Tuesday, January 1, 2013

What I Did On The First Day Of The New Year

Yesterday was the very first day of the New Year!! I decided to just take it easy and enjoy the day perusing the web. I had fun putting up different sayings on my Facebook page off and on all day.

These are sayings that meant something to me. They are words I want to remember through out this wonderful new year.

We have a whole year ahead of us and we get to choose how we handle our personal lives.

I wanted to share these meaningful words with you, my wonderful readers, in hopes that they will resonate with you as well.

They are not listed in any particular order of importance except for the very first one. This is the one that has to be at the core of my everyday life……










These are all good thoughts to keep in our hearts, and minds, don’t you think?

I am looking forward to this year with excitement and anticipation. My prayer is that I stay open to God’s guidance and direction.

The choices are endless and what we choose to do is up to us!! Let’s make it a good one!!


  1. Happy new year! I think I need to actually print this out, stick it on my fridge as a daily reminder! I love all of these, especially the one the talent that God gives us and of course the happy list and of course the girls guide to loving life. Excellent way to start the year!

  2. Kathysue,
    So many wonderful words here! Thank you for posting them. I will be referring to them often!!

  3. I printed The 12 things Happy People Do differently and have posted it on my fridge. Thanks for the good thoughts with which to start a new year.

  4. Your posts are always right on target! I shared your post on my Facebook page at my shop…hope that was ok! I also shared it on my own page….it was truly wonderful! I may share this one as well! The words speak to every aspect of my life right now! Thanks for the encouragement!

  5. I want my family to focus on the positive and simple/good things in life not on the petty and negative. My husband over reacts when my daughter does something that displeases him even if she is in another room and not aware of him (for example swearing). Now I don't like that she swears but I know that if I just focus on that there would be negative feelings. My husband instead will yell at her and tell her that she isn't classy etc. She is recovering from a very dark time in her life and is feeling better about herself and life. I want the two of them to focus on that.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue