Friday, September 7, 2012

Shall We Tie One On ??

 It is no secret that the scarf is one of this season's most fashionable accessory. 

The big secret is how in the heck do you tie them in a creative manner. 

There are so many different shapes of scarves being shown in the fashion magazines?

I love wearing scarves, and have worn them for years. I must admit I am not  very clever when it comes to tying them. I am quite comfortable tying a simple square scarf around my neck…….

New Haircut 009 (800x733)
Me trying to take a picture of myself, boy this is hard!!

 Here is part of my collection of scarves……….

Fall Wardrobe 010 (800x600)

You can see that they are not all little squares, some are oblong, large squares, and large rectangles.

Can you guess what it coming next?

How does one tie all these different shapes gracefully, and creatively?

 Kathysue to the rescue!! 

I have found  three videos that show all different shapes, and sizes of scarves tied in every possible manner imaginable.

The below videos are all very easy to follow, trust me they have to be easy for this girl! 

If you are interested in becoming an expert at tying all the fun scarves that are being shown, take a few minutes, and click on the link below each image, and it will take you to the video.

 click the above link

 click the above link↑

click the above link↑

I hope you found these videos as helpful as I did!!


  1. i love my scarves too. you look truly french in your photo! cute as a parisian hottie!


  2. Kathysue, thanks for sharing the videos. Eileen Fischer web site has some good ones too. I like to wear scarves though since retiring don't have as much reason to add a scarf. ;-)

  3. I have quite a collection of scarves too. So happy to see they are still around. I love my scarves!

    Your picture is so cute, Kathysue.

  4. Great videos, Kathysue. I'm going to use some of these ideas, for sure. Now,if only I had a beautiful long neck and thin body like those models do!

  5. I don't feel "dressed" without a scarf! I first started seeing, and wearing, them about ten years ago in France (duh!) and have been hooked ever since. I find the outdoor vendors can have the most fun, funky scarves. Also, Target is a great resource for the discerning eye!

  6. I love the look of scarves but for some reason I can't stand anything around my neck. I don't even wear collared shirts...which breaks my heart because I adore them. I think a scarf is usually the perfect gift for a woman who "has everything." Chances are they can use another scarf!

  7. First take a great self portrait!
    Second....there is hope yet on my trying to wear a scarf!

  8. Oh I love that picture of you, you are so pretty. Hope you have a super, super, super fun time on your Holiday. I can't wait to hear all about it. Just think, today is the day. Hugs, Marty

    Oh, thanks for the scarf videos too.

  9. I where scarves all the time. I have a collection of them now...I probably have to many!

  10. Great post. I have so many scarves but don't wear them. Somehow, when I put one on, I feel heavy. If that makes sense. I just don't know how to tie them!
    You look adorable BTW! Bon Voyage mon cheri!

  11. Thanks for including the tutorials!! I love scarves and have many of them, wear them literally all year round. They are such an easy way to add a little zest to any outfit. Another fabulous post!

  12. Just finished watching all 3. The first was my favorite. It's cool here today so I'll be putting this to good use tonight when we go out.Thanks Kathysue!

  13. I have "way too many scarves!" I wore them to work all the time but recently retired. I did tie some around pillows, though, and even put a brooch on it...way too much time.. :) Thanks for the videos! franki

  14. OK, you look adorable :)
    You must be getting so excited about Paris!! When do you leave?
    Christopher leaves tomorrow... I will try and give you a call to bid you BON VOYAGE.
    Love you,


  15. What a delightful post. Just in time to teach me how to tie all those fall scarves I just bought. Thanks!

  16. Right now I want to go on the record and saying your self picture is my favorite. You're adorable and yes, it is hard! Happy Sunday!

  17. I love scarves and wear them all the time, summer through to winter. I have some expensive ones and some cheap and cheerful ones. The best place to go for all things'scarf' is the blog site of Mai Tai. She has hundreds of ways to wear a scarf including many that don't touch the neck for summer. Ann from On Sutton Place might find some user friendly ideas. I can't see why being retired should prevent you from wearing a scarf. You should wear them for your own delight to make you feel happy and add a pop of colour. Happy Paris travels.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue