Monday, October 1, 2012

I Am Going To Be A Busy Girl

It looks as if I have some work
in- store for me…….

Fall Plantings from Halfmoon Bay 9-30-12 001 (600x800)
Fall Plantings from Halfmoon Bay 9-30-12 003 (610x800)
Fall Plantings from Halfmoon Bay 9-30-12 004 (545x800)
Fall Plantings from Halfmoon Bay 9-30-12 005 (600x800)
Fall Plantings from Halfmoon Bay 9-30-12 006 (600x800)
The beginnings of my Fall planting for my front porch.
Green, White, Yellow and just a very tiny touch of dark purple for Hubby!!

There can be no other occupation like gardening in which, if you were to creep up behind someone at their work, you would find them smiling.  ~Mirabel Osler

Have you planted your Fall garden yet? What colors are you using?


2010 Fall porch go HERE!


  1. Ah, yes and no! We go from summer to winter, or from dry to wet at about mid-October. My plantings occurred a few months ago, and now in bloom already, orange and pink and red.

  2. Kathysue, what beautiful flowers! I am sure they will be gorgeous when you're done! Love the color selections.

  3. I have to find those white pumpkins. Loi over at Tone on Tone had a wonderful post about them. I will use them inside. Outside I just need some mums for my planter boxes. The "Association" takes care of most of our landscaping. We can add to it, but it's easier to just let them do their thing.

  4. You definitely have your work cut out. And it's going to be a hot one today! Looks like it will be beautiful on your front porch!

  5. You definitely have a green thumb :)

  6. A fun kind of favorite kind! Enjoy, they are all how the yellow and white pops against the green!

  7. Not yet, but would finishing our new spring collection count? To be frank, we have such black thumbs that we breathe a sigh of relief when fall comes so that we don't have to tend to the garden! Your porch will be so much more inviting, though.
    C + C

  8. The inside and the outside really coordinate at your house! Looking forward to seeing the results.

  9. it's going to look sensational! what a lovely lovely tradition.

    smiles to you.


  10. Your porch is going to look amazing - I love the white and yellows together. I planted one large white mum and one large purple/white mum in our garden and called it a day. I would like to plant some of those pansies that come up again in the spring (are they icicle pansies?).

  11. What a beautiful combination. We just had a bridesmaid's luncheon on our patio so ours is planted in different white flowers and green kale and cabbages. Happy October and Monday!

  12. Love your is going to look wonderful!

  13. Love your colors. Soft but fall like.

  14. Sucha beautiful color combination! Be certain and show us the finished project!
    Happy Tuesday.

  15. There is nothing more peaceful than working in the garden and you've got some beautiful additions to make to yours! Enjoy!

  16. I cant wait to see you garden and porch. I know it will look beautiful!

  17. I just did my front porch, too. I love gardening. So glad to have found you from your post on The Pink Pagoda.

  18. Love your plant combinations...why you gotta go and be all "get it done" before me huh? Will your wonderful hubby help you?


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue