Thursday, September 6, 2012

Do You Like Black Steel Windows?

Two years ago I wrote a post about a trend I started noticing. Back then I was not too sure I liked it.Yet, two years later it is still around, and growing.

It is a trend that has continued to grow, and I must admit in the right room, and when applied correctly it can add to the look, and feel of the room.

This trend is the use of dark steel windows. I must admit I will probably never have it in one of my homes. However, I am seeing it done more, and more in some homes.

Today I thought it would be fun to take a look at how others have chosen to use black steel windows in their homes.

In this particular setting I am not sure any other type of paned window would look as beautiful as the black steel windows. Since this room has a dark floor it balances the darkness on the windows.

The next window is NOT steel, but it is black……….

If this window were not black the room would not have the same look at all. It is a handsome room, and feels well grounded. Again, we have a dark floor to balance the black.

Does the floor always need to be black in order to carry off the black steel windows?………

NO!! Just look at how magnificent these window look with a light stone floor. One thing to notice here is the neutrality of the room.

Here we have another room with light bleached wood floors, but again the room is furnished in neutrals.

First I have to say OMGosh!!! Can you believe this fantastic chandelier? Okay, I can breathe now! Again a neutral room with the steel windows.

Not a window,but a shower enclosure. I am starting to see more and more of this look as well. 

I prefer frameless for my design aesthetic, but I can see that this  is the perfect look for this particular bathroom.

I am starting to see a pattern aren’t you?

Another neutral room!! Hmmm???

I am beginning to see that when black steel windows are used in a room with neutrals, highly textured, or with black as one of the main colors, they work really well!

How about a room with a bit of color?………..

A little blue/gray, but it still reads as a neutral room, don’t you think?


This office has color on the draperies and the rug. Do you think it is working here as well as it does in a completely neutral room?

Colorful accents are added, but again, the room reads as neutral.

In my opinion I think I like the black steel windows best when they are surrounded by a base of neutrals, and maybe just a few accent pieces in a color.

How about you? Do you see yourself having black steel windows installed to replace your old windows?

Or, will you go for white, or natural wood-toned windows?

Personally, I will be sticking with my white wood windows in my existing home.



  1. We too have double hung white wood windows, but I do like this look. It's great with stone! Thanks for sharing this post. The images are full of inspiration.

  2. I have seen them all over Atlanta in the very high end homes. They look awesome and do make a very strong STATEMENT! They wouldn't fit our home, but I LOVE them.

  3. I can't say I am fond of the black steel windows. They are not climate friendly in the Midwest because of the way they conduct cold. I think they look okay in more of an industrial setting but not in the majority of homes- xo Diana

  4. No matter what…I love them! I could die that we replaced our windows not too long ago with fabulous white windows! If I could do it all over again I would choose these….no questions asked! I guess it goes back to my old adage of every room needs a touch of black. I really think it's the architectural detail that draws me to them, though. All the way around they are beautiful and your pictures are incredible!

  5. You were spot on two years ago :) I do see them in many magazines, etc. I personally do like them. Even though I don't have black painted or metal windows/doors, I think they are very striking and handsome.

  6. I am CRAZY for them!!! I just love them and have "talked my hubby" into putting in black framed full view doors with 15 lights...I C A N N O T wait!! Still "waffling" on painting out the window

  7. They might be alright and even nice in some situations...but I have some and I absolutely hate them and have done my best to try to "disapear" them. In my opinion nothing is as nice as wood windows.

  8. I like the look, but in someone else's home. They wouldn't work well in Wisconsin! Agree with you on the neutrality of the rooms. My windows are white and are trimmed in oak with a medium stain!

  9. Wow, those are gorgeous. I would never have noticed. Thank for pointing those out.

  10. I love black steel windows. They allow more window and less frame since steel is so strong, and I think they look stunning. One drawback: the price is quite high. That aside, I would have them in a nano second if I could afford them.
    XO, Victoria

  11. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE black steel windows. I think they are handsome and rich looking, emphasis on rich; and I would really like to have them in my own home, including the shower as you posted. They are so architecturally strong, they make a huge statement, and they are completely grounding with any floor. If I haven't already said enough, they are great "bones." Gee, ya think I love them? Thanks for the great post.

  12. I am nuts for black steel windows and always attributed it to growing up on the East Coast where many old buildings (like our library) featured them. Today I live in Northern California and our favorite restaurant features them. I love sitting on the patio with a view... of the windows!

  13. I pinned almost everyone of those pictures. I am in love with the black steel ones but could definitely live with painting them black as an alternative!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue