Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My First Rose Bouquet This Spring

We might have odd weather this year, but apparently the roses really liked it!!! I have two rose bushes in my backyard and they just started blooming a few days ago…………………
ROSES may 2011 002 

The fragrance from these ruffled beauties is intoxicating.
ROSES may 2011 005 

ROSES may 2011 016 (600x800)
The Le Creuset pitcher was a gift from my middle son and his wife, and the rose bush was a gift from my oldest son and his wife. I would say looking at this bouquet makes me pretty happy!!!

ROSES may 2011 021 (800x600) 

ROSES may 2011 019 (600x800) 

ROSES may 2011 019 (600x800)
I am not exactly sure what the name of this beauty is, but I think it is French Lace. If someone knows please feel free to tell me in a comment.

I just had to share these beauties with you all!! I hope you enjoyed my first rose bouquet from my yard!!! I wish you could smell the fragrance!!



  1. Beautiful, Kathysue! The pitcher and the roses are the perfect combination. Blooming roses are one of the best things about spring and combined with the beautiful pitcher makes it sweet perfection. I can imagine the smile on your face each time you look at it.

  2. They look like beautiful, soft, fluffy clouds Kathysue! Just beautiful. Thank you for your comment on Mothers Day, I really enjoyed your thoughts about your children.. Rachaelxx

  3. Wow such big beautiful blooms! The color is exquisite and I bet they smell amazing!! So pretty...enjoy!

  4. Gorgeous, just like the lady of the house :)

  5. Kathysue, your roses are beautiful!


  6. Oh, those are stunning. Roses hold such special meaning for me as I remember being in my grandmother's rose garden. It was such a special part of my upbringing. How beautiful to have those in your own yard.

  7. Gorgeous blooms! I'm so jealous that your roses are in full bloom already. We're finally getting some spring color around here. Love the pink against the green of the pitcher! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Absolutely beautiful Kathysue! You and your roses-haha! Not sure if it's French Lace--a little too pink, but I could be wrong. Either way, they are perfect. Mine are a riot of blooms right now. Lots of white Icebergs and a wall of Cecile Brunner roses. Their scent is in the air! xo Delores

  9. I swear I can smell those roses through my computer screen!

  10. Glorious. Mine are just starting to bloom. The first will be the Knock-Out Roses.

  11. I, too, love roses! These are gorgeous and so is your beautiful pitcher! Wish I had smell through the computer:):) XO, Pinky

  12. I thought that first pic was a painting!!! So beautiful! Enjoy those roses...mine aren't out yet. Can't wait!!

    xo Elizabeth

  13. Kathysue, they're amazing! Wow! x

  14. Lovely...I see lots of buds on my bushes so I am getting excited. So nice how you bring yours indoors.

  15. Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing with us. Doesn't it feel so goo to grow them yourself? I just love digging in the dirt. Mona

  16. Very pretty. With all the rain this year the roses have been especially beautiful. These are glorious!

  17. Ooh these roses look fantastic Kathysue, and I can only imagine how wonderful they smell. I have tulips from my own garden sitting on my kitchen table!! I love bringing blooms inside :)
    Nancy xo

  18. Your roses are so pretty, Kathysue! And that pitcher is gorgeous! I only have knockout roses...not much scent but I can't kill them! lol I am catching up and read the post about your mom...so touching! Your mom is so pretty...just like you! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  19. What a beautiful gift! thank you for sharing it with us!

    Have a wonderful day!


    Luciane at HomeBunch.com

  20. Threw out all my roses this year. I was tired of working on them all the time. But your photos just reminded me that some things are worth the work...

  21. Oh I love roses...and the open cottage-y kind like these are my favorite! This post makes me REALLY want to plant some of my own. Now to find some space...space...hm. Seem to be out of space! Thanks for sharing! xo

  22. I swear that I
    could smell these
    beauties right through
    my computer screen, KS!
    And YES, I can see
    why the bouquet would
    make you smile in that
    darling pitcher. So
    sweet.....so YOU : )
    xx Suzanne

  23. Wow these are magnificent Kathysue!
    Hope you savour all the moments drinking them in!

  24. Kathysue~ You are just mean! ( :
    We aren't even close to seeing blooms here!
    Enjoy a sniff for me!
    Have a pretty day!

  25. I also enjoy taking pictures of flowers they are so lovely..


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue