Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Guess Where I Get To Go??

 My bags are packed, and I am ready to go!!

You might be wondering where I am headed. I am on my way to the San Francisco airport to take an eleven hour flight where will be arriving ………


Remember all of my wardrobe planning for the Fall? Well, part of that was for this wonderful trip.

We are a very lucky couple to be having this experience. We will be staying here…………

We get to stay in this beautifully appointed Paris apartment. If you would like to see more of the apartment you can go HERE!!

Let me show you the view from our terrace, oops, I forgot, we have not one, but two terraces to see this…….

P1030375a(1) (800x592)
(This image was actually taken from our apartment window by Bob Low)

This is what I see right outside our terrace window!

 Pinch me now!!!

It is our very first time in Paris, and I am already in love with this beautiful city.
I will try to do some post from this amazing city as our trip progresses so stay tuned………

This is Kathysue signing off from Paris……



  1. Oh lucky you!! Have a fabulous trip:)

  2. So exciting. I can't wait to see Paris through your

  3. Wow! I'm so jealous! The apartment is gorgeous, and with the most perfect view! I'm going to need to take a 1/2 hour to close my eyes with a good cup of coffee and a pastry and just pretend. Looking forward to hearing more about your trip.

  4. I am so excited for both of you. Have a wonderful time. Can't wait to hear all about it and pictures too, I hope.

  5. Have a great trip! I can't wait to hear about it.

  6. If you weren't so amazingly sweet I would be insanely jealous. (well I am still insanely jealous but in the best way possible:)
    You are going to have such an amazing time..the apt. is to die for!!
    Make sure you come back, now! Have a fabulous time.......I know you will.
    Au Revoir!!!

  7. Oh I keep thinking about you and this beautiful city and that gorgeous apartment. I can't wait to hear all about it and see all of your pics. Have a fabulous day and see it all. Hugs, Marty

  8. that is one stunning view!!!!

    live it up, baby.


  9. Have a great time Kathy Sue!!! I can't wait to hear about your adventures and to see pics~!

  10. I am SO excited for you Kathysue!!!!! Have fun & safe travels!!
    Have a pretty day!

  11. I am delighted for you. Have a wonderful visit. We stayed in a hotel at the foot of the Eifel tower when we went.
    I think Paris is the loveliest city I have ever seen

  12. oh how I envy you so!!! You are going to have so much fun!! I cant wait to read all about your adventures there. Make sure you stop into Lancel Paris and buy yourself a purse! :-)

  13. *** OMG, it's time ALREADY ?????

    Sooooo thrilled for you & the hubs~~~ KNOW you will enjoy every minute, ESPECIALLY staying where you're staying... morning coffee on the terrace, overlooking the Eiffel? It can't GET any better than that, darlin'!!!!!!

    ...Just have fun EVERY MINUTE!!!!

    Linda in AZ ***

  14. *** OMG, it's time ALREADY ?????

    Sooooo thrilled for you & the hubs~~~ KNOW you will enjoy every minute, ESPECIALLY staying where you're staying... morning coffee on the terrace, overlooking the Eiffel? It can't GET any better than that, darlin'!!!!!!

    ...Just have fun EVERY MINUTE!!!!

    Linda in AZ ***

  15. Bon voyage, Kathysue, and we know you'll have the trip of a lifetime!
    C + C

  16. I went there last year for my birthday, I was so scared, I don't speak french at all and heard all the things about the french people but I experienced none of it. I had the best time. Granted all we did was run from one tourist stop to another it was wonderful. I can't wait to go back and just linger over all that is Paris. I can't imagine not having a great time in that apartment or Paris.

  17. awesome!!!! enjoy, no pressure to post, just soak it all in!!!

  18. I AM SO SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!! I know you will make it the trip of a lifetime! Can't wait to hear all about it. And look so cute in the self portrait from your last post :)
    xo Stacy

  19. I have been thinking about you every hour - hope it's the trip of a lifetime! You deserve it! I can't wait to see the pictures!
    God bless- I love you!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue