Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Sophisticated Pretty Halloween

Since I no longer have small children living at home I try to elevate my Halloween décor up a notch. I prefer a pretty, or sophisticated look over the scary look that is seen this time of year. I even like the cute side of Halloween.(I will do a post on that later!)

As most of my readers know I don’t do orange for the Fall, or for Halloween. My apologies to all of you orange pumpkin lovers. I look for black and white combinations that lean more towards the pretty, or sophisticated side of Halloween. Here is a group of images that I have saved in my picture files and on Pinterest……..

This would be so easy to duplicate. Just think of all the ugly not so popular discarded vases that are still on the shelves at the thrift stores. A can of flat black, or even chalkboard paint would give you the look of jasper ware.

Source: via Kathy Sue on Pinterest

I thought these were actually pretty renditions of a Halloween owl. I think flowers or even votive candles inside would look really pretty all lined up on your window sill to greet your trick or treaters!

A sparkly chandelier ornament makes such a pretty little napkin ring for a Halloween dinner.

Another can of spray paint!! This time in high gloss with shiny metal upholstery tacks makes for a pretty pumpkin.

Source: via Kathy Sue on Pinterest

How about a pumpkin candelier? I can not imagine cutting these pumpkins with all these pretty shapes, but I do have some pumpkins that are  carved somewhat like these that I ordered from Grandinroad several years ago. Unfortunately they no longer sell them.

Easy to do! Again, go to Goodwill or your local thrift store and purchase a broken lampshade. Strip it and spray the metal part black. Silhouettes are easy to find online, you can make a copy and put it in a frame and you can have this whole set-up!

This is just pretty!! This could be used for Halloween or for Thanksgiving as shown by the,”be Thankful!”

Simple white plates with the addition of black crows makes for an easy and striking decoration for Halloween.

This is a great example of mixing your textures. This is so sparkly and yet the clusters of hay give it a nice texture as well as the grapevine pumpkins. Simple cream candles keep this arrangement pretty and sophisticated.

I love, love this simple glowing arrangement. I am on the look out for some lanterns to paint white!

I remember when Eddie did this on his apartment mantel. I just loved the black rick-rack against the white pumpkin. He always does such amazing and inspirational ideas on his blog. He is now a regular contributor to Woman’s day and Southern Living magazines too!!

I don’t know about you all, but I know a lot of little girls that would love this butterfly pumpkin made with hinges and wire!!

If you like a little glitz in your life how about a spray can of metallic paints to do the trick?

Just a simple application of self adhesive black numbers, and you can add these to your porch with the numbers of your home’s address.

Source: via Kathy Sue on Pinterest

Purchase a pair of ladies lace nylons and put them over a white pumpkin, and you have created a beautiful lacy pumpkin. Pretty not scary!!

More tacks to add a pretty scrolling design to your pumpkins. A simple and yet very pretty way to add a sophisticated look to your pumpkins.

I don’t know about you all, but I feel more inspired just writing this post and pulling together all of these images.

“Enjoy the Process!” Of:

Adding a sophisticated or pretty feel to our Halloween décor



  1. Hi Kathysue! Love this sophisticated! I scrolled down to catch up...too much Little League...and I love seeing your house all prettied up for fall! You know how to add the feeling without using any orange...fabulous! And, of course, I remember your last fabulous trip and birthday party! Love seeing those pics again! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  2. I have no tradition of decorating for Hallowe'en Kathysue, but I love the lace pumpkin! and the white ones too - so maybe I'll dip a toe in the water this year - see, you have inspired me!

  3. I like to create a gothic-glam look for Halloween, (black, silver and a lot of bling!) I must admit I only decorate my front porch and foyer. I'm a bit of a Halloween Scrooge. :(
    I love the black lace pumpkin! I'll definitely be giving that a try!
    Have a lovely day, Kathysue!
    ~ Wendi ~ xo

  4. many good ideas. I am not into scary either and try to tone down the orange ~ it does do well in my house either. Love, love all of the new white pumpkins!

  5. Since my kids have grown I have stopped decorating for Halloween because it really doesn't go with my decor...but I love to decorate for fall, especially with the softer, more neutral colors we are finding now.

    Thanks for some great, inspiring images!


  6. Dear Kathy Sue,
    I Love those numbers on the pumpkins! What a cute idea!
    Hooe all is good in your corner:)

  7. I'm not a fan of orange pumpkins indoors (I do like them on my porch though.) I love the use of black and white here-you can always throw in a little orange a day or two before Halloween for the kids.

  8. Beautiful ideas! I especially love the creative pumpkin decorating ideas! Thanks for sharing.

  9. *** Them be sum dern goooooid lookin' punkins thar, Mzzz Kathysueue!!!!

    Seriously, we live in a gated community & there aren't many, if any, children here... makes for a nice, quiet community w/ lazy n' peeeeeeeeaceful opportunities to enjoy all the views, golf course, etc...

    ... B*U*T, I DO miss those days when the lil' munchkins WOULD come a' knockin!!! Annnd, since we never had any children, in all honesty I MUST admit I've always looked rather FORWARD to seeing all the excitement n' fun the kids were having... (myself included)!!!

    AAAAANYHOOOOO, wanted to THANK YOU for some LUSCIOUS, GROWN-UP pumpkin styles... we're having a 90th BIRTHDAY S*U*R*P*R*I*Z*E PARTY here tomorrow for Jim's Dad, & I/we just now finished about all that can be done ahead of time... THEN, I saw YOUR POSTING here, & thought "I'll just do SOME of these for fun for Dad's party!"... His Dad will get a kick out of them, I know...

    I've referenced "fall" in my "theme", BUT, not HALLOWEEN (lotsa folks think of R.I.P., skeletons, creepy, icky stuff, etc)~~~ I wanted it all fall-like but HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY for him! Not EVERYONE makes it to their 90th, right? (Annnd, he's got the normal amount of health issues, but he AND Jim's MOM are up early everyday, play cards several days a week, go out for lunches n' dinners, etc... we think that's FAAAAABULOUS!!!)...

    This is too long, I know, and I am totally POOPED, so will let YOU go, and I'll lay down & take a nap w/ the dogs!!!

    Warmest & THANKS AGAIN,

    Linda in AZ *

  10. I am with you Kathy as far as being an empty Nester! Plus, The kids in this condominium area are few and far between!

    All of your images are so inspirational!

    Oh I have a designer pillow Giveaway I hope you will join!


    Art by Karena

  11. I have a confession to make: I don't like Halloween--never have and never will. There, I said it! I'm like the bah humbug of Halloween. I do like decorating for fall though with pumpkins--all kinds of colors etc. Your post shows how Halloween/fall can be elegant. No witches on my porch, no sirree!

  12. I have the same confession to make as Delores ...I don't like Halloween either! Never have and never will! I love fall but I don't like Halloween because I don't like scarey at all and I'm not a fan of orange. However, I love the essence of autumn and all the rich fall colors and I love pumpkins. I can handle a little orange in a pumpkin but that's about it for me. I adore the gray and white and pink pumpkins and that's how I usually decorate for the autumn season with those beautiful color pumpkins. However, this year I'm way behind in everything. XO

  13. Great blog.
    I follow.
    Greetings from Tenerife (Spain)

  14. Kathysue-
    Perfect post for Halloween! I just love the white pumpkins, and all of the sparkle is beautiful.
    Have a nice evening.

  15. I am seeing some wonderful ideas here in Carmel and will post them soon. Love the black spray painted pumpkin.

  16. no halloween decorating here! no halloween here actually. but i love the idea of using a pumpkin for a vase...this i can do!



I would love to hear from you, Kathysue