Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Look What Sherry Did For ME!!!!

With every room design, or re-do there has to be a plan. I am a big planner!!! I have to know what direction I am headed before I venture out. I know there are those who just go for it, and often times it works for them, but in my life I have to have a general over-all plan of where I will possibly end up.

I have talked about how important it is to stay true to who you are when it comes to designing or choosing elements for your home. I personally have a very fine line with what will be pleasing to my eye.

Not too many people get me!! Recently through some fun email conversations with the ever-humorous, talented Sherry Hart from Design Indulgence blog,  I told her of my plans for my family room that was going to change due to the fact of my recent purchase of a new green and off-white striped rug from Wisteria. In just a few conversations, Sherry got me.

She actually took it upon herself to put together a poly-vore board for me. That alone impressed the heck out of me. To think that someone would do that for me. I am the one that is usually helping someone with their room design. I have never been on the receiving end. Let me tell you it almost overwhelmed me that someone would be so generous, but that is Sherry!!!! Generous to a fault.
Let me show you what she put together for me……

untitled (500x500)
I could not believe my eyes!!!She nailed it!!! I loved each and every element she applied to the room. She added the white chairs because I mentioned the possibility of maybe some in my future.
A couple of the elements I had considered already, such as the wooden turned lamp and the rustic basket. I already had some blue and white porcelain, but not mixed with the white.

 What I had not seen was the amazing green embroidered pillow. I also loved the black sconces and the wood octagon mirror. I had thought of using a basket for a coffee table but not a rough metal and wood table.

I know that she has been such a wonderful, and faithful reader of my blog. She is a true designer, she obviously listens and observes. I imagine she had a clue from seeing what I liked and what was already in my home, and she came up with a wonderful combination of elements that she titled: Nantucket Family room!! I love that!!

If I had to describe my style it would be Casual-Elegance. I require light and bright with a fresh crisp color pallet. I love symmetry and I lean more towards a traditional feel.

Sherry did tell me this:

"I just tried to keep in mind the pictures of your home by looking at your home tour. A little casual, not country, not beachy but more sophisticated and classic, timeless."

I feel that Sherry truly gets me!!! I admire her design aesthetic and I would not be afraid to ask her opinion because I know this blogging friend truly gets me!! Thank you Sherry for diving in and doing the poly-vore inspiration board for me!

Now I need to get that basket from Pottery Barn and a couple of mirrors and I am set!!!
“Enjoy The Process” Of:

Getting wonderful design advice from a generous fellow blogging friend!!



  1. Sherry is a great testimony of the blogosphere! I have found women to be so helpful and is a great place to have frienships!!

  2. Now that is a good friend!! What a talent she is...I LOVE the room she put together, it is just perfect, totally gorgeous. Couldnt' have done better!

  3. Sherry is Brilliant! You did see what she did at the shelter, right??? OMG, I couldn't stop taking pictures of her room! Then her home in Better Homes and Gardens....LOVE! She is a girl after my own heart. Now she needs to literally come to my house;)

  4. I really like the wood elements and the more relaxed pieces that Sherry added.

  5. What a beautiful mood board! What a terrific friend to put it together for you. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Adore Sherry and her work! Such a great sense of humor and style with a big dose of generosity thrown in. Janell

  7. When does that ever so talented and generous Sherry sleep?

  8. How sweet of Sherry! Her ideas are wonderful!
    And she is a crack up!
    Have a pretty day!

  9. Sherry is fantastic isn't she?! Love what she pulled together for you and your summer family room is looking good my friend.

  10. Wow Kathysue, I love her design board. It definitely looks like you. Gorgeous and everything would be totally perfect for your room. Such a thoughtful and kind thing to do. Aren't bloggers just the best. Love ya. Hugs, Marty

  11. Kathysue! Thanks so much for appreciating what I did! Seriously,you made it easy because you know your style:). Glad you are loving your room. Sherry

  12. Now that is one nice lady! Love what she shows here. She is on the money as far as I can see.
    I hope that your week is going well.

  13. What a generous friend you have and who knows your taste.

  14. Great design board. I love the fresh colors!!!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue