Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Is It Too Early to Start thinking About Christmas?

I had a surprise while watching TV last night!………

I just saw my first Christmas commercial last night!! It was adorable. There was a cute little girl all dressed in Christmas clothes pulling a Christmas tree across her front porch.
It was for QVC. At first it looked like a Target commercial. After I saw it was QVC, and not Target it dawned on me…. Omgosh Christmas!! How many days until Christmas!??

As of today there are 66 days until Christmas!!! Basically 2 months. Is it time to start at least thinking about it? What do you think?

Source: via Kathy Sue on Pinterest

I will have to admit I have been thinking about Christmas just a little bit. I have a few gifts in mind, and I also have a plan of what I want to do for my Christmas décor this year. I keep the basic family ornaments the same, and I will always do that, but I do like to shake it up a little so I am already thinking about it.

If any of you follow along with me on Pinterest you probably can figure out what direction I will be going! Even though I am thinking about it, I must admit I was a bit taken aback that there was already a Christmas commercial on TV.

So I am wondering how many of you are thinking about your plans for the Holiday's? How many of you are refusing to go there yet?

However, or whenever you choose to start thinking, or preparing for Christmas, I hope you are…….

“Enjoying the Process!”



  1. This scares me, I was afraid I might start seeing the "C" word, I get anxious thinking about it. Just as I was enjoying the last few days of summer, all I kept seeing was fall and halloween decorations, talk about pressure!! I think Christmas decor is going to be making its way into the forefront as soon as Halloween is over.
    I do love the holiday soooo much but need to feel really organized to be able to fully enjoy it. I guess if I am smart I should start thinking about it now, in small doses......thanks for the gentle reminder:)

  2. I've actually made my "gift list", but with no gifts by each name. I've got to get busy!! Not so much on the decor am I having thoughts, but certainly on the gifts! Beautiful pics!

  3. It's too early for me! I was aggravated when the Halloween candy was in the market back in August. When they start to soon it just makes the Holiday feel pressure filled and makes it too material which I feel takes away the true meaning. I LOVE that mantel though... and I must admit I can never wait to decorate for Christmas!! xo

  4. Hi Kathysue,
    I'm so not ready for Christmas, or even thinking about it! I noticed that Walmart already has a Christmas section and some of the small shops here in our area have already decorated for Christmas.

    I'm sure the theme you choose will be beautiful.


  5. Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year, and I'm already thinking of how to decorate for the season.
    I changed the furniture layout in my living room this year, and it recently dawned on me that I no longer have a place for my Christmas tree!
    I can't wait to rearrange the furniture again and start decorating for Christmas, but I'll try to restrain myself until mid-November...maybe!
    Have a lovely day, Kathysue!
    ~ Wendi ~ xo

  6. I know!!! It's going by way too fast! I went to Home Depot w/ my kids yesterday and it was filled with so many beautiful Christmas decor by Martha Stewart. I think I'll buy some things there soon. But I really cannot think about Christmas right now. I will deliver my baby in less than 6 weeks and gee.... how am I going to find time for Christmas after that??? :-) Do you want to come over to give me a hand?? :-)

    Have a wonderful day!


    Luciane at

  7. I changed the furniture layout of my living room earlier this year, and it recently dawned on me that I no longer have a place for my Christmas tree.
    I can't wait to rearrange the furniture again and start decorating for the season, but I'll try to restrain myself until closer to the middle of November. In the meantime, I'll be planning and dreaming!
    Have a lovely day, Kathysue!
    ~ Wendi ~ xo

  8. Since I follow your Christmas pins I think I have a pretty good idea of what you have up your pretty little sleeve. I love the holidays and no, it's not too early!

  9. I have a plan in mind, for Christmas, Kathysue. For the first time since we've owned the condo we are going to do a little decorating there for Christmas. I usually have a small counter top type tree, easily covered and put away. Not much storage there. This year we are bringing a faux pine tree, from home and a few other things. I don't think decorating will have a particular theme.

