Friday, May 27, 2011

Making Choices!!

Making choices is not always easy when it comes to our homes. Have you ever noticed that when you don’t have the money  you find all kinds of things you think you would like to buy? Then  when you have the resources, time and money to get what you want you can not make up your mind?
Why is that? I think it has to do with dreams vs. realities. When we face reality  we will choose the elements based on three things:
  • Availability
  • Affordability
  • Practicality
Those three words will throw us into reality in short order. I personally think these should always be in the formula of what will work in my home.
I am an advocate for planning. Without an over-all plan for the design of a room in our home we cannot make compromises that might possibly have to be made due to, availability, affordability, practicality!! By having an over-all plan for the look and feel we want a room to have, we can make good decisions based on the above criteria.
If you find something you love, but there is no way you can afford what you want how could you possibly make a compromise if you do not have a plan, direction and feel you want  for your room to have?
After you decide on the direction and feel you want for your room to have, you must then think of what the element you want to purchase will add to your room.  What is your objective for wanting this in your room?
For instance:
I am on the hunt for a basket to sit by my reading chair. My objective is :
  • storage for design magazines and books
  • something to fill an empty space
  • needed warmth and texture
  • round or oval shape to soften the hard edges of the brick
  • size can be as high as 21” by 20 in diameter
  • light in color to brighten the area in keeping with my summer look.
You can see from my objectives that a basket will fit the bill perfectly!!
family room baskets 001 (600x800)
(On the left side of the chair is the area where I would like to place the basket.)
family room baskets 003 (600x800)
I tried this basket, but it looks a bit small and I think I want a bit lighter color.
family room baskets 004 (600x800)
I used my laundry basket as a model for what size would possibly work. You should have seen my hubby’s face when I sat this basket in the family room!! He said, “We have spent thousand’s on this room and you are going to use that?!!” I of course cracked-up, and  I re-assured him this was just a prototype of what possible size would work. The basket measures  19in. high X 22in. wide. Now I have the size I need!!

Now for the reality formula!! What is available, affordable and practical.
This is what I have in mind:
Pottery Barn
img61l (800x720)
Extra large basket 21”diameter X 23.25 high.
It is textural, warm and will hold books and magazines. It meets all the criteria except for one, Affordability. This is from Pottery barn and is $129. Not a huge amount of money, but for a basket to hold my items I would like something for less and so would my Hubby!!

I have my objective so now I need to shop around with my plan in mind!!
I know I can get a basket at Homegoods that will probably look very much like the one above, but that will take time and patience. Aah-Hah!!
Another piece to the puzzle in our plan: Patience!! Now, that is a tough one for most of us. I read a post over at Karen’s blog,”Strictly Simple Style,” that made me think about writing this post. She addressed the issue of, “Making Do!” Be sure to visit her blog and read this post!!

Now back to the basket!!! Availability and  Affordability!!!!! Let’s shop around to see what is available and a bit more affordable……..
ballard $39 Overall 19 34H  19 14W 18 12D
It is light in color, oval in shape and the size is a bit smaller at:
18 1/2” deep by 19 1/4” wide, but it would still work. (Sherry sent a picture of this to me. Thank you, Sherry!!)
The price is definitely less, so will the compromise in the overall style be worth it to me?? I think I will look around a bit more…..

ballard 3 for $119
Ballard has  a set of three for $119!! Let’s see... divide that by three and it is approximately $36 per basket. The only problem is, I don’t need three and these are rectangular. I think the shape is too harsh with the hard lines of the brick.
Onward we go………

Crate and Barrel
basay basket crate and barrel $59.95asket. 20.75 dia.  23.25H
Shape is perfect!! Color is light!! Price is better!!
The size is a little over high X 21in. in diameter. A bit higher but it includes the handles.
Things are looking better to me!!!!

w5457-large wisteria $59Dimensions 22w x 21.5dia. 22
Color? Check. Shape? Check. Size 22in wide and 22 in high.
This does appear to be a bit more roughly textured than the one at Crate and Barrel. It is also more like the Pottery Barn basket. Notice the top rim and the handles are the same as the Pottery Barn basket. It is probably because Wisteria is a sister store for Pottery Barn.

I think $59 is reasonable and each of the above baskets meet all of my criteria. So which one will I choose, or will I wait until I can find one at Homegoods?  You know they will have one for around $29.99 or less. That would be a savings of $30, hmmmmm???? What will I do??????
To be continued…………
I need to go shopping!!!!

“Enjoy the Process!” Of:

Making an overall plan of attack to achieve a look and feel for a room or an element in your room!!


  1. I have a big basket of magazines next to my chair in my bedroom. Mine is lower and wider however. Will be curious to see which one you choose and I assume you will show us it in its final spot!!

  2. I always think that it works out best when you wait and get just the right thing...or at least as close to it as possible. I like your basket idea for this spot, it is going to look great. have a nice weekend.

  3. Karen@StrictlySimpleStyle has left a new comment on your post "Making Choices!!":

    I learned so much from this post as well as from the guest post you did on my blog. I've wasted money by not having a plan and instead just randomly buying things and hoping I could find a way to use them. One thing you said in the post you wrote on my blog was that the biggest mistake you can make is to buy something big without a plan. I'll keep that tip with me forever.

    BTW, thanks for the mention!

  4. Erika has left a new comment on your post "Making Choices!!":

    babes i love ur picks of baskets - i actually need something (like a basket or bin) for people to put their shoes in when they come in my house - any ideas? - i need something 'stylish' and doesn't scream 'shoe holder' ... ideas?! - ur SO great with this stuff!!!

    Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  5. Linda (Nina's Nest) has left a new comment on your post "Making Choices!!":

    Great thoughts, Kathysue. It's funny....when you mentioned the basket, I immediately thought of the PBarn basket - before you even showed it! Will be fun to see what you get. I am an official "basket-a-holic" Linda

  6. Hi Kathysue,
    Of course I like the PB basket the best, but the Wisteria one is almost as good. The price is right. However, I have seen these baskets at TJ Maxx and Homegoods. I think you need to hit the streets today! Good luck!
    Enjoy your holiday weekend my dear! ~Delores

  7. Check some of the on-line sources like,, They do a great job with knock-offs. I'd probably do a sweep of the HomeGoods, Marshall, Ross stores and then if I didn't find it, get it on line. I do like either the Crate and Barrel or Wisteria. Remember, it's like shopping for sterling silver many choices in the store, but whatever you come home with, will look beautiful!

  8. Love the three baskets by Ballard! Could use one for magazines, one for a bread basket and the smallest for a number of things!
    Kathysue, I love your blog, and you are the nicest person. I appreciate your comments and I am adding you to my blog roll so that I will know when you post.
    Have a great weekend.

  9. love all of them and remember, pottery barn, wisteria and ballards all offer discounts to designers.

  10. the PB copy from Wisteria! I am glad someone has a plan....I am the worst at that for myself!!! I laughed at the laundry basket in there before I read you were checking for size!

  11. I do love all the choices you've found Kathysue, and I couldn't agree more with the idea of having a plan rather than buying random items!! Hope you have a fantastic long weekend friend,
    Nancy xo

  12. Love the tips, Kathysue! Thanks! Sherry is truly the best. I love the one from Wisteria, by the way!



I would love to hear from you, Kathysue