Sunday, October 16, 2011

How I add Warmth to My Home In The Fall

I have never made claim to being a texture gal. I tend to like a more refined look with smooth or shiny textures. Except this time of year when the Fall weather starts I do bring in a few rougher textured items for my Fall look.

There is nothing prettier than the patina of an old cutting board. I am always on the look out for cutting boards, and I use them all the time. It seems as if there is always at least one on my kitchen counter. When we fix toast it sits next to the toaster with butter, knife, jam, and cinnamon sugar ready to be placed on the toast while it is still piping hot.

I am on the look out for several smallish boards to serve bowls of hot soup and crusty French bread………

When entertaining guest I  always have a cheese platter.  I prefer to use a pretty cutting board to display cheese, fruit, and fig spread.

For the Fall/Winter months I have a few cutting boards that I leave out as a decorative touch to give a warm cozy look to my kitchen.


The other texture I enjoy for the Fall months is in the form of baskets. I just purchased a new addition to my basket collection while visiting Tyler Florence’s shop in Mill Valley California with two of my blogging buddies!!…..

Fall 2011 003 (600x800)
It is a nice big tray that I will be able to use for lots of things when I entertain. I love the texture it adds to my kitchen placed behind my vintage milk glass lamp.

I also purchased a candle at Tyler Florence’s shop called Sunday memories by Park Hill candles, it is a warm, lovely scent, and I love the glow it has shining through the wicker basket holder it is in………

Fall 2011 006 (600x800)

While shopping at The Alameda Pointe Antique Flea Market I also purchased a fun French shopping basket on wheels. It makes a perfect addition to my family room. It is holding magazines by my reading chair………

Fall 2011 009 (600x800)

There is nothing quite as pretty as a basket overflowing with different kinds of breads.

I love to do this in an over-sized basket, it is so fun choosing different kinds of breads to go with a hot bowl of soup!

Now I am getting hungry for a wonderful crusty French bread and fresh roasted tomato soup.

I will leave you with a wonderful soup recipe I just made that I think you will love for a nice,easy Fall meal……

Click HERE for the recipe, you will be thanking me once you taste this delicious soup, I promise!

I served mine in darling white handled bowls from Crate and Barrel. The soup is topped with a garlic and butter crostini and  your favorite cheese. I chose Havarti for mine. Trust me this is soooo easy and well worth trying. It is a new favorite of mine.

These are just a few of the ways I warm my home up for the Fall/ Winter months with the addition of textures. What do you do to cozy–up your own home? We always can use some new ideas!!! Whatever it is I hope that you are …….

“Enjoying the Process!



  1. I just made a pot of chicken soup today! We had the best crusty breat as well.

  2. Ummm...this looks GREAT but I don't see the recipe!?

    I love those old wooden cutting boards, too. xo Diana

  3. Love the cutting boards and the baskets! The soup sounds to get the temps to drop so I can actually eat it! Still in the 80s here! :-( Happy week!...hugs..Debbie

  4. Not being a shiny girl myself...I love every single one of these images. So warm and wonderful. XO, Mona

  5. Kathysue, I am with ya! Love all these images. I have a thing for bread boards. There is a bit of charm about them.

  6. Great fall pictures. Those kitchen are incredible.

  7. Love this and now you have me on the hunt for some fantastic rustic oversized cutting boards, great French baskets and on top of that I am hungry, really hungry for hot tomato soup and crusty french bread...boy, does that sound good!! Great post and all such wonderful ideas that everyone can incorporate into their home!

  8. I love the use of texture in the fall and using it when you entertain or to serve meals to your family is a great way to add texture for those, like you, who enjoy smooth over rough.

  9. We have tomatoes on the vine, just waiting for this recipe! I visited Smitten Kitchen and copied off this soup recipe and what a great cooking website! Printed off three more recipes to try.

    Baskets and wood trays spell cozy. I use them year-round 'cause they make us feel so good. Love that dome shaped basket in one of your images.

    You do know how to start a good week. Thank you.

  10. I will make this soup this week. The weather at the beach is going to be cool after Wednesday!
    Such gorgeous images, Kathysue.
    Thank you for sharing this bit of Fall with us.

  11. I love your idea of serving soup on cutting boards, makes me want to have a get-together so I can do it! Thanks for the 'cozy' inspiration!

  12. I'm all about texture and love the earthiness from a cutting board or basket!!! I can't seem to get enough of them. My husband doesn't understand the mini-obsession. :)

    I made soup last night, too!! Can't wait to try your recipe next.

    xoxo Elizabeth

  13. Oh, I love the texture from baskets and bread boards, and these images are gorgeous!! The soup looks fabulous...somehow I don't think mine would quite look like the picture, but can't wait to try ~

  14. I love texture and color - but have trouble with pattern so I love your suggestions. I have always used baskets but had not thought of the cutting boards and love the looks you have achieved with them. Thanks for yet another good idea.

  15. Your French shopping basket reminds me of the one my mother used for odd errands when we were growing up... and love the one you picked up at Tyler Forence's shop!

  16. I love old cutting boards. I never thought of them as texture, but you are absolutely right. That is why they add such warmth and hospitality to a kitchen. Another inspiring post, Kathysue. Now I am off to search for some vintage bread boards.

  17. Adore the first image of the jam, bread and butter placed on the beautifully worn cutting board. NOW, that does indeed say "home"! Janell

  18. Kathysue I love your collection of cutting boards. I too love baskets, Autumn scented candles and changing out some of my rugs.

    I have a Designer Pillows Giveaway, I hope you will join!! (Great source as well)


    Art by Karena

  19. How lovely, warm, welcoming and cosy - I want to come and stay at your house!

  20. Wow! You got me hungry and even my baby started kicking me while I was reading this post!!!! LOL
    I need to try that soup! I love soup and this is the perfect time to enjoy them, right?

    What a beautiful and delicious post, Kathysue!

    Have a great day!


    Luciane at

  21. Hi Kathysue!

    Love this post so much and guess what? I have just the cutting board for you... we need to get together soon so I can give it to you :)

    Can't wait to try your yummy soup!!

  22. Love all your inspiration! Especially the vintage frigs side by side. So happy you found me so I could find you! Following you right back. I've enjoyed browsing around. Your green kitchen is adorable! Crazy about your playroom too!

  23. Kathysue,
    I have never met a basket I don't love! These baskets make me drool... and so does the soup!

  24. cutting boards and that CANDLE! am i gonna be able to find one of those??? i'll try. you have also reminded me i need to go hunting for a big primitive dough bowl to decorate for fall and the holidays.

    what incredible eye candy here! then you go and throw a delicious soup into the mix...genius!


  25. Yum...that soup looks so good right now...our temperatures just dropped to the 50's today!!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue