Friday, May 13, 2011

Wisteria at Ikea Prices !!

It is no secret in blog land that I love stripes.
fall dining 2
You can see from my dining room and kitchen that I truly love stripes.

I use to have a blue and white ticking striped sofa, but when it became worn I purchased a floral sofa in a beautiful natural linen. It is a wonderful fabric but to be honest it has never quite suited me.

checks in my home 001 (800x600)

I am still in the market for my ticking sofa, but right now it is just not in the cards for me. So I have been looking for ways to freshen up my family room a bit and make it feel more like me!!

I had a wonderful conversation with my friend Delores from Vignette designs and she said, “Kathysue, I know you don’t want to hear this, but I think you just need to embrace your floral sofa!” She was right on both counts.

We talked further and she mentioned changing out the rug. I told her I had plans to do so if and when I got the ticking sofa. She suggested, "why don’t you get a rug now that would work with both this sofa and the ticking." She reminded me of how much I love stripes. So, the search began. I did not find one that was quite right so I quit looking.

Until today!!! You know how you get the little pop-up advertisements on your screen? Well, one came up from Wisteria so I started browsing.

I saw that they were having a sale with huge markdowns so I looked in the rug section and there it was!!!!
Wisteria (600x600)
checks in my home 001
wisteria striped rug for family room (600x616)
I could not believe the price it was originally $899 marked down 70% to $269.70 for a 9X12 cotton dhurrie rug. I was stunned!!  I emailed Delores and finally could not stand it any more and just called her to share the news!!!

The rug has been ordered and I am so excited!! Now my fingers are crossed in hopes that the description is true:
Bring a bit of spring indoors with this cheery, apple green striped cotton dhurrie. It’s the perfect way to brighten any room.

If you are in need of some new items for your home check  out…. Wisteria
w2 (781x474) 
Enjoy the Process of:

Finding a special deal on an item for your home!!



  1. I left you a comment, Kathysue...not sure if you got it. An error message popped up. Just saying how much that rug looks like you...and what a good deal! Off to check out the site...hugs...Debbie

  2. Your diningroom is beautiful, I also love stripes. What a great price for the dhurri rug, I am off to Wisteria in search of a nice sale!

  3. This post certainly does justice for stripes!! That first picture is just dreamy. That price for that dhurrie rug is amazing. Love the color and the crispness of it, hope you enjoy it!

  4. Love the new rug! And what a steal, too! Can't wait to see it in the room. Thanks for the sneak peek.

  5. I love that rug! It will be perfect with your sofa. Kristen

  6. Very should be a perfect compliment to the floral sofa. Pretty, pretty and an excellent deal!

  7. That is the perfect rug! It looks great with your sofa and will go with many other colors as well. Can't wait to see pictures when you lay it down!


  8. What a deal! I love your floral sofa (and the rug, of course).

  9. What?!!? I'm hopping over there now! Janell

  10. Have always loved Wisteria's look and I'm sure the rig will be perfect with the sofa - at that price, I'd be happy with it anywhere!

  11. My first sofa that i ever bought was a black and white ticking sofa. I loved that sofa....and it was with me for many years! Eventually slipcovered when my taste began to run toward the romantic.

    Now, I find I wear stripes more!
    Happy day, Kathysue!!!

    xo Elizabeth

  12. I'm so excited for your rug! I think you're going to fall in love with your sofa when you get that rug in the room--or at least make peace with it!
    BTW, I found a 5 x 8 rug on ebay this morning and ordered it. Original Pottery Barn, new for $170 and it's a red/brown/gold kilim. Talk about rug karma!

  13. Testing, testing!! Sorry about all the comments from yesterday being erased!! Blogger was having some major issues. I have reposted this post,but all the comments have been erased. I really appreciate all the comments and I did enjoy reading them yesterday until Blogger failed us. xo Kathysue

  14. Isn't it a bummer about blogger yesterday? Love the rug! It will be a fabulous addition to your home. Wisteria has some really great pieces!

  15. Oh Kathysue, I love your new rug. It will look fabulous in your familyroom. I can't wait to see what all you do to change things around a little. Love it. Hugs, Marty

  16. This is going to look fabulous with your couch, be sure to show pictures when you get it!! Lisa ;-)

  17. Oh Kathysue it's gorgeous!! Can't wait to see it in your home! Now I'm off to go look at the site! Have a wonderful weekend :)

  18. It's going to look gorgeous! Congrats on the great deal :)

  19. I just love a bloggy collaberation!!! I am not a floral or pattern sofa kinda person, but enjoy seeing those who are embrace it. The rug is probably just what you need. Maybe you could you do a custom slipcover for the fall/winter in a ticking or solid that would still be a good companion for your new rug.

  20. Kathysue, what a find! I love striped rugs...ever since I saw the one in the movie Somethings Gotta Give. I can't wait to see your's in place. Great snag at an awesome price! :)

  21. That is going to make you fall in love with your sofa all over again!!! Can't wait to see pictures and what a steal you got!

  22. That rug is so you and what a great deal! Sometimes all the stars align.

    BTW, the first non-hand-me-down piece of furniture my husband and I bought after we got our first house was a blue and white ticking stripe sofa.

  23. I so hope it looks just like the picture, because it will be absolutely perfect if it does. How exciting. I agree with Sherry, you'll just fall in love with your sofa all over again. Can't wait to see it together. Mona

  24. What a great find! It will look perfect with your sofa and I agree with Sherry and Mona, you will fall in love iwth your sofa all over again.
    I love it! I hope you will share a picture when you get it and let us know if it's the perfect compliment to your sofa.

  25. Perfect combination and that rug is much better priced than a new sofa would be. Love the mirrors and stripes in your dining room. Share the pic when you install it!

  26. What an amazing find!! Thanks for the heads up about the sale. I love the striped rug you chose. :)

  27. I agree what an amazing find! Your dining room looks awesome!

  28. oh, I think the rug is going to be PERFECT!! can't wait for its arrival! that Delores is one smart cookie!!



I would love to hear from you, Kathysue