    I am hoping our children will gather in "mom's basement boutique" and take home family ornaments and other things, sometime before Christmas, as we are seriously downsizing next year, one way or other!!
    Not doing a lot of decorating at home this Christmas. Concentrating on the lake. It was very difficult for us to leave the lake, Sunday. Had we not had appointments this week, we would still be there.

    I haven't seen a Christmas commercial yet.

  10. Kathysue, this is a great post! I must admit, I'm "thinking" about it. When I see all of the great decor out already, I just have to stroll thru and take a peek! Like you, I have a plan!

  11. I would have Christmas all year long if I could! I will start with my Christmas posts in early November.
    Thank you for sharing these gorgeous images too!

  12. Kathysue, I am thinking about Christmas now because our whole family will hopefully be home for the holiday! I have decided I'm going to spray-paint those Twig Reindeer I got at Pottery Barn two years ago -- from silver to bronze. They just seem to want to be bronze!

  13. No, it's not too early to start thinking about soon as fall enters, the enthusiasm for the wonderful Christmastide begins for me -- and for others who also have a Christmas blog.
    I have most of my gifts already, but must think about gift wrapping next!

  14. Absolutely not! I'm with you, Kathysue! :-) My sister starts decorating inside in October to be ready for Thanksgiving...her "dirty little secret!" lol...hugs...Debbie

  15. Kathysue, I am still getting use to the fact that Thanksgiving is coming. I think I am getting old! Yiks!!!!

  16. Oh, yes Kathysue, Christmas is on my mind. I am trying to get some ideas. Since we have daughter in laws and son in law, we have cut back on gift giving. We buy each family one big gift. We spend way too much on the grand kids!
    I do try and personalize each gift with what I know they will like or something they need. We just started this last year, so far, so good!

  17. I have thought about it but not gone any further. We have a huge family wedding the Sat. after Thanksgiving so we will be gone the entire weekend. That's when I normally decorate. So I guess I'll have to do it earlier. I love your inspiration pics...especially the one from Camilla's Home. Thanks for sharing. I wish I had a space to set up a wrapping station. Have to think about that one too!

  18. Kathysue, I have already pulled out my Christmas decorations!!!! When you are a blogger, you just gotta be ready for the season!

    Also, I think I know what you're thinking because I have been thinking the same thing! I purchased three urns from Target when they were clearing out all of their outdoor furniture and I said they would be PERFECT for a small Christmas tree!

    Now, let me check to see if I follow your pins!

  19. OOOhhh wooow, love your blog!! It´s a great inspiration for my illustrations!!

    Follow you!!!


  20. I just booked a long weekend in New York City for 2 weeks before I have Christmas on my mine for sure..I checked all my outside lights yesterday to make sure they to do that now before the snow flies...once October is over Christmas just seems to fly in..Loved your post. Frances

  21. Have you seen this?
    No Christmas at Nordstrom until after Thanksgiving! So I guess there is still plenty of time to shop even if you wait until after Thanksgiving!

  22. Good Lord Kathy Sue......I haven't finished my spring decorating yet.....:)

  23. We just returned from a trip to Florida and upon entering our neighborhood, I saw 2 housed with Christmas lights up already. WOW! While I haven't started any shopping yet, I have thought about the Christmas cards I'm going to make and have already picked up some gift wrap.

  24. I was deciding on which photo to use for our Christmas card today and loaded up a TON of plaid ribbon for a holiday Mad for Plaid luncheon a friend and I are co-hosting. I don' t mean to cruise by Halloween and Thanksgiving, but 2 months is not a lot of time to prepare for everything, so I'm stockpiling things as I see them!!!

    Love the holidays!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  25. My plan doesn't change much year to year. I ahve SO much Christmas decor it is hard to change it around! I am hoping that my son and sister will both be able to come north to our house for Christmas, they are both in Fl. I ahven't seen a commercial but have seen decor in stores already! XO, Pinky

  26. I've given it some thought as I pass by the boxes with my decorations every time I do laundry! lol! I've made a gift list and am still waiting for grab bag yes, I guess I am getting ready for it! As long as it doesn't involve pressure, I'm all for it!!


  27. We've been traveling for 2 weeks, so I couldn't help but think about is in all the stores! I actually bought my first presents on this trip! Since we don't have Christmas at home, it gets harder and harder to feel like decorating. I love all the stuff and believe me, I have way too much, but all the work and no one sees it. Not sure what I will do this year, but I bought a funky old tree and I may just work with that.

  28. yes, like you i have been thinking about it but unlike most i have been thinking about it since july! the joys of being a retailer.
    i do however want to thank you kathy sue, that image of the candles in the fireplace will be replicated for a home we are decorating for a christmas walk

  29. I love, love, love Christmas. Since I was a new bride decades ago, I had what I called my Christmas closet for all the decorations I amassed. Nothing has changed, but now that I live in SW Florida in a house with 12-foot ceilings, my tree has gotten much taller and I have amassed even more decorations. (My latest passion is mercury glass.)

    I do not put up my tree (real, of course) until after the first week in December. It takes me about three or four days to decorate the tree. (I am old and it takes time to hang all the ornaments going up and down the ladder.) I play Christmas music and have a grand old time. In that same week, I dress the whole house in wreaths and garlands, ornaments and flowers.

    The only thing I do at this time of year is search for just the right presents for my children and grandchildren. Each one has a Christmas stocking and I love finding special things for them. Nothing has to be expensive, especially in this economy, but it has to be really special.

    Have fun. Victoria

  30. Oh my, can't quite start thinking about it yet. I absolutely love Christmas, but I have to have my turkey first!! Hope you're having a great week, Kathysue!!

  31. What a great reminder to "enjoy the process." It seems I am taking more care with everything these days, and being more mindful. Appreciating simple things. With your reminder I will start to fantasize about my tree theme...perhaps birds and nests again.

  32. Never too early to start thinking about Christmas - it's my favourite time of year. Love everything about it, and can't wait!

  33. I so love Christmas, but I also love Thanksgiving. It always seems to get lost in the shuffle. I'll be on to Christmas soon, though. My girls have already started their lists and posted them on the door!
    Take care,

  34. No way! Not too early at all. I am half way done my Christmas shopping. I like to enjoy the holday season and to truly do that with a list of "to-do" items hanging over me I find stressful. I learned several years ago to shop early and enjoy the meaning of the season. Also, the candles in the fireplace I do in the summer when entertaining in the Hamptons...a nice alternative to do when lighting a fireplace isn't feasible.

  35. I love the trees in urns. I started doing that when my kids grew up, but now that I'm a grandmother - - look out! It's a BIG tree with all the trimming and presents in the Family Room, and the elegant, smaller tree in the urn in the Living Room.

    I am enjoying Fall decorations, looking forward to Halloween and Thanksgiving and very excited about Christmas this year.

    Ana Maria

  36. I love the trees in urns. I started doing that when my kids grew up, but now that I'm a grandmother - - look out! It's a BIG tree with all the trimming and presents in the Family Room, and the elegant, smaller tree in the urn in the Living Room.

    I am enjoying Fall decorations, looking forward to Halloween and Thanksgiving and very excited about Christmas this year.

    Ana Maria

  37. I love the trees in urns. I started doing that when my kids grew up, but now that I'm a grandmother - - look out! It's a BIG tree with all the trimming and presents in the Family Room, and the elegant, smaller tree in the urn in the Living Room.

    I am enjoying Fall decorations, looking forward to Halloween and Thanksgiving and very excited about Christmas this year.

    Ana Maria

  38. I so love Christmas :)

  39. I see I am not alone in wanting to wait a while. But I applaud those who are ready to get in the spirit. I need an attitude adjustment on how to celebrate.

  40. Dear Kathysue,
    No,I think you can start thinking about whenever you would like.All the Christmas albums are coming out!Annd its almost November! So go for it.I saw three Christmas commercials last night.I personally wish it would come sooner! Love Christmas.

  41. It is never too soon!I love the color scheme on your silver tree! I can't believe Christmas is a little over a month away. So much to do with the shopping, food, and wearing the right clothes for the holiday. Not everyone likes to wear the fancy holiday sweaters and colors to celebrate the holidays though. A great way to incorporate the holidays with your wardrobe is to wear one of many holiday pins to show your enthusiasm for the season!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue