Friday, March 11, 2011

Play room Progress

We are still chipping away on the playroom and we are almost down to the finish line!! Yay!!

I am loving everything we have done so far and it is turning out to be a room that both hubby and I are very pleased with.

I can not wait to get it done so I can have my special boys and girl come over and see their new room.

Here is a sneak peek at some of the elements………..

playroom progress 002
Play room progress 003

playroom progress 002

playroom progress 002 (800x600)

playroom progress 017

playroom progress 008 

I can hardly stand it I am so excited!!! Back to work~!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

The anticipation of a finished project!!



  1. Loving the tidbit thus far! How sweet of you to make special playroom for your grandchildren. I'm wondering, do you think this is a trend? My mother has one for hers and my in-laws too!

  2. Hi Kathysue! Ooooh...I can't wait to see the finished product! I know it will be perfect! You are such a sweetie to do this for your little grandies and I know they are going to love it! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  3. The details are looking terrific! Your grands will be so pleased with their new playspace. Can't wait to see the big final reveal.

  4. What a great tease, I am wanting MORE! Love the striped cushion with tile pillow. Love the elephant wicker table!

  5. I love it already ... what fun colors. Can't wait to see the reveal! Becca

  6. This is so exciting Kathysue! I loved seeing the progress from the initial idea stage to completion. Can't wait to see the reveal! Hugs, Kat

  7. Ok, ok, I am so excited to see the finished product! So far everything looks great.
    Have a good weekend Kathysue.


  8. Love it and cannot wait to see it all finished. That green fabric is so it. My parents have a nursery in their home for Maddie/Harry.....Maddie loves it!

  9. How exciting!! It is going to be wonderful I can tell already, can't wait to see the big reveal!

  10. What a lovely project, the most striking feature I find here is the love with which you are making it!
    I am sure its going to come out very beautiful (it already is actually) and your GC will surely love it!
    All the best:-)

  11. Looking fabulous!! Just love the colors. Can't wait to see more!!

  12. Ohh how exciting! The color is just gorgeous, cant wait for the big reveal!!

    xo Linda

  13. Liking the colors and that huge P!

  14. This is beautiful! I love that elephant. You are fortunate that your grandbabies will use such a room. Mine all want to hang out around the adults and play in the "garage play room." It really is pretty. They will always remember that you made it just for them!

  15. Kathysue, I can't stand it either! So exciting! I can not wait to see it all!! whoo hooo!
    Have a pretty day!

  16. Beautiful color choices!! Can't wait to see the room!!

  17. I am so excited for you. I am looking forward to the reveal. I love the colors.
    I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

  18. You are such a tease......hurry...your fans are waiting!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue