Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Looking In The Windows In Paris


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We were on our way home from a beautiful first day in Paris looking in the windows of the shops as we passed by.

Paris 9-11-2012 090 (800x600)

I looked in the window, started to walk by, and then a quick turn around……. I had to go into this lovely shop!

Paris 9-11-2012 091 (800x600)
The shop was full of gorgeous orchids. Some that I have never seen before.

Paris 9-11-2012 092 (600x800)
 (A reader just sent me the information on this chandelier that she found on 1st Dibs......http://www.1stdibs.com/furniture_item_detail.php?id=671479)

In the very middle of the shop there was this grand 1960’s glass chandelier. It had to be at least 5ft. in length. I only wish I could have captured it’s magnificence in a photo.

If you would like one for your own home you can go to 1st Dib's website and for a mere $24,000 it can be yours!

Paris 9-11-2012 094 (600x800)
The curator of this shop was a young man named, Marc! He spoke English, and was delighted to practice. He told us all about his shop, and the unique items displayed.

Most of the unique items were purchased at flea markets. Can you imagine finding the chandelier in pieces in a box? He told us all the pieces were intact! Amazing.

Notice the buckets on the wall that are holding the ferns? This is off of an old water wheel. What a clever display.

I am going to try to duplicate this somewhere in my backyard. I fell in love with this concept.

Paris 9-11-2012 095 (600x800)

He had several lamp bases that were made from old metal grates off of fences.

Paris 9-11-2012 097 (600x800)

Before opening the shop they came in, and stripped all the walls and the ceiling down to it’s original beginnings. I love the texture of the stone, plaster and beams.

Paris 9-11-2012 098 (800x600)
Marc told us to only spray a mist of water on our orchids, and to not water them. They absorb water through their roots, so a mist is sufficient. We kill our orchids with too much love/water!!

Paris 9-11-2012 099 (800x600)

Paris 9-11-2012 093 (600x800)
 More water buckets  trailing down the stone walls with ivy gently flowing among the orchids.

Paris 9-11-2012 100 (800x600)
We had a lovely visit with Marc. We are finding the Parisian’s to be so warm and charming. 

If you have the pleasure of going to Paris be sure to visit this lovely florist:

Eric Chauvin
22, rue Jean Nicot
Paris 75007

Have I told you that I LOVE Paris?!



  1. Thank you for taking us on a little fieldtrip to Paris! The chandy is amazing... as are the photos of all those gorgeous orcids!
    Eat lots of good french food!

  2. What a gorgeous shop Kathysue! I love the chandelier, but what really caught my eye was the horse! Was is metal? Just amazing. Can't wait to see more of your trip! Kat

  3. Ms. KathySue, I did not know yo were in Paris! How amazing.

    I know you are soaking up every bit of inspiration you can over there!

    Cant wait to see more of your visit.

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  4. Love the photos! I love Paris too - very envious!

  5. Hi Kathysue -- That chandelier is magnificent! It seems to be like this 60's Mazzega 8-tier "Petals" chandelier on 1stdibs:
    ... so maybe you could have a similar one in your home!

    Love what you were able to find out about the lamp bases and water bucket planters... so interesting and thank you for sharing the details with us!

    Are you still in Paris?

  6. It's all so inspirational. I am loving all the pictures and Doug asking you to marry him all over again. What a great trip for the two of you.

  7. Love, love window shopping in Paris!! Thanks for finding this fabulous shop for us. The chandelier is 2 die 4!!! If I had the budget and the house for it, I'd buy it :)

  8. So glad you went INTO the shop! Priceless!
    I will try the orchid theory one more time! Maybe?
    On that chandelier, what is the Shipping and Handling Cost? :)

  9. Love this post!! So much inspiration. I love the tip about misting orchids.
    It makes sense as I can't seem to keep them alive more than a few months. You can be sure I will be trying this one.
    I see you are back!!!
    I need to call you and hear first hand about your trip of a lifetime!!
    Can we meet up somewhere for lunch?
    Love you,


  10. Kathysue, Paris shops are full of inspiration. I never tire of just walking the streets and admiring the beautiful vignettes in shop windows and within. Someone once asked, what do you do in Paris after 3 days?
    Really???? Three years couldn't cover all that this magical city has to offer.
    Glad you got to experience it and especially happy that you are sharing your images with us! ~ Sarah

  11. Why don't you just stay in Paris and do a "Tales from Paris". I am loving your trip

  12. And I am loving Paris though your eyes and lens.

  13. I"m so enjoying these little guided tours of Paris, thank you for sharing your trip. It looks just beautiful

  14. beautiful inspiration and so good to hear you are lovin yer paris!

    smiles from arizona, frenchie!


  15. I have only bought fake orchids since we have killed so many- never thought of just misting them!!! Your trip looks like its straight out of heaven. I went in 2010 and am still head over heels over Paris. Love your stories!
    xo Nancy

  16. Kathysue, I've been lagging behind in blog visits (the radiation therapy) and am delighted to see this post. I think you captured the essence and charm of the city without showing anything of the city itself. I adore orchids and always have them around, so I thoroughly enjoyed this post.

  17. I never knew that about orchids. I always follow the 2 ice cubes every 2 weeks rule! Gorgeous images!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue