Thursday, September 27, 2012

Trying To Get My FALL-ON!!!


Just getting back from Paris I am trying to get back on our time schedule. I am also trying to get into a Fallish kind of mood.

If I had been home the last couple of weeks, I am sure I would have started lighting more candles at dusk.

I would have purchased the last harvest of locally grown tomatoes.

Fall plantings would have been placed on my front porch with a few pumpkins peeking out around them.

Ornamental Kale is one of my favorite Fall plantings.

Alas, I was gone so I am trying to catch up, and get inspired to start my nesting for the Fall season.
Source: via Kathy Sue on Pinterest 

I love the weather this time of year, cool, crisp mornings and evenings, while it is still pleasantly warm during the day.

I don’t know about you, but I think it is time for me to get my Fall-ON!!!

Have you done any Fall nesting yet? Please share what you have done in the comments. I love to be inspired by my wonderfully talented readers….

Here’s To FALL……..



  1. Kathysue-
    I am SO excited that summer is over!! I do not like it!
    This images are gorgeous, as always.
    I am happy that you had a nice trip, lucky you!
    Happy Thursday.

    The pictures are beautiful and show Fall's finest!
    Glad you are back safe and sound. Your trip was a dream come true!

  3. I'm so ready too Kathysue! I'm getting it all out this weekend! I love the photo of the wagon filled with mums and pumpkins. LOVE! Happy Fall to you!


  4. I'm "crazy about" metallic bronze and am "spray painting" everything in out!! franki

  5. Welcome home..sounds like you had one heck of a fabulos time!! Like you, I love fall and everything about it...gorgeous pictures!!

  6. not in fall mode just yet, my friend. in arizona lovin the dry heat and landscape.

    hope you are well now that you are in re-entry mode.

    love to you.


  7. At least you got to go to Paris! Fall will be here for you for a while! I've only started my fall planting and buying up gorgeous pumpkins. The shop is decorated for sure…we have to start so early! These pics were amazing!

  8. Hello Kathy, glad to see your back and hopefully recovered from your trip. I always have a hard time getting into fall. I think its because in Calif it doesn't feel like fall until its almost over.

  9. Welcome home, Kathysue! You still have plenty of time to get your Fall-On! I was never a fan of Fall, but as I get older, the cooler temps and charming simplicity of the season is really appealing to me!

  10. Definitely need to get some fall decorating done before it's too late... Rain is in the forecast for this weekend so this may have to wait until next week! Happy Friday, Kathysue.
    C + C

  11. Definitely in the mood for a bit of fall decorating. Welcome back!! Isn't it nice to be home?

  12. Well...I have not really done much in terms of fall decor but after seeing your DR I am starting to get excited about your Thanksgiving table!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue