Monday, September 3, 2012

Will You Be Wearing White After Labor Day?


When I was growing up we were taught not to wear white after Labor Day!

Well, things have changed and I am so glad because I think you CAN wear white after Labor Day.

I live in California and our Fall weather is very much like our Spring weather. The nights and morning have a crispness in the air ( I love that!), but our days can still be quite warm in September all the way through October.

Let me show you some Fall looking outfits that feature some white……

A nice pair of white boot-cut jeans always look stylish. You can make it more suitable for Fall weather by adding a cashmere gray sweater, and a yellow jacket.

White dress pants and a black blazer, classic!

Add a pair of cute camel, or leopard leather flats and your are set.

Put on a nice V-neck sweater with white pants and you can call it a Fall outfit.

Nothing says Fall like a gorgeous camel wool coat.

Paris Chic!

Everything about this outfit is timeless and classic! Sign me up!!!

A beautiful white wool coat by Burberry.

Another classic outfit I would totally wear!!
So there you have it!! I rest my case. This girl WILL be wearing white after today!!

How about YOU? Will you be wearing any white after Labor day?


  1. I LOVE a good winter white! I am not sure who made that rule... but I am so glad we are breaking it now!

  2. Yes! Have some great white pinwale cords ready for Paris: shall we both wear white when we meet up???

  3. Great post & so timely! :) I wear white because I live in FL and it's really hot. So, lightweight fabrics like linen and sun-reflecting white will live in my closet for a few more months. I'm just getting ready to head North to Toronto for 2 weeks-leaving tomorrow. I've been pondering the idea of bringing white because it's still 75ish during the day. I've decided to bring some shorts and a pair of cuffed denim capris with me.

  4. Definitely will be wearing white after Labor Day! I live in the South and it is still warm down here and I plan to wear at least until September......I have white JCrew capri's that I still wear which are a light corduroy! Love them!

    Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

  5. I'm definitely following your lead, Kathysue. I'll continue to wear white. I never was one to follow such fashion rules. LOL

  6. How funny- My kids and I had this discussion not too long ago. I do wear a winter/off white- but not a pure white here. Being in the midwest we get cold quick and white looks cold. Definitely no white shoes here though I would do a bone color or deep cream. Call me old-fashioned...go kids do!;>) xo Diana

  7. You bet! This GUY will be wearing white after Labor Day :) It is my favorite color....or some may say non color. Have a great week, Kathysue!!

  8. That first photo is JUST what I am now going to "clone" for casual dinner out with "the girls!" Great ideas, all!! franki

  9. Definitely! I never was very good at following that rule :-)

  10. Great them all, but I'm an old Southern gal, so I WON'T be wearing white pants, or shoes, after Labor Day. :) Besides, it's more fun to shop for new Fall clothes.

  11. I break all rules.... I figure at my age ...why not? I thought that "rule" was un-ruled years ago! Seriously, it's hot here in Georgia until Nov. I'll continue to wear my white jeans. But... I really want that white coat...really!!!

  12. I grew up in the South where white after Labor Day and before Easter was a significan't faux pas. As Dallas is sweltering until November it's silly to have to worry about these rules. The photos you show with white look very tasteful and season appropriate. You always have impeccable taste, Kathysue!

  13. I will totally wear white after Labor Day. If I love it, I wear it. I make my own fashion rules - I refuse to be a follower!! xo

  14. If I thought I could keep them clean I'd wear white jeans all though until the end of October. I do love the look of a winter white from head to toe during the winter.

  15. Beautiful offerings for fall! Love the first image... I pinned it too! Lucky you to live in such a beautiful climate!

  16. We love a pair of cream corduroys with a jewel-toned cashmere turtleneck for the fall so we'll be wearing white after Labor Day, too! Hope you had a lovely holiday weekend and are off to a great start for September.
    C + C

  17. Yes, I will definitely wear white after labor day. Still hot here anyway.

  18. Only if it is a shirt/blouse/shell...
    Of course I never wear white BEFORE Labor Day either :^)
    Give me black, brown, navy or red and I am a happy person!
    Thanks for asking,

  19. Nope, but only because I tend to always get it dirty! Of course, that happens before Labor Day too!!!

  20. I love the idea of wearing white in the cooler months, particularly when combined with darker more wintery colours, why not. These looks are fabulous. I'm wearing white jeans today, but we are now in spring and I'm so excited. I love them.

  21. Such great outfits! Now if only I looked that good in white pants!

  22. We have the same taste. I had to pin a few of these. I have pined more fashion from your blog than any other.

  23. I love your fashion posts!!!!!!! After seeing all these chic looks, this makes me want to wear white year round! I love the look of crisp white but generally do not wear it much beyond Sept. Just something I have always done but I am also not a serious rule follower either, if this strikes my fancy, then I wouldn't hestiate to wear white!

  24. I wore my cream jeans today tucked into cognac boots with a blue shirt. Classic! So the answer is yes!!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue