Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Tisket a Tasket I found a Basket !!

I made a trip to Homegoods and I found a basket just like the pottery barn basket for $59.00 instead of the $129.00. After seeing it in person it looked huge so I had to re-evaluate my plan.

Next I saw a basket that was a little shorter, but the color shape and width were perfect. The texture was much smoother, but I liked that aspect. It was definitely worth a try at home so into my basket it went. At $29.99 it was more than worth it.

magazine basket 001 (689x800) (689x800)
This basket was  handmade by the women of Lombok Island, a small island East of Bali in Indonesia. It is beautifully and skillfully made so, even if I were  to find another basket ,I would keep this one and use it in my master bedroom to hold books.

magazine basket 004 (800x600)

Next I went to the clearance aisle. They had two varying sizes of square baskets with lids. The large one was on clearance for $12 and the smaller one was only $9. They are not skillfully made like the other basket but I like that they have lids to hide what is inside.

I have a desk in my home that was mine as a little girl. In fact underneath the desk I have the name of my childhood heart-throb written.

magazine basket 014 (600x800)

magazine basket 026 (394x800)
Under this desk you could see the cords to the phone lamp etc. and it annoys me. Do you all hate cords as much as I do? Well, these baskets stacked on top of each other hide the cords and hold magazines and the extra decor books I have that won’t fit on the shelves. Score!! into the basket they went!!! I just  solved two decorating issues with one trip to Homegoods. I love when that happens, don’t you?
In January I wrote a post where I said that I wanted to add more baskets to my home this year. I think I am on my way…….
“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Adding texture and storage to your room with baskets 


  1. I LOVE the baskets you chose! I am making a trip to Birmingham next week and see what the Homegoods there has. Michaels had a few tray-like baskets that I want.
    That was quick!
    Hope that you have a nice holiday weekend.

  2. Great! Yes...I love when that happens. I laughed when I saw that we subscibe to the same magazines, wonder why that is? (-: have a super weekend.

  3. I love all three baskets. The one next to your chair is so well made, and very meaningful.
    I just refinished a buffet for my hall and it needs something under it because it has such plain legs. The baskets are a great idea!
    Have a wonderful weekend Kathysue!


  4. Great basket finds! I might need to go to Homegoods now!

  5. Kathysue, I love all of your baskets and they look fabulous in your room. Great buys also. Hugs, Marty

  6. So pretty Kathysue! I think I have a basket in everyroom :) When the kids were little it was so easy to do a quick pick up by throwing everything in the basket. Enjoy your weekend. I can leave comments now, Im so excited :)

  7. Love your baskets!! I love seeing all the great finds people come up wtih from Home Goods.....such goodies. I am a big basket fan, have them all over, for my toiletries in my linen closet, for my meds and towels, for all my magazines, etc....they are just a great way to organize everything! Happy holiday weekend!

  8. Great basket finds! Like you I don't care to see cords. I've used all sort of things to hide them. Recently moved a wooden box into the kitchen from the sunporch..sure wish we had a Homegoods close by..then again, for my pocketbook it's probably a good thing there isn't lol.... hope you're having a good w/k.
    hugs ~lynne~

  9. What a great way to hide cords. I have the same problem with a console table and tried using the bottom shelf like a bookcase to hide the cords but you could still see a bit of it peeking out. Every time I visit this blog I pick up something new. Thanks Kathysue!

  10. Kathysue,
    I love the basket that you chose for your space beside of the chair. It's perfect.

    Love the idea of the baskets to hide cords too!


  11. I like it! And love the basket idea to hide cords and empty space under the desk!!!

  12. Homegoods never lets you down(well, almost never)..I've found great baskets too. At the moment they have huge planters from Vietnam for half the price at the garden centers...just may have to wander over there tomorrow!

  13. I like that one better because it's a little more you!! The vignette looks complete! I love to fill up the space under desks and consoles. Just makes them look finished. Great find for you!!

  14. Kathysue, I love that basket for your magazines and your desk is gorgeous. The storage baskets are perfect and I hate cords, too. I try to hide them the best I can.

  15. All of these baskets are perfect! I also hate cords has always been a pet peeve!

  16. *** "LOOOOOKIN' GOOOOOD, Dahlink!! *** (And I, too, cannot stand the sight of cords & "utility thingamajigs" that make my home look unsightly or just UNfinished~~~ it really looks great now~~~ and it makes for a LOVEY PIC too!!!!!!

    Sooooo, "Ya did it (!)", ANNND saved $$$ too!!! Hallelujah!!!

    Linda in AZ *

  17. Don't you just loooooove Home Goods!? Gorgeous basket you picked!

  18. I love the basket and yes, I hate cords.

  19. I love baskets too, anything with storage possibilities! And hiding those untimely cords is always a big plus! Lisa ;-)

  20. Those are so great. I love the oval one {or round!} And I really love that you have the name of your old heart throb underneath the desk. What a great story and treasured piece with a great history.

  21. Your HomeGoods basket is perfect... a better choice and a great price.
    Good job hiding the cords too!

  22. Ugh, so hate cords. The cable cord is driving me batty lately! Need a fix for that! Love your basket finds! I love that you have your heart-throb under that desk. Too sweet!


  23. Hi,Kathysue, as usual I'm so behind on reading blogs. It just gets harder & harder to see what everyone is up to. I love your new baskets, they truly are versatile and great to decorate with.

    I see you have met Sherry too & I am so excited to connect with her in ATL now. She's great & I look forward to more fun times with her. Love her style so much, as well as yours.



  24. Apparently blogger is giving some fellow bloggers problems leaving comments on my blog. Sorry guys. Rhoda sent this comment via email so I posted it for her.

  25. I tried to comment earlier and couldn't but now I can. I love the new baskets!!! I hate seeing cords too! Have a great week, KS. XO, Pinky


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue