanks for sharing...I leave a few snowmen out until the final ski season of the year, usually early March, just to keep a bit of my beloved snow around a while longer and to remind me of fun times past and present. And blogland is such a good source for any info..I feel very lucky to be part of it.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue