Friday, September 28, 2012

Starting To Get My Fall-ON!!

After writing yesterdays post I actually got a little inspired myself. Funny how that works sometimes.

So, Hubby and I went out to our local Famers stand to buy some late season tomatoes, and  newly harvested pumpkins.

Sarahs Visit 10 2011 and fall touches 011 (600x800)
The tomatoes, and pumpkins were just beautiful. I felt like a kid in a candy store.

Sarahs Visit 10 2011 and fall touches 010 (800x600)
When you have that many pumpkins and tomatoes staring at you, it really is hard to know which ones to bring home.
Sarahs Visit 10 2011 and fall touches 014 (800x600)
(no orange pumpkins for me!)

I bought four different types of tomatoes, zucchini, red peppers, fresh basil, sweet corn, plums, and of course pumpkins in beautiful shades of green and white.

While in Paris we visited many stores with wonderful displays of fresh vegetables, and fruit, but none were as beautifully displayed as at Au Bon Marche Grand Epicerie………
(For more information and images go HERE)


Just look at the beautifully displayed tomatoes!
( not the tomato on the left!)
Seeing the tomatoes in bowls reminded me of how I like to arrange fresh produce to make it easily available for my family and guest…..

Fresh Produce 017 (800x689)
Not as artfully displayed as the Bon Marche, but none-the- less, hopefully inviting!!

I took my tomatoes, and a bouquet of Fall flowers and placed them near my kitchen window…..

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Caprese salad made with yellow flame, and red beefsteak tomatoes, fresh basil, mozzarella, garlic infused olive oil, sea salt and fresh cracked pepper! YUM!!

This made a great side-dish with our Spaghetti Carbonara, and fresh French bread from a local bakery…..
(I must think I am still in Paris!)


Yes! Yesterday was a perfect Fall day.


  1. Everything looks so colorful, Kathysue! Your dinner looks yummy and I love the fruit tray. Those french habits are easy to develop, aren't they? Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  2. Beautiful presentation! The French markets are amazing. I'm in awe each time I see one. ;-)

  3. OMG you are making me crave a full on pasta dinner at 7:30am! Your tomato caprese looks amazing as spaghetti carbonara is one of my all time favorites.......sooo good!
    The variety on the tomatos is really something, funny how that can inspire you to cook huh? And I also opted for the less traditional pumpkin colors, pale green, white and this pale them!

  4. I have let it be known that FALL is my favorite season!
    On top of that MC and I both celebrate our Birthdays in the Fall.
    MC's "Birthday Cake" his entire life has been pumpkin pie. Our neighbors don't know that Tuesday is his day. We have invited them over for our Annual Pumpkin Pie Dessert "event". Should be fun! Didn't want to make a Birthday fuss! So far no one has figured it out....

  5. I think the best part of fall is going and picking out those pumpkins! Feasting on the fresh late season veggies is also a favorite of mine. Love Caprese salad! Your photos are beautiful!

    Happy Fall Weekend!

  6. The European farmer's markets look so much better than the ones here. Your dinner sure looks good.

  7. Kathysue -
    We love Au Bon Marche Grand Epicerie. Especially all the little free samples :) Your spaghetti carbonara looks's one of my favorites. I love it very rich and creamy.

  8. What fun! Carbonara has always been a family favorite of ours as well as a good caprese salad! They both look divine! I love your choice in flowers and I got non traditional pumpkins again this year as well! They are such fun! Happy Fall!

  9. ahhhh the color and abundance! i could eat that salad of yours and be a very happy madame.

    you look gorgeous even among produce, lovely.


  10. Fall has fell here (leaves!!!) franki

  11. All lovely inspirations, Kathysue. I often make the tomato, mozzarella combo myself...delicious with lots of fresh basil. I am getting into the fall spirit too, which isn't easy in hot, sunny Florida. My latest love is white pumpkins. That is a trend I can get behind as it works well with ironstone.
    XO, Victoria

  12. Kathysue, you picked out all of the wonderful produce and pumpkins that I would have. Staying white and neutral on the Autumn decor!

    You look so cute in from of the produce!

    Art by Karena
    2012 Artists Series

  13. Oh and I love, love Caprese salad!!

    Art by Karena
    2012 Artists Series

  14. You are an adorable looking "tomato".. thanks for the inspriation. Now if the weather would just cooperate (I live in So. Cal, where we had a 95 degree day today). Sure enjoy your blog, thank you....

  15. You are such an adorable "tomato"... thanks for the inspiration... love your blog...

  16. No orange pumpkins for me either! Love the photo of you in Paris! So adorable! And your produce display is as inspiring as at the Bon Marche! Happy first day of October! It's going to be a hot one!

  17. Yummy....why oh why can't we be neighbors? I would be right there helping you eat it ALL!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue